...Official BLACKBERRY Thread v.updated...

who has a working link for that precision7 hidden icons theme..the link i'm finding keeps directing me to a German porn site

true story
Originally Posted by Frank Mucus

Originally Posted by rwfanatic

Originally Posted by just reason

just copped the 9700 for $60 with no contract..
going from an iphone to this is going to be difficult..(i keep touching the screen)
How in the heck did you pull that off?
Word. How you dudes getting these deals? I just paid $430 for mine
first i threw my 1st gen iphone against the wall
(lost my3gs a couple weeks ago and need 3G and insurance)
nah.. i went to tmo and opened a new account..
i guess my credit was very good because i got approved for a lot of phones..
then it was a two year plan (even more) or the even more plus plan(which consists of no contract)..
then when combined with my credit.. the guy was like it's going to cost $20 for the phone today..
i was like
then i got some accessories.. $60..

pin - 2158E521
Originally Posted by just reason

Originally Posted by Frank Mucus

Originally Posted by rwfanatic

Originally Posted by just reason

just copped the 9700 for $60 with no contract..
going from an iphone to this is going to be difficult..(i keep touching the screen)
How in the heck did you pull that off?
Word. How you dudes getting these deals? I just paid $430 for mine
first i threw my 1st gen iphone against the wall
(lost my 3gs a couple weeks ago and need 3G and insurance)
nah.. i went to tmo and opened a new account..
i guess my credit was very good because i got approved for a lot of phones..
then it was a two year plan (even more) or the even more plus plan(which consists of no contract)..
then when combined with my credit.. the guy was like it's going to cost $20 for the phone today..
i was like
then i got some accessories.. $60..

pin - 2158E521
That doesn't even make sense. Because of your credit they dropped the price like that?
I'm salty.
Going strong on Sprint with my 8330 until the Essex comes out.

PIN - 30EC1FEB. Add it. Learn it. Love it.
Originally Posted by Frank Mucus

Originally Posted by just reason

Originally Posted by Frank Mucus

Originally Posted by rwfanatic

Originally Posted by just reason

just copped the 9700 for $60 with no contract..
going from an iphone to this is going to be difficult..(i keep touching the screen)
How in the heck did you pull that off?
Word. How you dudes getting these deals? I just paid $430 for mine
first i threw my 1st gen iphone against the wall
(lost my 3gs a couple weeks ago and need 3G and insurance)
nah.. i went to tmo and opened a new account..
i guess my credit was very good because i got approved for a lot of phones..
then it was a two year plan (even more) or the even more plus plan(which consists of no contract)..
then when combined with my credit.. the guy was like it's going to cost $20 for the phone today..
i was like
then i got some accessories.. $60..

pin - 2158E521
That doesn't even make sense. Because of your credit they dropped the price like that?
I'm salty.
yes because of my credit.. i actually pay for the phone each month.. like 20 dollars so my bill comes out to $80/month but at any time i can paythe phone off and cop a new phone..
so the phone didnt cost that price- they are just splitting it overthe next however many bills-

if thats the case i got mine for free- then 50 a month for the next 4 months
So that's your "deal." Well I just paid it straight up. I don't want to be worryin' about missing payments etc.
so 2 years, 240$. i dont call that a deal.
dudes thinkin he got the best deal ever, when peeps in here be gettin it for just a bit more then 100.
and, you're not going to want to keep that phone for 2 years, guaranteed.
Originally Posted by miamin2

I got a question for anyone who has the 8900, what do you guys use to upload and post pics on the internet, or atleast NT?
Usually just send them to my e-mail.
Originally Posted by just reason

Originally Posted by Frank Mucus

Originally Posted by just reason

Originally Posted by Frank Mucus

Originally Posted by rwfanatic

Originally Posted by just reason

just copped the 9700 for $60 with no contract..
going from an iphone to this is going to be difficult..(i keep touching the screen)
How in the heck did you pull that off?
Word. How you dudes getting these deals? I just paid $430 for mine
first i threw my 1st gen iphone against the wall
(lost my 3gs a couple weeks ago and need 3G and insurance)
nah.. i went to tmo and opened a new account..
i guess my credit was very good because i got approved for a lot of phones..
then it was a two year plan (even more) or the even more plus plan(which consists of no contract)..
then when combined with my credit.. the guy was like it's going to cost $20 for the phone today..
i was like
then i got some accessories.. $60..

pin - 2158E521
That doesn't even make sense. Because of your credit they dropped the price like that?
I'm salty.
yes because of my credit.. i actually pay for the phone each month.. like 20 dollars so my bill comes out to $80/month but at any time i can pay the phone off and cop a new phone..

