Official: Chicago Bulls Offseason Thread

^^ That's why I love Scoop...he's imaginative than a mofo

On the real though, the sportscenter draft special last night said that the Shaq deal was losing some steam and if it were to go through, it would likely befor Hinrich and some throw-in.

I really don't think T Mac is the answer, not even a chance IMO. Remember how that bum played us like 10 years ago? And now he hurt every year and he stillhasn't made it to the wizard to get some heart! I wouldn't want him. I'd rather we trade for J Rich if we are going to lose Gordon.

Oakley would be good for emphasizing more toughness in practice...really I could go for any solid former All-Star mentoring our bigs to get more out of them.
I will kill myself if the Bulls trade for Tracy McLady. My most hated player in the league coming to my precious Bulls is not gonna happen, I won't let it.
Let Ben Walk... Seriously, let him go. Detroit giving away 11 per... dueces.

It hurts them in the Chris Bosh scenario and makes them weaker defensively, WIN/WIN for us actually
i would say grab shaq and re-sign ben. if ben ends up leaving it would be nice to get something in return for him even if it is old injury prone t-mac.
Dont get me wrong, I'm all for the Shaq Attack in the Chi. He posted 18 and 8 in 75 games last year. I was wrong about him not playing alot of games. Withthat kind of production, Bulls will be a 50+ win team this year. He mightbe able to extend his career here b/c Noah and TT would be getting enough minutes tolet the Diesel rest.

I believe we can get something better in return for Ben. He capable of putting up 40 any night and has only missed 12 games in his career (wait, why are weletting him go again?) Houston wouldn't hesitate at all to swap BG for TLac.

The team definitely needs someone to work with Tyrus and Noah similar to Bynum/Jabbar and Howard/Ewing. The proof is in the pudding.

I'm looking forward to seeing if the Gar puppet can make this team an Eastern Conference Champ. I don't know what the other powers in the east arecooking up, but I believe my team will step up this year.
Kirk is the perfect backup to Rose. If we deal him, I want solid, and i mean, SOLID players in return.
Unless Portland gonna give us LaMarcus back, I don't see any reason for us to "give" them Kirk. Arstyle is right when he says that Kirk is theperfect back-up guard for Roe. A bit overpaid but a great back up.

Come on Gar, we need a move that will take us to the ECF.
Portland tried to deal Bayless and Outlaw for the Wizards 5th pick before Minnesota took it. I'm assuming that they'll put them up for Kirk whichI'm not in favor for.
You guys saw how well Kirk played in the playoffs. Yes, he makes a lot of money, but he can score, play defense, and provides vet. leadership to a young Bullsteam.
Originally Posted by Seymore CAKE

Let Ben Walk... Seriously, let him go. Detroit giving away 11 per... dueces.

It hurts them in the Chris Bosh scenario and makes them weaker defensively, WIN/WIN for us actually
With this Vince to Orlando situation... We need to put the full court press on Hedo now. We let Ben go get him in and that makes us more attractive for Chrisnot to mention a helluva team... Everything he brings to the table is everything we lack.
Originally Posted by Seymore CAKE

With this Vince to Orlando situation... We need to put the full court press on Hedo now. We let Ben go get him in and that makes us more attractive for Chris not to mention a helluva team... Everything he brings to the table is everything we lack.
Eh. I think we'd end up with the same black-hole type of play making whenever he would touch the ball, a la BG.
No need for Hedo IMO. He's a great player though but Rose can run the offense and I'm a huge Deng fan. We need a post player, he's big but more ofa guy to run the offense.

I actually wanted Dejuan Blair with the 16th pick but Blair was dropping when I stopped watching in the late 1st round.
I loved the James Johnson pick because I watched him play a lot this season and he can be really good. The Taj Gibson pick on the other hand I'm notfeeling too much. I think we shoulda drafted Wayne Ellington instead.
i like the james pick if he is going to play SF, gibson pick was trash he is a poor mans noah
Originally Posted by hlf man hlf amzng

Thomas is a potential All-Star
That's where I stopped reading. All that time at the helm of the greatest era of basketball magazines and he has no clue...

And kirk needs to go a season ago...
Originally Posted by coolgy023

Originally Posted by Seymore CAKE

With this Vince to Orlando situation... We need to put the full court press on Hedo now. We let Ben go get him in and that makes us more attractive for Chris not to mention a helluva team... Everything he brings to the table is everything we lack.
Eh. I think we'd end up with the same black-hole type of play making whenever he would touch the ball, a la BG.

Minus the fact that he's 6' 10" and can actually pass. I have no clue of where that assessment came from G. Seriously
Originally Posted by Seymore CAKE

Originally Posted by coolgy023

Originally Posted by Seymore CAKE

With this Vince to Orlando situation... We need to put the full court press on Hedo now. We let Ben go get him in and that makes us more attractive for Chris not to mention a helluva team... Everything he brings to the table is everything we lack.
Eh. I think we'd end up with the same black-hole type of play making whenever he would touch the ball, a la BG.

Minus the fact that he's 6' 10" and can actually pass. I have no clue of where that assessment came from G. Seriously
The height thing is obvious, and yes he CAN pass. But BG could also pass if he chose to. All through the playoffs I just saw him taking aboutevery single shot. I don't know if that's him or if that's what he was supposed to do in the Orlando system, but i'm just not a big fan ofhis. And with the draft picks made last night, I don't think they have any intention of trying to get Hedo. Just trying to bide our time and have adecent looking team to attract someone in 2010.
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