***Official Breakfast Club Interview Thread***

there alot of people down talking Umar.. Unless you got **** to back up your claims besides the stripper chick, please sit down
Don't you think instead of throwing out a wild claim you should have expressed your thoughts?

What does that have to do with an assumption though? If you don't know then ask instead of assuming like some people already did, simple.

Umar Johnson is like Drake, he don't write some of his songs but nobody cares because it's a dope song

You're not a doctor but nobody cares because they appreciate the common sense you're saying

Dr. Phil would be a better comparison. Dude talks about having multiple degrees, Dr, Scientist, psychologist etc yet he or any of his sites mention a single school he attended.

Straight from the gofund me site
Doctor of Clinical Psychology(not yet licensed)

His site says the school will cost 5 million. He says 2 million in the interview. Gofund me says he's trying to raise 4 million

It's been a year and he claims he raised 500k in total...how will they keep the school open? It took 6 months to raise the 167,372 on gofundme

Tuition isn't' gonna cover all those expenses required to run a place that large.

Jalen Rose a famous millionaire is constantly seeking donations/sponsors for his school and took out a loan to expand,
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Dr. Phil would be a better comparison. Dude talks about having multiple degrees, Dr, Scientist, psychologist etc yet he or none of his sites mention a single school he attended.

Straight from the gofund me site
Doctor of Clinical Psychology(not yet licensed)

His site says the school will cost 5 million. He says 2 million in the interview. Gofund me says he's trying to raise 4 million

It's been a year and he claims he raised 500k in total...how will they keep the school open? It took 6 months to raise the 167,372 on gofundme

Tuition isn't' gonna cover all those expenses required to run a place that large.

Jalen Rose a famous millionaire is constantly seeking donations/sponsors for his school and took out a loan to expand,

I agree with 95% of what the brother said. But the homosexual stuff is enough to turn me off. If you're not for the uplifting of ALL black people and you teach exclusion then I don't want you around my children.
called a sexual orientation he doesnt agree with a mental illness 

a psychologist should be smarter than that 
I believe some people are born that way, and for others it might be environment or an incident that happen.

Your sexuality is something inherent for most people. Did anyone know when they became straight or what made them straight?
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Nobody is born gay, it's a learned behavior.

Not gonna have a debate with anyone over this but I've seen kids that are 3-5 years old that I know are gay. How do you learn to be gay at that age? You're born with it.

Growing up only seeing how women act and interact, mainly w/ men. It happens subconsciously. It doesn't just happen over night.

I believe some people are both that way, and for others it might be environment or an incident that happen.

Your sexuality is something inherent for most people. Did anyone know when they became straight or what made them straight?

Good question
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exactly, you cant learn sexual orientation, because how much learning can you do at such a young age

we need to learn the difference between sexual choices and sexual orientation, if a straight female kisses another female, that doesnt make her a lesbian all of a sudden, that was just her choice at the moment, a man could do the same thing (charles barkley) that doesnt make him gay

and the irony of changing his name to muslim but adding a slave name johnson to it
I gotta boy that is gay. Grew up in a baptist church and everything. His parents were married and no problems. Said he knew as far back as he could remember, he liked boys.

I also have met people that have said they never liked women, they had a gay uncle or gay relative. I think it's genetics. That's just my opinion. I don't think you can make a decision you like boys instead of girls at 4 because of what you see.
i think some people blame it on how they were raised because they know society doesnt accept it so they rather put the blame on somebody
Regardless of his credentials the man speaks the truth & knows what the hell he's talking about. I'm not sure about what he's said previously regarding homosexuality but I don't see what was so disgusting about his remarks in this interview. It goes to show you how far the PC attitude in America goes.
just because "he speaks the truth and knows what hes talking about" doesnt mean hes right about everything he says

you cant claim to be a psychologist and be ignorant enough to call homosexuality a mental illness and compare it to pedophilia and bestiality 
Regardless of his credentials the man speaks the truth & knows what the hell he's talking about. I'm not sure about what he's said previously regarding homosexuality but I don't see what was so disgusting about his remarks in this interview. It goes to show you how far the PC attitude in America goes.
It came off as pretty ignorant.

As soon as people make comparisons to pedophilia and beastiality, I check out. That slippery slope' thing is such a straw man argument.
I got 2 lesbian sisters and they dated dudes their whole lives up until like 09 and 2010 for the other. Younger sister was raped and never been the same and older sis was molested when we were kids by a friend of a relative. Idk I just don't believe people are born that way.
I don't give any dambs tho still love em to death regardless. Met both of their gfs and still talk to my older sis almost everyday. What she does in her personal life is her business.
The issue lies in saying that all cases of homosexuality is attributed to some sort of sexual trauma in their lives.

He comes off like he thinks it's anyone's responsibility to 'fix' these people. That's what I take issue with.

But really, who knows. He was quick to say there is no scientific proof that people are born gay, but he has not science to back up his claims.
I think it's mad different for men and women. Women can come out and say they like both, they go back and forth. It's cool, men love it. Men come out and it's a problem. They can't go back and forth, they're gay to society. I also hear it more often that women like both, I always hear men say that they always knew they were different and liked men from their youth but couldn't accept it or say it.
I think some people will date the opposite sex because it's expected. That doesn't mean they aren't born that way and didn't always have those feelings.

And the number of women who are raped or molested numbers are pretty astounding. It might play a part with some, who might develop a hatred for men, because they're always exceptions.

I can sort of understand now, because this country is more accepting of gay people and they have rights. But in the past, I can't see it at all.
But really, who knows. He was quick to say there is no scientific proof that people are born gay, but he has not science to back up his claims.

That argument is always funny to me. Because it's not like it's only humans. It happens in nature. So two penguins made a conscious decision?
He points to the high percentage of lesbians being molested or sexually assaulted but there's high numbers of that in straight women. So what about the countless women who have been abused who are straight? The problem lies in the sexual assault that so many of our sisters have to endure, not the homosexuality that A SMALL PERCENTAGE cling to as a defense mechanism from their trauma.
I got 2 lesbian sisters and they dated dudes their whole lives up until like 09 and 2010 for the other. Younger sister was raped and never been the same and older sis was molested when we were kids by a friend of a relative. Idk I just don't believe people are born that way.
you should ask them which gender do they really prefer and that should tell you their real sexual orientation, its hard to believe someone can date dudes all those years and then all of a sudden turn lesbian
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