.......this guy
Originally Posted by ddot7

Anyone actually have knowledge of when the Essex/Tour 2 is coming out for Sprint?
no. and don't let anyone tell you any different. everything right now is pure speculation
sold my 8900 for $290 and got 9700 on saturday, i paid the $290 and i have payments of $10 a month starting next yr february but ill pay the rest of by the endof this yr, but the phone is sweet and wicked fast i cant keep it out of my hands
I put in an order Friday with letstalk.com for a free Tour from Sprint. The Tour is now on backorder until Thursday, but once I do get it I will be selling myAT&T 9700 and cancelling my service high %$+ AT&T.
Originally Posted by Da R Entertainment

I put in an order Friday with letstalk.com for a free Tour from Sprint. The Tour is now on backorder until Thursday, but once I do get it I will be selling my AT&T 9700 and cancelling my service high %$+ AT&T.

How much?
which one is cheaper out of the 2...sprint or t-mobile. verizon is expensive too, is killing me knowing that my bill could possibly be cheaper.
for those that don't think it's a deal.. i shall explain..
500 for the iphone + 100/mth x 24 months =$3000 to apple and at&t
20 for the 9700 + 80/mth x say 5 months + 260 to pay off phone and get a new bb or iphone = 580 dollars to t-mo and bb
say just for 1 month & canceling fee
500 for the iphone + 100 + 200 = 800
20 for the 9700 + 80 + 360 to pay phone off = 460
hey y'all i was just wondering if y'all had a bb group or something im in paris france and i thought it would have been cool to chat without barrierslol add me 256EC24D

Originally Posted by starzinoureyes

Originally Posted by OptimusPrimeAPhiA

what are the NT groups?
NT groups? what NT groups?

On blackberry messanger, you can creat groups.. I think it only allows 50 people per group. Someone creats a group, post the barcode, people scan it and theyget added to the group. Last time Niketalk did this it was crazy. I got into the second group, but heard the first group was fun..
Originally Posted by akaValentino

SMH @ T-MO being down again... I've been GSMing for the past 2 days.
what are you talking about i have the 9700 through tmo and ive had a 3G/EDGE the past two days. My service has not been interrupted at all.
Originally Posted by npa07

Originally Posted by akaValentino

SMH @ T-MO being down again... I've been GSMing for the past 2 days.
what are you talking about i have the 9700 through tmo and ive had a 3G/EDGE the past two days. My service has not been interrupted at all.
Ive been good all weekend.. Yesterday something weird happen with my 9700 though.. I Had it in my pocket with the holster. I took it out and itdidnt want to function. The screen didnt turn on, the keyboard didnt light up. My girl called me and my ringtone went off but I couldnt pick up the call.Finaly I pulled out the battery and everything is working fine now.. Hope it doenst happen again.
Originally Posted by djaward

Originally Posted by npa07

Originally Posted by akaValentino

SMH @ T-MO being down again... I've been GSMing for the past 2 days.
what are you talking about i have the 9700 through tmo and ive had a 3G/EDGE the past two days. My service has not been interrupted at all.
Ive been good all weekend.. Yesterday something weird happen with my 9700 though.. I Had it in my pocket with the holster. I took it out and it didnt want to function. The screen didnt turn on, the keyboard didnt light up. My girl called me and my ringtone went off but I couldnt pick up the call. Finaly I pulled out the battery and everything is working fine now.. Hope it doenst happen again.

it probably got overheated in your pocket. Also do you restart your phone at least once a day?
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