...Official BLACKBERRY Thread v.updated...

anybody got a blackberry with sero without the blackberry service plan? i want to switch but i don't want that bs plan cuase i already have internet and idon't need to access any server.
Originally Posted by Grizzlyboy

Originally Posted by chickhien

Originally Posted by MayweatherMiami

motorola Q>9000
a piece of yarn and two styrofoam cups> any thing motorola


A tin can phone > anything windows mobile
Word to everything above. Motorola sucks in the cellphone market. But sadly, we in the U.S. get bombarded with Motorola and most heads eat it up(ex.the Razr).
Opera Mini final release has 150 bug fixes, so I would def. recommend upgrading from beta version.

As if John Mayer wasn't lucky enough, he's already got a Bold- check berryreview.com or JM's blog.
So I just bought a Curve...Are they any recommended programs or accessories any of you fellow Blackberry folks suggest?
Some more Bold info from crackberry.com:

The BlackBerry Bold should be hitting AT&T in July for $300, T-Mobile in September for $350, and Verizon and Sprint also in September for $300 (I'massuming this is 2 year contract pricing). You can click on through for a detailed chart. Keep in mind these are not exact release dates, and we all know how popular the$xxx.95 pricing is, but if this turns out to be true it is HUGE news for us BlackBerry users.

For a device like the the Bold, I think this pricing is DIRT CHEAP AND....BIGGEST NEWS... it could be coming to a CDMA carrier in LESS THAN 12 MONTHS?!!?CRAZY. AMAZING. SO GOOD. As for off contract pricing, I'd *guess* at the $550 - $600 range.
Originally Posted by hollowpoints

Some more Bold info from crackberry.com:

The BlackBerry Bold should be hitting AT&T in July for $300, T-Mobile in September for $350, and Verizon and Sprint also in September for $300 (I'm assuming this is 2 year contract pricing). You can click on through for a detailed chart. Keep in mind these are not exact release dates, and we all know how popular the $xxx.95 pricing is, but if this turns out to be true it is HUGE news for us BlackBerry users.

For a device like the the Bold, I think this pricing is DIRT CHEAP AND....BIGGEST NEWS... it could be coming to a CDMA carrier in LESS THAN 12 MONTHS?!!? CRAZY. AMAZING. SO GOOD. As for off contract pricing, I'd *guess* at the $550 - $600 range.

goood looks, early July would be great.
Guess I'll have a new phone in September

Yo everybody who has a Curve check their memory... for some reason i have 5MB of more available memory than i usually would. Usually i would only have 11MB ofavailable memory with all my apps but for some reason i have 16MB and i didn't delete any apps or anything.
AT&T waited no time to confirm that they will be the first US carrier to carry the next-generation BlackBerry Bold. It's been customary in the past years that a vast majority of hot new phones tends to steer towards AT&T as they roll off the assembly line, so it wasn't too big of a surprise here. Just like the iPhone, if you want to get the Bold and more importantly use AT&T's 3G network, you must switch over from your current carrier.

"AT&T will be the only U.S. carrier to offer the [Bold] when we begin selling it later this year. I also want to make sure you know that AT&T will be the only U.S. carrier to offer a BlackBerry that has international 3G capabilities and the only U.S. carrier to give its customers the ability to use their BlackBerry in such countries as Japan and South Korea," AT&T rep John Kampfe said in and email.

What this really means is that AT&T will be the first US carrier to offer the BlackBerry Bold, but according to a conversation between Gearlog and RIM CEO Mike Lazaridis, the Bold will be coming to all major US carriers after AT&T, and not long after that.

The last piece regarding "international 3G capabilities" comment is really a jab at other carriers' BlackBerry smartphones, especially Sprint and Verizon BlackBerry 8830 World Edition, which is 3G capable here stateside, but drops to 2G across the pound when you take it to Europe; that's one for AT&T, and zero for the other carriers.

just thought id throw this in here
I was gonna make the switch again back to the curve. but now it looks like ill wait for the blackberry Bold or Thunder.
I've got two upgrade on my Verizon plan right now and I'm really thinking about getting a BB this time around. It'll be my first. I've been reading up on the Bold and Thunder lately and although I want a new phone now, if it is worth it to wait until September, I'm definitelygoing to that.


Originally Posted by lurkin2long

AT&T waited no time to confirm that they will be the first US carrier to carry the next-generation BlackBerry Bold. It's been customary in the past years that a vast majority of hot new phones tends to steer towards AT&T as they roll off the assembly line, so it wasn't too big of a surprise here. Just like the iPhone, if you want to get the Bold and more importantly use AT&T's 3G network, you must switch over from your current carrier.

"AT&T will be the only U.S. carrier to offer the [Bold] when we begin selling it later this year. I also want to make sure you know that AT&T will be the only U.S. carrier to offer a BlackBerry that has international 3G capabilities and the only U.S. carrier to give its customers the ability to use their BlackBerry in such countries as Japan and South Korea," AT&T rep John Kampfe said in and email.

What this really means is that AT&T will be the first US carrier to offer the BlackBerry Bold, but according to a conversation between Gearlog and RIM CEO Mike Lazaridis, the Bold will be coming to all major US carriers after AT&T, and not long after that.

The last piece regarding "international 3G capabilities" comment is really a jab at other carriers' BlackBerry smartphones, especially Sprint and Verizon BlackBerry 8830 World Edition, which is 3G capable here stateside, but drops to 2G across the pound when you take it to Europe; that's one for AT&T, and zero for the other carriers.
just thought id throw this in here
You're riding way too hard for AT&T, homie. I'd be lying if I said that I didn't want 3G, but you're taking it to extreme fanboylevels now. We get it--you love AT&T and 3G.
ok so i have sprint, (upstage
) and i LX on t mobile to go,
if i buy a curve for t mobile and put the t mobile to go sim in it, will it still be unlimited text for 1$ a day with the internet??
total noob question but i have a pearl and i want to use the blackberry messenger but it asks me my pin number
how do i get my pin number?
sorry for the noob question but can the 8310 go on the internet using wifi? also can i go on AIM with it?
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