...Official BLACKBERRY Thread v.updated...

Its a damn PS. looks Fake to me, blackberry is trying to get to the consumer level but not give away its corporate monopoly. Touch screen is overrated. Justgive me a qwerty board and magnificent screen and I'm happy.
the last couple days when i've been making phone calls the person on the other line said it's full of static and they can't hear me... but i canhear them fine... is there something wrong with my BB? im on the 8320...
i just bought my joint on may 6th . .

Originally Posted by ireminisce

i just bought my joint on may 6th . .

CALL THEM!! [color= rgb(0, 255, 0)]If I'm notmistaken, they'll adjust the price within 30 days. And I know for sure that you have a 14 day grace period after buying your handset to return it.[/color]
at my friends and my girls T-mobile Curves crashing on myWireless N router.. Its so funny like as soon as my girl got out the car when in parked in front my house just now her BB reset ahahah i was dying same thinghappen to my boy when we went to work this morning he had to drive up the block just for it to work again.. it just continuously crash's whenever itconnects.. Dont worry i dont want to fix it just thought it was funny.. its been about 20 mins an its still doing it
im under sprint right now and i was wondering if i pick up the Blackberry Curve , Would i have to get a seperate blackberry plan on top of my existing plan?Like can i just keep my current plan with a blackberry and still get data access? Also is sprint sero allowed for BB Curve?
^^I'm on a family plan w/Pops and on Sprint a Blackberry data plan is required for all BB. Its an extra $30 a month wich includes unlimited data(web,email), unlimited text and GPS..Yes the SERO plan can be used w/BBs.

**An in store rep told me all this, but double check to make sure I got everything down..
Im not even sweating the BB touch anymore. I just see all the "news" about it as rumors. Theres been like 5 different photoshops of it and noofficial news about it. Im ready for the 9000.
Originally Posted by I Drink Your Milkshake

I'm really feelin' the unlimited everything with Sprint and copping the Bold with it......am I fooling for this?

**when will Sprint get this?

Not to be a smart $*$ or nothing but if you've been keeping up with the trend Sprint like everyone else won't get this phone until AT&T has areplacement coming soon for it.
Originally Posted by Shady4Life

If I were to get a part time job at a AT&T (I need one this summer), would I get an additional discount when getting the BB Bold plus switching from T-Mobile?

Anyone? And yes I just quoted myself, big whoop.
Originally Posted by CashmereThought96

at my friends and my girls T-mobile Curves crashing on my
Wireless N router.. Its so funny like as soon as my girl got out the car when in parked in front my house just now her BB reset ahahah i was dying same thing
happen to my boy when we went to work this morning he had to drive up the block just for it to work again.. it just continuously crash's whenever it
connects.. Dont worry i dont want to fix it just thought it was funny.. its been about 20 mins an its still doing it

Anyone know how to fix this??
Given the choice, I'd go with qwerty over a touch screen all day. The iphone's touch screen and the ease of use is pretty amazing, but I have a hardtime with the virtual keyboard. I guess RIM is combining the touchscreen ease of use and "cool" factor with the features that make a BlackBerry worthhaving ( stable OS, email capability) and will make a killling. It's a given that their bread and butter is in the corporate sector, but I like that theyare starting to gear their devices and services to consumers. With the Bold/9000 coming soon, and the rumored touchscreen and a clamshell/flip on the way, RIMmight be on top for a minute- at the moment, they're @ 139/share, with a "buy" recommendation.
Originally Posted by Shady4Life

Originally Posted by Shady4Life

If I were to get a part time job at a AT&T (I need one this summer), would I get an additional discount when getting the BB Bold plus switching from T-Mobile?

Anyone? And yes I just quoted myself, big whoop.

I don't know if your trying to get a Part time job as a Sales Rep/Support Rep in a store or a call center Job..If you get a part time Job in a Store youwill get a COU (Business) Phone to use that will be unlimited everything. More than likely you won't get the Bold as your COU because you'll be last insenority and someone will grab it before you. Also, You probably won't be able to get the phone asap because First few shipments will go to customers.After they make it available for store reps or employees in general you will be able to buy it at a discount price which more than likely will be slightlyhigher than what customers pay because your not getting into contract with ATT.

