Official Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 Thread - OUT NOW! - FULL Multiplayer INFO Pg1 [New Poll]

Thoughts on the game?

  • AMAZING! Best CoD yet!

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Solid.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Meh. Just like every other CoD.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Trash. I want my money back.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I ain't eem buy it, bruh.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
I had some weird audio glitch earlier, similar to what happen on MW3. I was playing TDM with Dmasta, and all the sudden the audio made a hissing noise, loud tone pitch and cutting in and out - audio gone. I could still shot, throw grenades etc. butno sound effects, no lobby music, just high pitch exorcist type noises. I just turned the system off.
PS3 froze on me again, well, 3x today.
... and in yesterday news, the spawn system is still bull***. I ran deep into enemy territory (I went around), peaking around a corner and got killed, a legit kill, so I'm not mad. I respawn, and guess what, I spawn behind a building not too far where I was just shot, and the guy that killed me is STILL IN THE SAME SPOT. I walk up on him, I dont even kill him, I just msg him
"turn around"
He turns around and msg me
"lol, did you spawn behind me?"
I couldn't help but lol. I than msg him "lol this is ******* up bro".
Mind you my team is all on the OPPOSITE part of the map, our spawn point. I didn't kill him, I just ran back and kill somebody else. My game froze on me half way through the game though :smh:

why are you sitting in game having conversations with the enemy?
this is unacceptable

also does anybody know if i lose my Unlock Tokens when i prestige? and if so can i use it on anything now and then have it unlocked in the next prestige? im at 55 and just waiting on this info before i prestige
i just realized you cant customize you scorestreaks for each individual weapon layout :smh:.

does anybody have a problem with their weapon setup resting after each match?
Camping is has gotten to the point where I just accept it. Its just like Madden. What can you do or say when these guys have all the tools to do so? Shock charges. BBs. All about the K/D
Only took about a week of this game being out for me to say "ef it" and throw on my double tomahawk + crossbow class and just clown out with my friends online.

It's fun and I'll play seriously from time to time if my buds are all actually trying to win or were getting it handed to us but aside from that I'm just trying to find ways to have fun on the game.
Me and my homies are having a hard time in Zombies Tranzit. lol we averaging like 7 levels max
I'm not even worried about the levels. I'm trying to get all the parts and build stuff

When you build that Turbine and Turrett 
HELP!..I have a PS3 and before I can even play, I get to the main menu and press start, my PS3 shuts off. I know it is not my system because I can play NBA2k13, Assassins 3, and other games but not this one. I returned it this morning to GameStop and got a brand new one, but still can't even get past the main menu. Has this happened to anyone else? Any suggestions? I hear there is a patch coming soon, but I am just trying to figure out what's going on now.
I have yet to get into this game multiplayer wise. Seems like everyone I used to play with is not on yet.
if you uninstall the black ops 2 patch and play offline it removes the blur making the game better compared to what we currently have.
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why are you sitting in game having conversations with the enemy?
this is unacceptable
also does anybody know if i lose my Unlock Tokens when i prestige? and if so can i use it on anything now and then have it unlocked in the next prestige? im at 55 and just waiting on this info before i prestige
After you prestige theres an option for you to redeem all the tokens that you have earned.
is this game similar to blackops1 or mw3?

blackops1 is a really trashy game.

mw3 is boring but it's playable.
The lag and the hit detection in this game are both ridiculously bad.
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my lil bro is playing and he just started playing today and within an hour he was at level 30, im having him level up my account too i think so tho it seems like it.
After you prestige theres an option for you to redeem all the tokens that you have earned.

So if i use a unlock token on say Ghost then prestige
when i get back to the level i need for Ghost do i have to use another unlock token to get Ghost
or is Ghost just unlocked and i dont have to use any token
Maps are way too big. Im mad they put ghost at level 55 s****s way too far and the teams got a uav up 24/7. True on the hit detection being messed up. I gtta dump ROUNDS into somebody just for them to kill me.
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