Official Chicago Bulls Offseason Thread

I don't think we need to make any moves Bishop. Lets figure that Kurt was averaging about 6-8 in Noah's absence. Noah coming back with that 14 will give us the increase we were looking for out of the SG position. I'm fine with the merry go round at SG, we did it at center back during the last three peat. Bogans has improved his shooting, so we can depend on him to hit 2-3 open trifectas a night. Korver has been hot since beating the Warm and Brewer has finally started showing the player we looked for when signing him.

I truely believe, if we stay healthy, we are going to the finals. I love the growth on defense, Boozer's presence down low (on offense ofcourse) and Rose's rise to the top. Looking at where we are now in the standings with all those injuries, I feel we are in good shape. I would rather not disturb the chemistry of this team.

We need to beat Bos and MIA, with them and us at full strength, to give us that confidence boost before the playoffs.
im gonna have all of NT calling MIA the Warm
Originally Posted by AntBanks81

I don't think we need to make any moves Bishop. Lets figure that Kurt was averaging about 6-8 in Noah's absence. Noah coming back with that 14 will give us the increase we were looking for out of the SG position. I'm fine with the merry go round at SG, we did it at center back during the last three peat. Bogans has improved his shooting, so we can depend on him to hit 2-3 open trifectas a night. Korver has been hot since beating the Warm and Brewer has finally started showing the player we looked for when signing him.

I truely believe, if we stay healthy, we are going to the finals. I love the growth on defense, Boozer's presence down low (on offense ofcourse) and Rose's rise to the top. Looking at where we are now in the standings with all those injuries, I feel we are in good shape. I would rather not disturb the chemistry of this team.

We need to beat Bos and MIA, with them and us at full strength, to give us that confidence boost before the playoffs.
The offense should definitely flow better and the pace will pick up a bit more with Noah back.  He's underrated as a safety valve for Derrick and so is his passing to cutters or to Booze in the post when they run high-low.  Save big sexy's legs a bit too. 

I'm still hopeful for a move (Lee for cheap) but it's doubtful.  It never hurts to also make a move to benefit the team and also deny BOS any other assets that help them as well (Parker, Rip, etc.)
Originally Posted by ColdCity

im gonna have all of NT calling MIA the Warm
DAMN RIGHT! My friends been rolling when I say it.

CAto312, I agree with your first paragraph and can go along with the second, but we can't give up a contributing piece right now. If we can snag someone, lets use some picks.

Amel, title will change as soon as I see him in uniform! 

AntBanks81, I hear you. I would not give up any of the front court assets especially. Team chemistry is damned good right now too.

I think that this 7 game stretch with two games against the WARM, Atl, and Orl will go a long way in determining if we can get the top seed. I don't see the Celts keeping it up because of their age.
Celtics are going to slow down.  Doc will start resting his starters towards the final stretch of the season like he does every yr. 

The Heat will be the Bulls competition for the # 1 spot the whole season through. 

And as for any potential trades, idk.  I want an extra ballhandler that can go to the rack.  I notice the bulls offense stall at times when the defense gets the ball out of Rose's hands early and Rose never gets it back. 

Our shooters have been hitting their j's I'm not even concerned about another shooter anymore at the 2. 
You're right! I believe the Celtics will go on cruise control soon. I expect we will split the next two with the Warm (City, you started a trend!). I can't imagine the refs will allow us to sweep them in MIA. I'm not worried about ATL or ORL, but I would be happy with a 5-2 record. 6-1 would be great!

I've been looking at RealGM and several ppl think we can go 22-6 the rest of the way. Your opinions???

I'm thinking we've got 12 left at home and 16 on the road. I call 10-2 at home and 10-8 on the road for 20-8 remaining and 58-24 record for year. That would likely keep us in 3rd. That's a 17 game improvement that has to get Thibs COTY award. They will still likely cheat Rose out of MVP if LBJ leads his team to better record.
I'm so biased.  I looked at the rest of Chicago's schedule and I think we can win every game.  I know that won't happen though.  
Originally Posted by amel223

I'm so biased.  I looked at the rest of Chicago's schedule and I think we can win every game.  I know that won't happen though.  

yeah im the same way...every team i see us against the 1st thing i say is those bums %^&&**(%^ cant hold hold us

ANT you might as well do it now coach said he's playing wed & he was cleared to go last week.

Updated: February 21, 2011, 2:29 Joakim Noah to return Wednesday

CHICAGO -- As expected, Chicago Bulls center Joakim Noah will return to action in Toronto on Wednesday after missing 30 games with thumb surgery, coach Tom Thibodeau confirmed Monday in a wide-ranging interview with ESPN Chicago.

"He's coming back," he said in the telephone interview. "He was cleared to go last week."

Back for Toronto?

"Oh yeah," he said.

The Bulls have soared despite the voluble center's absence, going 22-8 since his last game on Dec. 15. At 38-16, the Bulls have the third-best record in the Eastern Conference and are within striking distance of Boston and Miami.

Noah was averaging 14 points and 11.7 rebounds before his surgery to repair torn ligaments in his right thumb and hand. He has been working on his conditioning and shooting, and scrimmaging with a teammate after practice.

