Official: Chicago Bulls Offseason Thread

Well we will see what they have done now. I heard someone say that it was addition by subtraction but I don't see it. Bulls done !%$!$! up..Gar, you knowyou done !%$!$! up right, you know you !%$!$! up right???
you guys can be mad if you want point is bg was about the money he left over 1mil

and im a lil happy he did i want as much room as possible for next summer

$*#+ moving deng wouldnt be half bad..........
I have no problem with letting him go. Yeah, we'll lose scoring, but now we can actually play team basketball again without having him dribble around andshoot every time he touches the ball.

During the season, Ben would actually pass sometimes and they looked so much better when there was ball movement, than when Ben would shoot with 2 or 3 guys onhim.
im a die hard bulls fan but sometimes i think we are looking too much into next summer. Its like what if we dont get any of the top 5 names next summer thenwhat? Over the last 5 years we have had 3 a number 1, 2, and 3 draft pick and we havent done much to improve. We cant afford to let people go for nothing inreturn. Tyrus' deal is going to be expiring soon and are we just going to let him walk for nothing also? I just dont like placing all of our trust andfaith in next summer
Originally Posted by jmause3

im a die hard bulls fan but sometimes i think we are looking too much into next summer. Its like what if we dont get any of the top 5 names next summer then what? Over the last 5 years we have had 3 a number 1, 2, and 3 draft pick and we havent done much to improve. We cant afford to let people go for nothing in return. Tyrus' deal is going to be expiring soon and are we just going to let him walk for nothing also? I just dont like placing all of our trust and faith in next summer

I definitely hear you on that one... Betting on the bird in the bush is never a smart decision however its not like we didn't try to keep him or move him.Hell we offered him the same deal minus 1mill and he turned it down. To me thats a spit in the face.
I like BG, I thought he was a good to very good player. The maturation of Rose would have suffered under Ben. Ben always was "the" guy on the team.Now Derrick will be forced to be that guy.
Originally Posted by Nupey09

I didn't see the purpose of drafting James Johnson. Playing PF at 6-8 in college equals failure in NBA, well not everyone, but for him FAIL. He dosen't have any moves on the offense end and isn't a defensive threat. I do like Taj Gibson, 6-10 and HUNGRY. He is a very hard worker. I think we should have drafted Taj Gibson then Sam Young or Wayne Ellington. What do you think?
I agree , I don't see James Johnson doing a damn thing
BG wanted out. Plain and simple.

Deng needs to go. He is not a featured-player...we can't build an offense around a guy that doesn't get on the floor enough.
Hell we offered him the same deal minus 1mill and he turned it down.
That never happen. Before the deadline, Ben was going to accept that deal and the Bulls took the offer off the table.

....and it's 2 mill, not 1.
They pulled the 6 yr $54 million off the table when he wanted to take it. His agent promised him the big bucks and he delivered. He turned down the 5 yr $50the summer of 07 I believe.

I'm just hoping we won't have the same result in 2010 as we did summer of 2000 when all the free agents (TMac, Duncan, Hill, E.Jones) came thru andused the Bulls as leverage.
the way i see it, our drafting of james johnson and taj gibson was insurance if we end up trading tyrus. the combination of the skills of johnson and gibsoncan make up for what tyrus brought. i'd want to see a bulls make a move for someone to make up for our loss of ben's scoring. if bulls don't make amove then it seems like they'll take next season as another "growth" period and hope for dwade or bosh to land in their laps next summer.
Originally Posted by AntBanks81

So the word is that they never even made an offer to Gordon...#%%#$%%%%%%#* liars
Thank you! These dudes are banking on 2010 so hard that its not funny. If we don't get any of the big names then we are screwed. It'ssad to see that we didn't even make an offer even if it was less than the $55 mil. I would have liked to see an offer of 5 years 45 mil. You never knowhe might have taken it, but to not have even contacted him about an offer is just sad. At the least use him as insurance just in case we don't get anybodynext summer, since we have such a great history of signing free agents
They need to move Deng. As much as I like Salmons, they should move him as well. Get Turk and a decent 2. KEEP Tyrus Thomas, he'll be a beast with morePT.

I wish we were in on the Rasheed Wallace sweepstakes.

I love BG, but I don't think it's the huge loss. The thing I fear the most is late in the game, not having his big shot ability around. His scoring canbe matched elsewhere. That can't.
Originally Posted by AntBanks81

So the word is that they never even made an offer to Gordon...#%%#$%%%%%%#* liars

Well Ummm...

#+*$ Ummmm...

I Mean Ummm...

Got Damnit Ummmm...

Damn Management dropped the ball again.
55M is large for a 6th man

with all the signings now, im glad 55m isnt going to bg...he wasnt going to win a chip

bank $ for 10, as 09-10 season is not in reach of even a 1st round win
Originally Posted by Drama23

They need to move Deng. As much as I like Salmons, they should move him as well. Get Turk and a decent 2. KEEP Tyrus Thomas, he'll be a beast with more PT.

kirk at the 2? noah at the 5? noah to me is just an energy spark off the bench, and an great backup center...

to me, the only liability that deng has is his huge fat contract.
I love how Professional organizations are making moves to improve their teams'chances to winning championships. The Bulls only care about money.
Originally Posted by AntBanks81

I love how Professional organizations are making moves to improve their teams'chances to winning championships. The Bulls only care about money.

I know it ain't right, but that organization has made me damn near root against the Bulls. They could give a damn about winning. Rose just brought meback, honestly.
I've decided to post on D.Wade's "Facebook" page every day until he either re-signs with Miami or signs with another team.

The man needs to be in a Bulls uniform.
^^^ You crazy...maybe he will shout you out at the Berto Center press conference next summer.

Chitown4eva, I know you don't forget "Organizations win championships" comment. Its all about the money. has learned that the Bulls and Pistons may yet revisit Detroit's agreement with Ben Gordon and instead investigate a sign-and-trade that would send Allen Iverson to Chicago.

Discussions have not yet reached the highest levels of both organizations, but the revised look at how Gordon goes from Chicago to Detroit would benefit Gordon and the Bulls. Gordon would get an extra year, and thus more money, by signing with the Bulls and getting traded. The Bulls, who currently are getting nothing for losing him, would get Iverson -- a fading future Hall of Famer who would get to finish his career in a major market as long as he's willing to accept a secondary role.
Bigmike about to kill himself
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