Also..You will have to cancel your service with T-mobile. They don't have anything to do with it. After 3 months you also become eligible for 2 additionallines that are free (one is 1,000 minutes a month the other is 500) The minutes are free but you have to add features and pay for those monthly.

Hope that answers your questions about getting a part-time job.
Originally Posted by CashmereThought96

Originally Posted by CashmereThought96

at my friends and my girls T-mobile Curves crashing on my
Wireless N router.. Its so funny like as soon as my girl got out the car when in parked in front my house just now her BB reset ahahah i was dying same thing
happen to my boy when we went to work this morning he had to drive up the block just for it to work again.. it just continuously crash's whenever it
connects.. Dont worry i dont want to fix it just thought it was funny.. its been about 20 mins an its still doing it

Anyone know how to fix this??

Wireless G or die.
Mini Opera 4.1 is out....Seems to be faster than 4.0

Over the last several years, Opera Mini has emerged as the browser of choice for anyone not running an iPhone. The software's combination of extreme compatibility, stability, and speed have propelled it to the forefront of the mobile browsing world, with many companies now choosing to pre-install the software on their handsets, often at the expense of the OS manufacturer's intended browser. Never resting for too long, Opera has released a new revision to their mobile browser, with Opera Mini 4.1 hitting the virtual streets today. Among the improvements include:
  • Faster Browsing
  • Text Search
  • Suggestive URL
  • File Upload Support
  • Offline Viewing
All told, a worthy upgrade, and one we would suggest downloading at your earliest convenience.

Get it here....

Originally Posted by lurkin2long

all i know is, we needa release date for the BOLD. only reason i keep checkin this thread now lol

That's the same information I'm definitely waiting for myself. Hopefully next month or July at the latest with the announcement for the new iPhonecoming soon.
Originally Posted by Da R Entertainment

Originally Posted by lurkin2long

all i know is, we needa release date for the BOLD. only reason i keep checkin this thread now lol

That's the same information I'm definitely waiting for myself. Hopefully next month or July at the latest with the announcement for the new iPhone coming soon.

I hope you have AT&T....
T-Mo probably wont see this until Q4 the earliest...
Originally Posted by NYCBaller34

Originally Posted by Da R Entertainment

Originally Posted by lurkin2long

all i know is, we needa release date for the BOLD. only reason i keep checkin this thread now lol

That's the same information I'm definitely waiting for myself. Hopefully next month or July at the latest with the announcement for the new iPhone coming soon.

I hope you have AT&T....
T-Mo probably wont see this until Q4 the earliest...
Yes I do, I made the switch from T-Mo to AT&T gladly last weekend. We all know that AT&T gets 1st dibs on the BB Bold
Originally Posted by NYCBaller34

Mini Opera 4.1 is out....Seems to be faster than 4.0

Over the last several years, Opera Mini has emerged as the browser of choice for anyone not running an iPhone. The software's combination of extreme compatibility, stability, and speed have propelled it to the forefront of the mobile browsing world, with many companies now choosing to pre-install the software on their handsets, often at the expense of the OS manufacturer's intended browser. Never resting for too long, Opera has released a new revision to their mobile browser, with Opera Mini 4.1 hitting the virtual streets today. Among the improvements include:
  • Faster Browsing
  • Text Search
  • Suggestive URL
  • File Upload Support
  • Offline Viewing
All told, a worthy upgrade, and one we would suggest downloading at your earliest convenience.
Get it here....


Do you know if they made any changes from the 4.1 beta? is there a point to getting the new 4.1 if I have the beta version?
Originally Posted by Av1r3x

^^I'm on a family plan w/Pops and on Sprint a Blackberry data plan is required for all BB. Its an extra $30 a month wich includes unlimited data (web,email), unlimited text and GPS..Yes the SERO plan can be used w/BBs.

**An in store rep told me all this, but double check to make sure I got everything down..

So wait, If i get the sero plan for a blackberry, i would still have to get the seperate blackberry data plan on top of the sero?
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