Official Cooking Steak Thread

The finger test is a quick way of how the meat feels to touch based off of how that part of your hand feels as well.
i like rib-eyes w/ the bone best, i usually just get em from stop and shop.

i like to marinate my steaks with olive oil, salt, pepper, garlic or onion powder it all depends, some chopped basil, and lately i been adding just a little bit of marsala wine and it's been pretty
. i cook all my steaks in a pan as well. just keep cooking em OP you will find a method that suits your taste
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The finger test is a quick way of how the meat feels to touch based off of how that part of your hand feels as well.
   Lol thank you, didn't think the pic and the "finger test for doneness" was a confusing thing to follow
The finger test is a quick way of how the meat feels to touch based off of how that part of your hand feels as well.
You're saying how hard the hand is to touch in that spot below the thumb based on the different configurations of your other fingers?
You're saying how hard the hand is to touch in that spot below the thumb based on the different configurations of your other fingers?
Yes, try it out. If you touch your thumb and pinky finger together, that muscle part is stiff. Thats how a well done piece of steak feels. Its very helpful but you wont get it the first time. You gotta continue practicing.
Truth. You know you prepared and grilled a high-quality steak right when you don't need sauce (A1 or otherwise). You should be able to taste and enjoy the flavor of the meat with seasoning alone.

Medium rare only for me when it comes to steak.
The juice that runs out of the steak isn't blood. It's mostly water and myoglobin.

I buy my steaks from Costco and keep it simple with the seasoning. Just salt, pepper, and maybe some onion powder. I usually buy huge steaks so it takes like 10-15 minutes for me to cook on each side on an electric grill.

Anyone ever cook their steak in a pan with butter like restaurants do?

tried it one time. overcooked it a bit went to medium to medium well trying to get those grill marks.

View media item 690227

did a new york roast and came out nice, didn't let it rest long enough so had some juice ran off from it.

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sorry for the IG filters on those
thanks for the pics guys... i feel inspired... i need to get my cooking/grilling skills up... i cant wait to get home and do work on that steak :pimp:... hopefully we got some in the crib not trying to go to the supermarket :lol:
Worcestershire sauce, salt and pepper + medium :pimp: Compound butter would be icing on it if you want to take that extra step.
My brother in law will order a decent steak well done (and send it back if there's a trace of pink inside) and then smothers it with A1 - literally coats the whole thing in a thick layer.

It's a travesty. Might as well get macaroni cheese and spice it up.
Get a nice thick rib eye with a lot of white lines

Narinate both sides with sea salt and pepper....thats it

Leave it out, you want to cook it room temp so it cooks evenly

Get fire ready and throw some hickory wood chips

Once its ready, throw it on direct heat and close lid. After 2 min rotate. And anoher 2 minutes flip and repeat proccess. And itll be medium rare

The web if your hand is like the diffrent cooked ways for your steak. For example if you touch yiur thunb to pinky then its rare. Middle finger ti thumb is done. Index to thumb is well done.

If you get a steak anyother way besides medium rare, go eat a baked potatoe instead.

And DONT add a-1
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I heart this thread.

It will get pretentious, people will over complicate the most beautifully simple item to cook in the world.

Here are the steps, everything else is superflous.

Get good cut of steak; sirloin is my go to, it's simple, readily available and not to expensive, however talk to your butcher.

Place pan on High heat; heat oven to 370

Place pad of butter in pan

Season steak(this is where people do to much) if it's a good cut, some salt and pepper is all you should need. No need to get fancy, the meat should speak for itself.

Place steak in pan wait 30 sec, flip steak over wait another 30 sec.

Place pan with steak in oven for about as long as you would like, Medium rare, etc.

Place steak on plate


Steak >>>>
I heart this thread.

It will get pretentious, people will over complicate the most beautifully simple item to cook in the world.

Here are the steps, everything else is superflous.

Get good cut of steak; sirloin is my go to, it's simple, readily available and not to expensive, however talk to your butcher.

Place pan on High heat; heat oven to 370

Place pad of butter in pan

Season steak(this is where people do to much) if it's a good cut, some salt and pepper is all you should need. No need to get fancy, the meat should speak for itself.

Place steak in pan wait 30 sec, flip steak over wait another 30 sec.

Place pan with steak in oven for about as long as you would like, Medium rare, etc.

Place steak on plate


Steak >>>>


Let it sit though. It makes a real difference
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