Official Chicago Bulls Offseason Thread

Nothing can be said to console me right now. I'm done with this thread. It was an amazing run. You guys made it fun to come into this thread all year. cant wait to do it again next year. Right now though.........
Originally Posted by aznballa33

how anyone seen carlos boozer??? did he even show up for this series????


His whole playoff career is like this.
Prostaffer wrote:
Two highest paid players were riding the bench.

I hope Noah decides to put in as much work on his game as Rose did these past few years. Learn to hit a damn jumper and average more than single digits in the ECF. If I'm mad at anyone it's Noah and I can't believe I'm not saying Deng. Deng was great this year.

I repeat my sentiments

Boozer, Noah and 3 1sts for Howard.

VAGPAX won't do it though.

   Tibbs doesnt want him shooting it. It doesnt matter how much work you put in if you dont get posessions and opportunity's to shoot the basketball.
I aint trading Noah for spit.
Boozer is a positive person, but all of the flaws he had coming out of college were exposed in this playoffs.
Aka cant move his feet, and struggles against length. On a personal level I can honestly say that I just want him gone at this point. Look we tried it, it didnt work, no sense in wasting another year trying to figure out if we can make it work. Move on. You will never get the opportunities you got in Utah to get out of shooting slumps thats the bottom line of the situation.
 You got the contract Lets see if we cant find something that we can make work better.
this was all of ROSE ... i told henz0 that rose was gonna give this game away but i still didn't see this happening like this ... not gonna go thru the plays ...

off season ... let's see how hungry they are ... rose is a great ft shooter ... he can learn to be clutch in the big moments

i need to see him pass more
take less 3s
work on his defense

thibs can learn a lot from this series ...

deng had a hell of a year ...

i hope rose is strong enough to handle the criticism ... he needs it ... there is playing bad and there is doing what he did this series ... basketball iq needs to improve tremendously ... needs to work on fundamentals such as the bounce pass ...
Originally Posted by cRazy dav0

this was all of ROSE ... i told henz0 that rose was gonna give this game away but i still didn't see this happening like this ... not gonna go thru the plays ...

off season ... let's see how hungry they are ... rose is a great ft shooter ... he can learn to be clutch in the big moments

i need to see him pass more
take less 3s
work on his defense

thibs can learn a lot from this series ...

deng had a hell of a year ...

i hope rose is strong enough to handle the criticism ... he needs it ... there is playing bad and there is doing what he did this series ... basketball iq needs to improve tremendously ... needs to work on fundamentals such as the bounce pass ...
I Wholeheartedly Agree!!! 
We're gonna bounce back next year like the Blackhawks did when they lost to the Red Wings. If you can have Keith Bogans as your starting SG for the entire year and make it to the ECF you're in pretty good shape. We get a SG and more shooters plus another big man = ring.

You can't say Noah is untouchable. Hasn't played a fulll season yet.

We can talk all we want about the bulls needing a "lil" help at SG, but you all know that's not the truth. You think Courtney Lee would've changed this series?

We need to get another ALL-STAR to play with our ALL-STAR. We have him surrounding with mediocrity and you see how that went.
We gotta push for Dwight. I know it's unrealistic and I never wanted to resort to it but we have to. Dwight would make this team unstoppable. Honestly we probably have one of the best trade offers to make, so if we found a way to accomplish it financially, we should push hard for him. Big if though.
Prostaffer don't know if Courtney lee is the answer but we need somebody where lbj can't play free safety on us or any team for that matter. I have confidence that we will get better and gar/pax find some help. Maybe free agents will want to play for us now. Hell most of us who play any kind of ball know it's easier on d if u can basically play 5 on 4 or 5 on 3 and that was our problem this series on offense.
Props to Rose and the Bulls for an excellent season, theyre just an all star away imo. Not trying to throw rocks but does having the best record in the league and the MVP and not even make to the finals count as a failure?
Originally Posted by BossPlaya0625

Props to Rose and the Bulls for an excellent season, theyre just an all star away imo. Not trying to throw rocks but does having the best record in the league and the MVP and not even make to the finals count as a failure?

Yes it is a failure.  You play for championships.
Originally Posted by aznballa33

how anyone seen carlos boozer??? did he even show up for this series????


You can say the same thing for rose. 117 points on 120 shots in 5 games? 35% shooting & 4 turnovers per game? From an MVP?

The thing was that Lebron wasn't playing free safety the last few games. He played good D against Derek and it looked like he was in his head a lil. Either that or Rose had no legs left.

You need a legit player that can make Wade guard him. Wade had a free ride on defense all series and he saved his energy tonight for the 4th quarter.

I like that Lou came out with aggression tonight.
If Asik and Gibson can take the next step, I think the Bulls will be even better next year. Rose isn't getting THAT much better. Minor tweaks? Yeah. But he is close to what he'll be, which is a top-tier player in this league. If Asik or Gibson can turn into a 10-10 guy...let's go. Get Afflalo or similar to replace Bogans and rest of the team is fine to me. great season. not happy but definitely satisfied. I thought the team was 2nd in the east going into the year... that's how it ended up.