Thibodeau said Noah should have an easier adjustment than did Carlos Boozer, because Noah has played this season. But he's not expecting a seamless transition.

"That's the challenge," Thibodeau said. "Just like at the start of the season, the challenge is how quickly everyone can get on the same page. When someone comes back, it's the same thing. You don't want it to be a long adjustment."

Like any coach, Thibodeau doesn't want his team to get overconfident now that it's at full strength. Noah and Boozer only played nine games together between injuries and the team seems to be peaking. Miami comes to town Thursday.

"The important thing is to not lose sight of how you got there," Thibodeau said of the team's stature. "We have to play the same way, be ready and play hard. That's what you want."

Jon Greenberg is a columnist for
I feel the same way Amel...I try to be neutral, but I love our team. I feel that we can beat anyone. I don't buy into the youth bs. Most of the players on the team have been to the playoffs and know the importance of every moment.

I was just looking back on our games played and found 7-8 that I feel we should have/could have won. That's enough right there to give us the best recordin the league. Tell me if yall agree.

Denver loss by 1 on road
one of two knicks games, I would say Christmas
Clippers by 1 at home
Last loss to Bobcats at home by 1.
Philly on the road. come on we damn near beat em by 50 last time
Golden State
Boston the first time with Boozer

As expected, Chicago Bulls center Joakim Noah will return to action in Toronto on Wednesday after missing 30 games with thumb surgery, coach Tom Thibodeau confirmed Monday in a wide-ranging interview with ESPN Chicago.

Thibodeau said Noah should have an easier adjustment than did Carlos Boozer, because Noah has played this season. But he's not expecting a seamless transition.

"That's the challenge," Thibodeau said. "Just like at the start of the season, the challenge is how quickly everyone can get on the same page. When someone comes back, it's the same thing. You don't want it to be a long adjustment."
Wow..I think the Boston loss w/Boozer for the first time was the most "acceptable" to me.  The Denver/NJ losses 
...especially NJ because I can't stand Sasha 
...the other losses were still bad but not as irritating to me I guess.
Originally Posted by CAto312

Wow..I think the Boston loss w/Boozer for the first time was the most "acceptable" to me.  The Denver/NJ losses 
...especially NJ because I can't stand Sasha 
...the other losses were still bad but not as irritating to me I guess.

Denver loss by 1 on road   -----should have beat these dudes even without derrick...
one of two knicks games, I would say Christmas ---- the x-mas game

Clippers by 1 at home---they snaked that game from us  
NJ.PERIOD! ---- sasha

Last loss to Bobcats at home by 1. $%^& boston
Philly on the road. come on we damn near beat em by 50 last time ---philly ahhh ill leave them alone
Golden State --- pulled a NY
Boston the first time with Boozer --- once again $%^* boston
Originally Posted by ColdCity

Originally Posted by CAto312

Wow..I think the Boston loss w/Boozer for the first time was the most "acceptable" to me.  The Denver/NJ losses 
...especially NJ because I can't stand Sasha 
...the other losses were still bad but not as irritating to me I guess.

Denver loss by 1 on road   -----should have beat these dudes even without derrick...
one of two knicks games, I would say Christmas ---- the x-mas game

Clippers by 1 at home---they snaked that game from us  
NJ.PERIOD! ---- sasha

Last loss to Bobcats at home by 1. $%^& boston
Philly on the road. come on we damn near beat em by 50 last time ---philly ahhh ill leave them alone
Golden State --- pulled a NY
Boston the first time with Boozer --- once again $%^* boston

i see what you're saying but we've had our share of come from behind wins that we had no business winning.  I feel like all those games even out in the end

Originally Posted by AyVee323

We should go after Arron Afflalo now that Denver has all those wing players
i think they keep Afflalo, JR is a free agent after this season.  

But now the rest of the league can go about their business, now that this trade has gone down

i still wish we would of got melo, but we didnt the knicks got him, i doubt it will be a successful for them this season at least 
Originally Posted by IMASOLEMAN18

i still wish we would of got melo, but we didnt the knicks got him, i doubt it will be a successful for them this season at least 
the price was just too high, im still not scared of them.  It takes more than what they have to win a series, especially when they don't play defense. 

I can't remember any great pf/sf combos. If yall can, please let me know.

I'm still standing on my statement. If we remain healthy, we are going to the finals.
Yo Ant..chill on the title man...don't be calling other teams cowards, thats bad karma bro. Let's stay humble and keep that talk to ourselves.
Originally Posted by arstyle27

Yo Ant..chill on the title man...don't be calling other teams cowards, thats bad karma bro. Let's stay humble and keep that talk to ourselves.
I agree, we already have lames comparing us to Lakers & Knicks fans.
I hope we land Arron Afflalo. Dude plays good D and can find his shot on Offense. I know we do not need to make a move before the deadline, but if we do I hope its for Afflalo.
we need a sg to be complete, get rid of bogans

rip, afflalo, mayo or even pietrus

now that noahs back, we are more feared than the heat, trust
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