Official Dallas Cowboys [3-3] vs. Philadelphia Eagles [2-4] Game Thread. Eagles Win, 34-7.

Originally Posted by DeadsetAce

the tipped ball probably made the ball look like it went backwards. they probably noticed the tip on the replay.

tip had nothing to do with where vick was standing and where it hit djax in the chest ... refs r a joke 
Originally Posted by cRazy dav0

Originally Posted by DeadsetAce

the tipped ball probably made the ball look like it went backwards. they probably noticed the tip on the replay.

tip had nothing to do with where vick was standing and where it hit djax in the chest ... refs r a joke 
im just saying, i can understand why it wasn't as obvious as it was for those of us watching on tv. at least they got it right on the review. but yeah, pretty bad call on the field.
Originally Posted by AG 47

So are the Eagles this good or the Cowboys this bad?
when we don't beat ourselves with turnovers we are capable of playing this good
as for the Cowboys..... Rob Ryan needs to just stop talking for the rest of the season
Originally Posted by DeadsetAce

AG 47 just noticed it was YOU with that avy and sig

i know the feeling, bro

it hurts bro. And to top it off, this sig is %$@$%@# hideous
Originally Posted by AG 47

Originally Posted by DeadsetAce

AG 47 just noticed it was YOU with that avy and sig

i know the feeling, bro

it hurts bro. And to top it off, this sig is %$@$%@# hideous
 my fault, at first i thought you was just trollin
Cowboys weren't that good one was hyping them up outside of homers but that's y'alls fault for falling into their trap. Most of the normal Cowboys fans on this site were pretty realistic about them this year. Work in progress, best-case is that they get it together by the end of December to make a playoff push. If not, 7-9 or 8-8 this year.

As for Rob Ryan, I still have more faith in him getting the defense right vs. Jason Garrett getting the offense right. Garrett and Romo have been together for 5 years and the offense has regressed. Just imagine if Garrett had different QBs every year like some teams have...dude would've been fired as an OC years ago. I'll give Rob Ryan the benefit of the doubt and hope he can fix them. I do know that he'll be the first to admit that he screwed up tonight whereas Garrett would just come up with an excuse and stand by his gameplan/playcalling.
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