Official Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 Thread - OUT NOW! - FULL Multiplayer INFO Pg1 [New Poll]

Thoughts on the game?

  • AMAZING! Best CoD yet!

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Solid.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Meh. Just like every other CoD.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Trash. I want my money back.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I ain't eem buy it, bruh.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Man.. Idk what it is. But this game has so much potential..

But i swear. I instantly die to ppl who seem to have super duper reflexes and this is after I light them up with a few rounds. And i lose the gunfight.. It reminds me of the major ******** in MW3 lag/hit detection. And i know this is the case cause I literally would light a guy up who was in gunfight with a teammate/killed my teammate and I know hes damaged and let's say I get 7 hit markers on a guy and stop shooting the guy think "alright he's dead" and a witch over to the next guy and the dude is STILL ****** STANDING AND KILLS ME OR THE OTHER GUY DOES. another thing is i hate how everyone holds each other's **** in this game. Almost always I run into 2-4 people at a time.

Plus this new breed of cod players who head glitch/camp with shock charges and Betty or the super duper MLG pro try hard is annoying. Literally like every other lobby.

The game itself, like ranking up, sounds, visuals, all that crap is good. I like that but man.. Its plagued with so much crap.
Ok, if anyone's been struggling with this game to get high killstreaks then here's a class

that might help.

My K/D is about 2.2 and i've gotten pretty high killstreaks not consistently, but about once every.... 2-3 games.

I had games where i got the Orbital VSAT 3 times in 1 life.  I recently got the Orbital VSAT 2x, Lodestar 2x and the VTOL Warship 2x.

Here's the class I use that works best for me:

MSMC (Primary Gunfighter)


-Extended Mags


Perks (with Perk 1 Greed):

Ghost and Hardline/Flackjacket (Either one. Your choice. I run with Hardline though)



The killstreaks I use are:

Orbital VSAT


VTOL Warship

Always flank around the maps. Esp during domination. Don't run straight through the middle to cap B. Let your team do that.

Get behind them, kill them, then run to B flag and hope for the best. Usually I let my team cap B while I flank inside their spawn.

It's great cause im like a thorn in the enemies stomach so they can't even focus on getting B.

Also, you NEED great reflexes and know the spawns. We all know the spawn's suck so If you know the spawn's suck then make sure you always check your flanks and behind you.

Also, know when you're outnumbered/ If it's about 3 ppl or even 2 against you, out play them by running away and letting your team get them, or by flanking them.

Also, if you have ghost, DO NOT STAND NEAR YOUR TEAMMATE. They will prob. not have ghost on and will give away your position.

Last, dont even bother trying to kill head glitchers unless you're VERY close to where they are head glitching....
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Finally going to hit up that double XP weekend.

PSN Heads out there add me - JamesYoung1990
When I have 3 bar this game is horrible when I have 4 bar there's no issues, I guess it's time to mess with my router :smh:
Trying to run right now...Xbox...iMcNeilly...
Is everyone from the MW3 clan still active?

I was playing last night and I saw about 10 people online running. :nerd:

I think people don't know that the clan still exists. Since it was created on Elite it carries over to this game as well.
played a bit and liked itso far. cant fully play it right now because im trying to do the halo 4 140 hour challenge lol
hit boxes are pissing me off so much from medium-long rang, feels like i'm trying to shoot a penny from 100 yards away :x :smh:. popped MW3 back in and went 18-7, 16-10 8) . gonna go ahead and flip my copy on CL
hit boxes are pissing me off so much from medium-long rang, feels like i'm trying to shoot a penny from 100 yards away :x :smh:. popped MW3 back in and went 18-7, 16-10 8) . gonna go ahead and flip my copy on CL
So you suck at the game and hate it? I like this game. It's much harder to me than the other cods and that's a good thing.
The head-glitching makes this game almost impossible to play co-op multiplayer. And I really wish these games would stop promoting camping with all the new equipment they add every game. Ive pretty much forced myself to use mechanic on every class because I could stand walking into a room and being shocked 10 times per game. And dont get me started on the Bouncing Bettys. I feel like if they just let people get killstreaks by score rather than consecutive without dying it would make these games much better.