I think the team SHOULD get right back to this round next year. I see Heat vs. Bulls in ECF for at least 2 out of the next 4 years. Which team is going to stop that from happening?? All other teams in the East besides the Knicks are going backwards next year, IMO. Knicks will probably be 3-4 seed next year, I'm guessing.
Well it"s been a helluva season fellas. Glad to have been a part of it.

Rose, Thibs, Noah, Booz, and GarPax all need to learn from this series and come back hungry and improved next year.

Sig check....
Originally Posted by HankMoody

If Asik and Gibson can take the next step, I think the Bulls will be even better next year. Rose isn't getting THAT much better. Minor tweaks? Yeah. But he is close to what he'll be, which is a top-tier player in this league. If Asik or Gibson can turn into a 10-10 guy...let's go. Get Afflalo or similar to replace Bogans and rest of the team is fine to me. great season. not happy but definitely satisfied. I thought the team was 2nd in the east going into the year... that's how it ended up.

I think the team SHOULD get right back to this round next year. I see Heat vs. Bulls in ECF for at least 2 out of the next 4 years. Which team is going to stop that from happening?? All other teams in the East besides the Knicks are going backwards next year, IMO. Knicks will probably be 3-4 seed next year, I'm guessing.

Do you think JR Smith is worth the risk? I know he hasn't been able to piece it all together but he's got more potential than Afflalo. Plus I'm not sure if Denver gives up AA.
Pro you get what I'm saying then whether it's lebron or wade point is we need people where that can't happen and I feel we can agree with this.Edit: ca agree with your wtb who do y'all think we should try to get through trade or fa?
Originally Posted by Peteweezy

Pro you get what I'm saying then whether it's lebron or wade point is we need people where that can't happen and I feel we can agree with this.Edit: ca agree with your wtb who do y'all think we should try to get through trade or fa?

I'm not sure if a Courtney Lee type will help us vault over the Heat. We need a SG who can create their own shot, not at elite level necessarily. Ray Allen would've been perfect if the Celts didn't sign him. JR Smith because how explosive he is and his potential too. My wish is to have Mean Streets Express reunited by prying Eric Gordon away from the Clips....
It was a great season guys.

My heart hasn't felt this heavy since we lost to the Knicks in 1994.
 But I feel optimistic because i truly feel like we are a step away from making a couple of Finals runs. A lot of people will take alot from this season. Think of it as the Bulls failing against the Pistons, Celtics, and Knicks back in the day. A few adjustments and we'll be nearly unstoppable. I think in the offseason, Derrick Rose will work even harder to make sure his game is strong enough to take the team back to the ECF in the following years. He seems to have MJ's determination, which is great. He needs to definitely take less threes until he can become a dependable perimeter shooter and needs to up his basketball IQ (i.e. NOT to fall for pump fakes). In addition, he needs to also learn better shot selection.

This season also made us strong contenders to gain another superstar. D. Wade didn't want to come here because he said the Bulls organization didnt respect their players. So who do we go after? Dwight Howard? I think he's a great fit and wouldnt consider LA since Kobe is getting older and their new coach is a massive downgrade. We could trade Asik, Boozer, Bogans, and MAYBE even Korver. we need someone dominant in the paint that can play great D.

Finally, we shouldnt feel bad. We gave the Heat a hard time winning those games and THEY will be the ones who will be exposed in the Finals. You thought they cried before? Just wait until Dirk is dropping 50+ a game on them. Great series and great season. Thanks to it and this thread, I became a basketball fan again for the first time in 13 years
This is what I'd do in the offseason:
-Sign JR Smith. He's a huge risk but he also has the biggest upside of any SG on the market this offseason.

-Sign Delonte West. A hybrid PG/SG that can do everything, he is millions of times better than Watson.

-Get rid of Watson.

-Trade Korver, the 28th pick, and the 30th pick for whatever pick we can get. I'm aiming for something in the top 15.

-Use that pick to draft Marshon Brooks or Jimmer Fredette.

-Trade Boozer for Bargnani. Bargs is soft, but at least he can create his own shot on offense. Besides, when we need interior play, we can just switch him out for Gibson.

-Try to get KT to stay one more season.


Smith/Brewer/Fredette, Brooks, or Burks



Great season and great series bulls fans this was not easy at all ... we will be going at for years to come ..
I know I blamed Rose a lot for the loss but the offense as it is right now will continue to fail against teams like the heat.

You guys need more shooters around Rose.

Rose needs to get a reliable jump shot and become a better passer. He also needs to play at different speeds. He plays at 2 speeds and that is kinda predictable against a good defense.

Boozer needs to be gone or benched. Worst player on the team. His main contribution was those 2 flagrant fouls. I told you guys he always is ghost in playoff series.
i cant help but blame thee entire team, we are not the chicago derrick rose's we are the CHICAGO BULLS, i dont even wanna know what derricks total of shots taken and made are
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