Official Chicago Bulls Offseason Thread

He most certainly had bron dancing, I guess the decision just looked bad because he shot an airball...all I can hope for is that we stop the bleeding and defend our homecourt

CA, not going to the game but I did see someone selling two 300 level seats for 340...W T F
on a lighter note, does D Rose have a Gucci contract now? He been Gucci this Gucci that after every game!
Originally Posted by AntBanks81

He most certainly had bron dancing, I guess the decision just looked bad because he shot an airball...all I can hope for is that we stop the bleeding and defend our homecourt

CA, not going to the game but I did see someone selling two 300 level seats for 340...W T F

On another lighter note, after game 2 there were some kids who tried to use the big mac coupons at McDonald's.  The cashier almost redeemed 'em, but the manager looked at the coupons, checked her phone, and told the kids to leave because the big mac coupons are only valid after a Bulls win.  Kids these days....
LMAO CA, I always take a bunch of coupons and cash em in win or L, 100 pts or 80...I guess the playoffs got them paying attention

I hope that the ticket holders that are there act like fans...we need to make a ton of noise and support our team. F the odds, lets just play ball
that was a stupid *@+ move on their part...Brian Shaw been groomed for that position, knows the offense and knows the players. Now youhave a proud team coming back off a sweep with a coach that is not proven
Hey fellas after a day of letting it all sink in i have a much better understanding of what happened yesterday. 

We have a good team, but we are a year away.  Every team goes through their lumps and learning experiences and this is ours.  We have a very tough and hard playing team but as we know all year we have had trouble playing 48 minutes.  Right now the Heat are just a better team than we are.  Im not as upset as i am disappointed because we have been in every game in the fourth quarter but just let them slip away.  I felt that we kinda let them moment get to us yesterday.  I love what Ronnie is doing on the defensive end playing Lebron and Wade.  As we saw yesterday if we get in transition we are a good team.  I still love our defense but our offense leaves a lot to be desired. Energy and effort are the words for tomorrow.  Derrick has all the ability in the world but we need him to play smarter, i think his game took big leap last offseason but this offseason we need him to take that leap of understanding the game better.  i have noticed that he gives up a lot of 2 for 1's by starting too late in the clock.  But it's all apart of growing as a player.

I alos want to see Derrick catch the outlet passes further down the court

Sorry for the long read 
How would Chi fans feel about a Boozer for Joe Johnson swap?

I mean it works well for both teams considering Joe Johnson on the hawks = worse contract in the league very soon and im sure they regret it everyday. Meanwhile Joe Johnson on the bulls puts them over the hump IMO.

Boozer still gets paid alot but not the complete max and also comes off the books earlier also allows ATL to move Smith back to the 3 so it works for them.

Meanwhile JJ then begins to earn his worth next to a guy like Rose because hes a proven Shooter and a guy whos game will adapt well even when he begins to age and decline. He Shoots, he's a capable defender, and most importantly he knows how to create offense......... After this playoff run Taj has proved that hes ready to be a starter so that fills the void at PF. 

After this trade the only thing yall team would be missing is a guy off the bench who can simply come in and score and considering Chi has Alot of young assets and in general a city players would like i believe they could get that done quick
Originally Posted by tyisny

How would Chi fans feel about a Boozer for Joe Johnson swap?

I mean it works well for both teams considering Joe Johnson on the hawks = worse contract in the league very soon and im sure they regret it everyday. Meanwhile Joe Johnson on the bulls puts them over the hump IMO.

Boozer still gets paid alot but not the complete max and also comes off the books earlier also allows ATL to move Smith back to the 3 so it works for them.

Meanwhile JJ then begins to earn his worth next to a guy like Rose because hes a proven Shooter and a guy whos game will adapt well even when he begins to age and decline. He Shoots, he's a capable defender, and most importantly he knows how to create offense......... After this playoff run Taj has proved that hes ready to be a starter so that fills the void at PF. 

After this trade the only thing yall team would be missing is a guy off the bench who can simply come in and score and considering Chi has Alot of young assets and in general a city players would like i believe they could get that done quick
Nah you'd be doing yourself a favor forgetting about this, Hawks don't want another undersized soft big, and Bulls don't want to be paying Joey 24 million when he's 35.
Originally Posted by jmause3

Hey fellas after a day of letting it all sink in i have a much better understanding of what happened yesterday. 

We have a good team, but we are a year away.  Every team goes through their lumps and learning experiences and this is ours.  We have a very tough and hard playing team but as we know all year we have had trouble playing 48 minutes.  Right now the Heat are just a better team than we are.  Im not as upset as i am disappointed because we have been in every game in the fourth quarter but just let them slip away.  I felt that we kinda let them moment get to us yesterday.  I love what Ronnie is doing on the defensive end playing Lebron and Wade.  As we saw yesterday if we get in transition we are a good team.  I still love our defense but our offense leaves a lot to be desired. Energy and effort are the words for tomorrow.  Derrick has all the ability in the world but we need him to play smarter, i think his game took big leap last offseason but this offseason we need him to take that leap of understanding the game better.  i have noticed that he gives up a lot of 2 for 1's by starting too late in the clock.  But it's all apart of growing as a player.

I alos want to see Derrick catch the outlet passes further down the court

Sorry for the long read 

Good points. I generally feel the same way...sig check
Nothing more to do but win tomorrow night. Accomplish that, then game 6 will see who wants it more. If there's a game 7, I will be very satisfied from the 2010-11 Chicago Bulls.
Originally Posted by YoungTriz

Originally Posted by knightngale

Originally Posted by YoungTriz

smile... mike brown is the coach of the lakers...

that's foul
you talking about the smell thats gonna come from mike browns clip board?
I don't even have the energy to hate on the heat now

I now see the Bulls taking it all next year. The only thing they need is to run a real offense and not rely on rose all the time like the cavs did. Maybe sign someone that can hit the occasional shot in the offseason.
Oh, Well! 

Move on to next year... 

I'm not really disappointed this year, the fact that Bulls won 62, Rose won MVP, & Thibs winning COTY... All of this was a "BIG" Surprise.. I mean "Who would have thought?!?"

To me this is enough proof that Bulls had a better team, but Miami just outplayed Chicago in this series plus the fact that they have LeBron, Wade, & Bosh playing well the entire playoffs..

So for the Pre-Season here's my Wish List: (Pending outcome of CBA talks)

- Definitely get a better 2 guard

- If Dwight is available, Why not? or maybe K.Love (Still a longshot though)

- If you ask me, I'd trade 1st rd. pick for a decent player (anybody but Bogans) 
No matter what happens I think we are a decent sg away and if booz could learn to Cupid shuffle a little we will be that much better. An offensive assistant wouldn't be bad maybe help our schemes out. Did anybody see NBA tv had game 7 of this series as a playoff playback or whatever they call it? Would be nice but let's just win tonight
It is 1 game at a time bulls can't lose faith until they win game 4

IF you guys win tomorrow then game 6 at miami will be game really think the heat can win game 7 on the road after the bulls have won 2 in a row?

It is not like you are getting blown have been in games with a chance to win
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