...Official BLACKBERRY Thread v.updated...

Pitman13 wrote:
superblyTRIFE wrote:
9700 copped. Can't wait. I'm definitely looking forward to a 3G BB on TMO. Finally.

Agreed, but T-Mo still needs heavy work in their service department. Sometimes, I don't have signal in my crib.
Nevertheless, I'm in love with the BB9700.

go check out the new coverage map and plans for tmobile and then see if you fall under the "no service"talk.

as for the 9700 and the unlimited plan, T-mobile got a new customer. Even thought i should have switched when i started working for them.

Originally Posted by Pitman13

Originally Posted by superblyTRIFE

9700 copped. Can't wait. I'm definitely looking forward to a 3G BB on TMO. Finally.

Agreed, but T-Mo still needs heavy work in their service department. Sometimes, I don't have signal in my crib.
Nevertheless, I'm in love with the BB9700.

I really dont understand how some of y'all can be so comfortable with bad reception? I've tried pretty much every service out there, and I have currentfriends who have iphones through different carriers and I always hear them complain about reception.
When I use to have At&t I would lose a screw whenever I experienced bad reception. Sometimes I would be on the phone in my room and I had to lay in acertain spot on the bed to get ok reception.

The other night I was at TGIF with my buddy who owns an iphone and he had ZERO reception.....He had to use my Verizon Blackberry to call out. I dont know ifits just me, but things like that would URK me like crazy. I have no patience lol

verizon has been golden, sure I pay more but its worth feeling comfotable every time I need my phone.
@ solesavage

I get good reception with TMO. Every now and then I may not if I'm in a basement or the middle of a huge +@% building. But all that said, UMA is a beast.WiFi/UMA ftw.
^reception is different for everybody I always have signal for t-mobile And I'm thinking about getting that 9700 hope I have an upgrade availabe. Now whatshould I do with my 8900...
now yall ###@*$@ on the tour....so whats the best bb on sprint?

man ima end up getting another palm the way its looking
tour is fine. it'll be even better with the official OS 5.0. i've had the tour since day one and not one single issue with it.
word... i was going to get the tour today and get rid of my touch pro. now yall saying the tour aint ++#%? what's the deal.
Originally Posted by Cobra Kai

word... i was going to get the tour today and get rid of my touch pro. now yall saying the tour aint ++#%? what's the deal.
I had the touch pro 2 and returned it to get the tour. Saved money and don't regret it at all.
Originally Posted by Fresh Money

Pitman13 wrote:
superblyTRIFE wrote:
9700 copped. Can't wait. I'm definitely looking forward to a 3G BB on TMO. Finally.

Agreed, but T-Mo still needs heavy work in their service department. Sometimes, I don't have signal in my crib.
Nevertheless, I'm in love with the BB9700.

go check out the new coverage map and plans for tmobile and then see if you fall under the "no service" talk.

as for the 9700 and the unlimited plan, T-mobile got a new customer. Even thought i should have switched when i started working for them.


Will definitely link you.

@solesavage, 100% agree with you about Verizon, everyone I knows w/ Verizon has signal in the most odd places, while my signal fades in and out in randomstores.
Originally Posted by DaCitySlanga

Ok people bashing the Tour, but the thing of it is. The Bold 9700 is a GSM device. Verizon and Sprint are CDMA so they wont even be getting the 9700. They just got the Tour back in July and VZW is getting the Storm 2 next month.
ok whats your point we all know this! im mad about this crappy track ball they had the nerve to release when thy had the track-pad technologyrefined it takes me like 3days to scroll left

edit: im not saying i dont like the tour im more upset about verizon always being the last carrier to release phones it will be another few years before we geta replacement for the tour and by that time that phone will be obsolete. And i dont want a store i need a keyboard...
[table][tr][td][/td] [td]
all you dudes bashing the tour....i was about to buy one.....
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I dont see why, the Tour is a GREAT phone. Verizon and Sprint customers should be thankful, it was about time they got a new blackberry.
Plus Sprint got the Palm pre and tp2 this year. Verizon is straight lame with their non having selection of phones.

If you have a problem with your phone messing up they sure do take care of you though, so does sprint.

9700 coming soon, for all those asking me about it, I got you guys.
I might get it myself, for now im very happy with my Bold.

High deposit for at&t? Should only worry about it if youve got bad credit and youre a new customer.
If youve got bad credit go with Tmobile or Sprint. With Sprint I can almost always get you guys approved with no deposit.

The 9700 will work better on at&t but as far as plans T mobile is more affordable.
Canadians: Tour 2 drops in November for Telus (was told from a friend who works at their Head Office).
Originally Posted by Jaw Knee C

tour is fine. it'll be even better with the official OS 5.0. i've had the tour since day one and not one single issue with it.

when is 5.0 suppose to be out?
I was almost sure I was gonna get the Bold2 even with the Storm2 coming out. But I just read that they already testing a new model coming down the pipeline andit's making me think about waiting even longer.

from www.salomondrin.net

Blackberry Dakota - Update
Posted by Salomondrin under Blackberry
Let's talk about what we know already about the upcoming Blackberry Dakota first, and then the new feature we JUST heard about.

We know:

1) Its the around the size of a Blackberry Bold (Original)

2) Its a GSM device

3) It has a touchscreen + qwerty keyboard. (Not a slider though).

4) It has a trackpad.

5) Its code-name before was Magnum.

And now, here is what I just found out about it:

6) The camera has a "liquid lens".

What's a Liquid Lens?

Its new fluid lens camera technology that has no moving parts. The new lens mimics how the human eye works to focus and see.

To read more about Liquid Lens Technology visit this link:


How Awesome does that sound?
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