I wouldnt mind having to shoot things out of the air because people are getting KS if I didnt have to worry about people laying in the middle of the street like a dead body surrounded by BBs and shock charges because they are camping to get to a 6 kill KS. Thats more a gripe about all CODs tho (except 4) I just feel like they are trying to do too much with these games now. I wouldnt mind if they took out the gimmicky KSs all together.
I just feel like they are trying to do too much with these games now.

basically, they changed too much, the pick 10, splitting up ghost/assassin, god awful weapons, wasn't a big fan of black ops.

another thing I hate, they nerfed the SMAW, that thing is basically a fire cracker, does virtually no damage unless you actually hit the person with it :lol: :x . and they still aint fix the spawn camping, spend the half the match getting spawn camped :x
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I like some of the things they've done with the guns and especially the sounds in the game. :smokin

But they kept quickscoping? Every corner has head glitching spots? The camping is just as rampant as any other COD even with them altering ghost. :smh:

And if you don't have a 4 bar at the start of the match don't even spawn in. This game feels as bad if not worse than MW3 last year. :x
How do you take down a stealth chopper? Shot it twice with locked on rocket launcher and no luck.
Am I the only one that doesn't like the guns. They don't feel like the classic guns that every COD game has. I understand it is the future, but they all feel the same and look very similar.

EDIT: Also, I am only level 31, but I haven't figured out how to put on the camos yet. It must be on create a class? But there is no slot or section for it?
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Am I the only one that doesn't like the guns. They don't feel like the classic guns that every COD game has. I understand it is the future, but they all feel the same and look very similar.

EDIT: Also, I am only level 31, but I haven't figured out how to put on the camos yet. It must be on create a class? But there is no slot or section for it?
I agree with the guns sounding the same.

as for camos, when you're on your gun in create a class, click Y for xbox, triangle for ps3.
Am I the only one that doesn't like the guns. They don't feel like the classic guns that every COD game has. I understand it is the future, but they all feel the same and look very similar.
EDIT: Also, I am only level 31, but I haven't figured out how to put on the camos yet. It must be on create a class? But there is no slot or section for it?

go into your create a class, hitread the bottom of the screen if your on PS3 it should say hit triangle to personalize
thats where you get your camo, can put camo on primary, sec, or your knife
Am I the only one that doesn't like the guns. They don't feel like the classic guns that every COD game has. I understand it is the future, but they all feel the same and look very similar.

EDIT: Also, I am only level 31, but I haven't figured out how to put on the camos yet. It must be on create a class? But there is no slot or section for it?
I agree with the guns sounding the same.

as for camos, when you're on your gun in create a class, click Y for xbox, triangle for ps3.
okay thanks b repped
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Finished the campaign and I will definitely have to play it over. Got one of the worst endings because I didn't ensure the survival of a few people. Now that I know what to do, I'm going to achieve the perfect ending on the next playthrough.
I'm a simple man. Just gimme a gun with red dot sight, a pistol, and a frag and I'm gravy. Not really picky when it comes to FPS. 
I had some weird audio glitch earlier, similar to what happen on MW3. I was playing TDM with Dmasta, and all the sudden the audio made a hissing noise, loud tone pitch and cutting in and out - audio gone. I could still shot, throw grenades etc. butno sound effects, no lobby music, just high pitch exorcist type noises. I just turned the system off.

PS3 froze on me again, well, 3x today.

... and in yesterday news, the spawn system is still bull***. I ran deep into enemy territory (I went around), peaking around a corner and got killed, a legit kill, so I'm not mad. I respawn, and guess what, I spawn behind a building not too far where I was just shot, and the guy that killed me is STILL IN THE SAME SPOT. I walk up on him, I dont even kill him, I just msg him

"turn around"

He turns around and msg me

"lol, did you spawn behind me?"

I couldn't help but lol. I than msg him "lol this is ******* up bro".

Mind you my team is all on the OPPOSITE part of the map, our spawn point. I didn't kill him, I just ran back and kill somebody else. My game froze on me half way through the game though :smh:
Me and my homies are having a hard time in Zombies Tranzit. lol we averaging like 7 levels max
lol at least you make it on the bus...shiiit i cant get past the part where they set half the room on fire and them mofos come at you on fire...
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