...Official BLACKBERRY Thread v.updated...

god im tempted to switch back to BB. i went from the storm to the iphone. and i love the iphone, but the ATT service kills me after being used to verizon forso long.
Damn, a Tour2 already?!!! I know a lot of people are TIIIIIGGGHHHHT right about now...lmao.

Verizon did ya'll wrong with that one. Should have had WiFi and trackpad right from the jump, but I guess that dropping another updated version only meansmore $$$$$$ for RIM and VZW.
Just a trackpad and wifi? no thanks. Happy with the tour as is and actually would prefer the trackball but who knows I havent experienced the trackpad yet. Butwhats the true need of wifi when you can get internet almost everywhere with verizon? I dont get it.
Holy !%#!. The OS 5.0 improved the hell out of my storm. It actually runs smoothly and doesn't freeze on every damn command. The improvement is amazing.I'll probably be looking at that Tour 2 though in a few months.
Originally Posted by akm2tan

Just a trackpad and wifi? no thanks. Happy with the tour as is and actually would prefer the trackball but who knows I havent experienced the trackpad yet. But whats the true need of wifi when you can get internet almost everywhere with verizon? I dont get it.

I thought the same thing until I was in 1 of the buildings on my campus. My school is right off the beach pretty much surrounded by water. In 1 of thebuildings I have class there's wifi, but 1 of my classes I guess is right in the corner of the campus and I get VERY little service. I never get 3gservice in that room, and sometimes it goes in and out from having no data at all. So far its just that one room I have a problem with on campus and it kindasucks not being able to use wifi in that situation.
Originally Posted by AJChick23

Originally Posted by grittyman20

I'm really thinking about switching over to TMo when that Everything Plus plan goes into effect and cop that 9700.

Since I'm technically a "free agent", which provider do yall think has the best BB plan/rates?

Project dark is now available.. now you have to wait till Nov.11th ( i think thats the date) to cop the 9700.

New date is Nov. 16th (subjectively)
Just got a heads up that the T-Mobile BlackBerry 9700 might have been pushed back to a November 16th launch. Not confirmed, though. Pricing is confirmed, however, at $199 with a two-year agreement and $449 for full retail .

Originally Posted by HARMCITY45

Originally Posted by AJChick23

Originally Posted by grittyman20

I'm really thinking about switching over to TMo when that Everything Plus plan goes into effect and cop that 9700.

Since I'm technically a "free agent", which provider do yall think has the best BB plan/rates?

Project dark is now available.. now you have to wait till Nov.11th ( i think thats the date) to cop the 9700.

Whats so good about this blackberry??? Whats the difference between this one and the last blackberry bold.

I guess i just dont see whats soo different about it......Other than 3G
Originally Posted by pacmagic2002

Originally Posted by HARMCITY45

Originally Posted by AJChick23

Originally Posted by grittyman20

I'm really thinking about switching over to TMo when that Everything Plus plan goes into effect and cop that 9700.

Since I'm technically a "free agent", which provider do yall think has the best BB plan/rates?

Project dark is now available.. now you have to wait till Nov.11th ( i think thats the date) to cop the 9700.
Whats so good about this blackberry??? Whats the difference between this one and the last blackberry bold.

I guess i just dont see whats soo different about it......Other than 3G
word, someone put me on
bout to make the jump from the SK along with that unlimited plan
3G is the only differance?
Originally Posted by pacmagic2002

Originally Posted by HARMCITY45

Originally Posted by AJChick23

Originally Posted by grittyman20

I'm really thinking about switching over to TMo when that Everything Plus plan goes into effect and cop that 9700.

Since I'm technically a "free agent", which provider do yall think has the best BB plan/rates?

Project dark is now available.. now you have to wait till Nov.11th ( i think thats the date) to cop the 9700.

Whats so good about this blackberry??? Whats the difference between this one and the last blackberry bold.

I guess i just dont see whats soo different about it......Other than 3G
Better cam, more onboard memory for apps, and a trackpad. That about it. Don't think it's really worth it if you already have a Bold. It's too small compared to the Bold.
not gonna lie, as sexy as the 9700 is, the OG bold is still a timeless design. ESPECIALLY that white joint a few pages back. omgaaaawd
Got my Storm2 yesterday, VZW is still offering the Buy one Get one so I got my pops the Tour. Loving the Storm 2, I type as fast (maybe not as accurate) as Idid on my Voyager. Wifi is a big plus too.
Someone school me on removing my trackball to clean it or something...*#@* keeps getting stuck and I have major trouble using it. Got the Bold.
Originally Posted by krey1231

Got my Storm2 yesterday, VZW is still offering the Buy one Get one so I got my pops the Tour. Loving the Storm 2, I type as fast (maybe not as accurate) as I did on my Voyager. Wifi is a big plus too.

how would you rate it compared to the original storm at launch?
So I guess Verizon has the buy one get one going on till 11/7 as far as I know. I'm up for a new phone with my bro on the 3rd so now I'm stuck choosingbetween the storm 2 or the tour. I'm leaning towards the tour, wondering for those who have one how they like it?
Originally Posted by freshbottoms

So I guess Verizon has the buy one get one going on till 11/7 as far as I know. I'm up for a new phone with my bro on the 3rd so now I'm stuck choosing between the storm 2 or the tour. I'm leaning towards the tour, wondering for those who have one how they like it?

i like it but i have it w/ sprint
Originally Posted by TheTim11

Originally Posted by yungchamp

tour 2
dammit sprint
.....i just paid retail for a damn tour and this is finna drop????? looks like i'll b returning my tour and getting my 8330
reactivated until this "essex" releases
Will Sprint's Nazi empire even let you do this?

Are they gonna discontinue the OG Tour on Sprint when the Essex drops..its only right
....if not...accidental damage, here I come

it hasn't been 30 days since I've bought it, so if i return it now and reactivate my curve I should be money....also i didn't know that sprintactually gives you money for you phone. They were going to throw me 50 for my 8330, so I may just have em by the phone back from me and pay the difference if Ifeel like it......

p.s. i'm still like efff sprint for this *$*!! talk about milking n_'s
how much will the blackberry 9700 be? im planning to exchange my curve 8520 which i rencently copped
Originally Posted by Hugo

how much will the blackberry 9700 be? im planning to exchange my curve 8520 which i rencently copped
My boy said same as the OG Bold @ launch. $299 w/ 2-year contract
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