Official Bitcoin Thread

Always gonna be pull backs... Just make sure you don't buy on green....

I'm gonna hodl Bitcoin until 2030 or so... Adding to my alt portfolio tonight since they haven't been moving during the recent run up. Probably won't really pop til btc passes 19k.
Your buys in green should be small positions that you add to anticipate a breakout. Buy a pullback, use chase size to buy a small portion in anticipation, add on confirmation.
Fed chairman testifying before congress live right now and half the questions are about cryptocurrency, very clear even the highest levels of power in the traditional economic institutions recognize crypto is here to stay and is the future. Really amazing how far we've come and how far we can still go.
damn I bought in at 11.4k lol , how low you guys think before it rebounds? I think 9k . nice time to add to the bag for sure though
A lot of times when everyone is waiting for a drop back down to a specific level it doesn't come because people get frustrated of waiting and just buy in higher. Let's see what happens.
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