OFFICIAL Daily Fantasy Sports (DFS) Thread - DK,FD vol. Addictive Personalities Beware

draftlkings week 9 lineup
brady big ben
ingram ivory
martin woodhead
antonio brown' julio
malcolm floyd d thomas
stevie johnsonm crabtree
gronk reed
miller rishard
atl bills
Kevin Martin out, this gives life to other Minnesota scorers but....its easier to predict the End of the World than it is to predict Minnesotas minutes spread in regard to their rotation

But KMart out should mean good things for Rubio
Kevin Martin out, this gives life to other Minnesota scorers but....its easier to predict the End of the World than it is to predict Minnesotas minutes spread in regard to their rotation

But KMart out should mean good things for Rubio
Hmmm since KMart is out...I'm deciding between Bjelica or Casspi
Express 50/50

Ish Smith

Deron Williams

Rodney Hood

Eric Gordon





Anyone rostering players from the Memphis vs Utah game?
I thought about choosing Zach at one point, but was like nah 3.5 seconds later.
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