Official Chicago Bulls Offseason Thread

Uh Oh!...
I fear for our Bulls...

Knicks got Melo and Chauncey... Knicks will definitely get out of that 6th seed, Bulls have problems defending fast paced teams...

Who's in the Bulls radar anyway, Anthony Parker? JR Smith? Omri Casspi? Rip Hamilton(Long Shot)? maybe even Tayshaun Prince? ...

Boozer better step up big time in the second half or else Bulls is done..

East Just got a bit Nastier..
Originally Posted by jmause3

Originally Posted by AyVee323

We should go after Arron Afflalo now that Denver has all those wing players
i think they keep Afflalo, JR is a free agent after this season.  

But now the rest of the league can go about their business, now that this trade has gone down

stein said jr.nene,mozgov & felton could all be moved this is our best time/shot to send that proposal to denver
Originally Posted by FIRST B0RN

Originally Posted by arstyle27

Yo Ant..chill on the title man...don't be calling other teams cowards, thats bad karma bro. Let's stay humble and keep that talk to ourselves.
I agree, we already have lames comparing us to Lakers & Knicks fans.

DONE! But I have no problem being compared to Lakers fans, they celebrate championships.
Originally Posted by AntBanks81

Originally Posted by FIRST B0RN

Originally Posted by arstyle27

Yo Ant..chill on the title man...don't be calling other teams cowards, thats bad karma bro. Let's stay humble and keep that talk to ourselves.
I agree, we already have lames comparing us to Lakers & Knicks fans.

DONE! But I have no problem being compared to Lakers fans, they celebrate championships.
They also have the biggest douche bag following on NT, something we never want to be compared to. Our time will come again when we are raising banners fellas, bank on it.
The pickup I'm more nervous about is not Carmelo but Chauncey. 

Carmelo by himself is a good pickup obviously but Chauncey is going to be the leader of that squad.  He's going to make Carmelo and Amare work together and he's going to make that squad play defense. 

The only thing I question is Chauncey's ability to handle an uptempo offense.  Not too sure if his and D'antoni's philosophy will match either.  I hope they'll fight
All I know is that with the new group it will be easier for Rose to drive the lane.  Between Chandler and Amare, Rose was blocked like 7 times last time, it seemed like. 

And we might have an easier time defending that three point line, maybe. 

And D'antoni is sure to kill his starters.  The fool will probably run a 7 man rotation at most. 
Originally Posted by amel223

The pickup I'm more nervous about is not Carmelo but Chauncey. 

Carmelo by himself is a good pickup obviously but Chauncey is going to be the leader of that squad.  He's going to make Carmelo and Amare work together and he's going to make that squad play defense. 

The only thing I question is Chauncey's ability to handle an uptempo offense.  Not too sure if his and D'antoni's philosophy will match either.  I hope they'll fight
Chauncey isn't the same player he once was.  His demeanor and attitude have completely changed from his days with Detroit.  He doesn't distribute like he used to, and jacks up shots.  He may just not care anymore since he has his rings or maybe it was the Denver (lack of) system or both.  He even stated during this rumor-filled fiasco that he just wants to finish up his days in Denver and retire.  Who knows though, maybe this will rejuvenate him to play smarter/better.  He is older now too, so DEF and running an uptempo O are tougher for him.
If they had kept felton, then maybe I would worry about them this year. Chauncey makes no difference to me. Like Juice said, he is basically a small two guard now.

We really have nothing to trade, I don't want to give up any of our young front court depth, especially for guys that aren't that much better than what we have.

Just a thought guys, but you know that at UCLA Collison was the point and R. Westbrook ran the 2 right? I'm just saying for future super teams pretending to not want to come together.
KC Johnson at the Trib said that Anthony Parker and Rasaul Butler are possible last minute targets before the deadline? If they can be had for very cheap, I say why not? The more wings/sg the merrier.

From earlier posts, I know you guys don't think highly of Parker.  Any additional thoughts on these two or other possible targets? 

I have a feeling we stand pat though.
I would rather stand pat..if we are gonna gamble, I would rather go big...JR SWISH, he is probably the biggest risk to threaten chemistry, but he is about the only 2 available that cold get you 30. Plus he plays good defense! If we could reel him in for nothing (BIG WISH) I'd say "Garpax do it"
I have liked Lee since the finalsvs Lakers, he is young enough to fit in and grow with our core. BUT why does he keep getting traded. I haven't heard anything, but theremust be a reason.

But I think we all agree on the most we give up being some picks, JJ and everyone's fav bull bogans.
An interesting proposal from another site has been a trade between Taj and Wilson Chandler. 

I'm actually very intrigued.  This can be the backup Luol has never had this season and he can also play 4. 
i want lee or Double A. more so Double A because he is balling out this year. im scared lee would come in and be no better then the SG we have this year. talent wise he is better then all of them but not playing better then them

lee would be cheaper then Afflalo tho since Afflalo is going to be a FA this year
Out of JR, AA, and Lee JR is definitely the best shot creator and is the most explosive. I think AA & Lee are a wash. AA's always had a rep for being a good defender coming out of UCLA plus his offensive game is much improved this year (great with the corner 3). Lee does have playoffs experience including playing against Pierce/Allen and Lebron in a high pressure environment.

That being said, I don't think Denver's done dealing and JR could be the "cheapest" option. I don't think he'd be too much of a risk to the locker room because there are vets on the squad now (KT and Booz specifically) that can keep everyone focused if he does act up. Besides, we can ship him out after this season if it doesn't work out.
Afflalo would be a really good look. If he started, our 1st and 2nd units would be ridiculous defensively.
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