Official: Chicago Bulls Offseason Thread

Originally Posted by AntBanks81

^^^ You crazy...maybe he will shout you out at the Berto Center press conference next summer.

Chitown4eva, I know you don't forget "Organizations win championships" comment. Its all about the money.

That's what really kicked it off for me.

AI in Chicago? Why not....
i like AI in chicago. we need someone who can put the ball in the hoop. I mean why not? we are not doing anything else anyways. get him on a one-year flyer andhe can maybe work his rep back up. however, i got feeling he might sign with the bobcats b/c of larry brown. they got a special connection. Anyone remember himcrying on Screamin A Smith Quite Frankly?
i would be happy with ai in chicago just to get some compensation for ben's departure, and for the fact that he's always burned us as an opponent.drose and ai would make an extremely quick tandem
weeeeelllllllllllll....Thats scary to see AI and Rose together. He would just take the shots that BG took and get the fouls he didn't. The only concern isthat Ivo is too headstrong for Vinny. If he comes in with the right mindset, this could be beautiful.
Chozin....Ben is gone! Let's at least get another scorer in return. Since the Bulls are saying %@@@ the upcoming season anyway, lets try to be somewhatcompetitive. I like this move.

I would rather Ben renig and sign with us, but he is a professional and I wouldn't expect him to do that. AI would give us a cluth shooter, and his defense(while not as good as the past) would be an improvement over BG.

Cake..I'm damn near in tears over here man, NBA TV replaying the Boston series.
Originally Posted by AntBanks81

Chozin....Ben is gone! Let's at least get another scorer in return. Since the Bulls are saying %@@@ the upcoming season anyway, lets try to be somewhat competitive. I like this move.

I would rather Ben renig and sign with us, but he is a professional and I wouldn't expect him to do that. AI would give us a cluth shooter, and his defense (while not as good as the past) would be an improvement over BG.

Cake..I'm damn near in tears over here man, NBA TV replaying the Boston series.

With all due respect, as a former AI fan who followed his career since 2000, you really don't want AI on your squad. And his defense is not an improvementover Gordon's. AI's thing was the passing lanes but he don't even really do that no more. Gordon isn't that much better at D but at least heplays man to man defense somewhat. As someone who was a staunch defender of AI in the past, you're def better off without him. He will kill derrickrose's growth.
good response Amel, I have heard that AI's defense has deteriorated, but he can still score and we need that.

Someone in another thread joked that he was the Canswer
We do only have 3 guards on the roster...Kirk, Rose........and.........wait is that it? Salmons I guess, but he's a small 4 too. i dont count the scrubsthat ride the bench..........I'll take A.I. as opposed to nothing. And Allen would get playing time here, not 40 min, but a solid 25-30 i think. Do it.
someone tell me what the difference is in a.i. and bg playing here.
i honestly dont see anything.
Ben is a pure shooter and AI is a flat out scorer. AI will probably get more calls than BG but the # of FGAs should be about the same. I'm all for it, butI am concerned there will be a problem with AI and Vinny. Amel was saying that he would be a detriment to Rose's career. That is something we would notknow until he is here. AI has been quiet since leaving DET and I would think there are real contenders he could play with.

Plus, why would AI look to help DET in anyway?
L.A signs Artest, Boston signs Sheed... What the @*!# are we doing??? Pax just holding his charles dickens huh
Originally Posted by KicksforKicks

Originally Posted by Seymore CAKE

Originally Posted by KicksforKicks

We getting Boozer.

I could've swore I read that him and Okur resigned bro.

yeah they did. JJ and Tyrus for Boozer.
source? if true, bad trade anyway imo.
i know bulls want to get rid of TT, but for an injury prone boozer?
I wouldn't take Boozer...dude has been an injury problem since he been in Utah. Carlos has only played more than 70 games twice in his five years there. Hewill be on the market b/c Millsap has shown he can produce.

Although Tyrus looks brain dead on the court sometimes, I'm sticking with him. This kid just needs some consistent minutes and special coaching like Bynumgets from Jabbar and Howard gets from Ewing. If the Bulls invested in a big man coach for Tyrus and Noah, they wouldn't need to throw the kitchen sink in atrade.
I would do that trade. Boozer only has one year left and answers a need. He'll have motivation since it will be a contract year, so no missed games and/orlack of effort for the Bulls

Noah, Boozer, Deng, Salmons and Rose is a quality starting five in the East. Then Miller, Hinrich round out the rotation. Sign a back up swing man andthat's a 4-5 seed in the East.
^what need does he fill...?
that one year left is a biggie though. bulls need cap space if they plan on signing wade.intriguing...
Interior scoring, the aspect the Bulls have been lacking for years.

If he's healthy and motivated, 20-10 will be a normal thing to see next to his name in the box score.
yes normal, but dude hasnt been healthy in ages

i honestly like the frontcourt of miller/noah/TT, but thats just me...
imo, they need a more solid starting center. noah to me is just a great role player off the bench. eh, what do i know. this isnt my team.
Originally Posted by I NaSmatic I

Interior scoring, the aspect the Bulls have been lacking for years.

If he's healthy and motivated, 20-10 will be a normal thing to see next to his name in the box score.

He's right like a mog. But thats still a big "IF" G
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