**official DEXTER thread** Season 6 starts oct 2nd on showtime** TONIGHT**1 HOUR 30 MINS**

at last night

@ Dexter sonning that girls mom boyfriend

@ the call between Jordan & Lumen

that PI is most definitely gonna get merked
Great episode..
Loved the scene where Dex handled that dad up until he "kicked" him.. Looked crazy fake

Dex is slipping up more.. how did he forget Lumen was at the house when he had Deb with him
Also how does Jordan Chase even have Dex's home phone number from his old house??
Also it going to start getting tricky. Quinn knows Lumen's name, Deb knows Lumen's name and the PI is out to get everyone
"tell her she's got a fat @#$ or something" 

And he actually DID!!! 

That last kick was waaaaay off though.  Lookin like Segal when he got old and fat and they had to speed up the camera to make it look like he was quick and @#$% 
Last night confirmed my suspicions that Jordan Chase definitely knows about Dexter. That convo at the end
. I would even go as far to say that Chase was in on Rita's murder. As mentioned before, his comments during the his conference but also, the way he's talking to Dexter. His comments to Lumen also definitely indicate that he's put his relationship with Lumen together awhile ago.

I think Dexter met his match in the sense that being a blood splatter analyst + being a father + handling his dark passenger + handling Lumen is too much for him and for once his adversaries (Jordan Chase and Stan Liddy) are a step ahead of him and he's just now finding out about Chase and Liddy has been a season long thing.

I am incredibly excited for the rest of the season. With Chase knowing about Dexter + Lumen knowing + Liddy on the verge of finding out (The previews with what he saw on his spycam
) + Quinn having a good idea = An EXPLOSIVE last 3 episodes with either a lot of people ending up on tables and/or a lot of people getting exposed.

One last note: Did Elliot seem a little off to anyone else last night? I wouldn't be surprised if we find out later dude is connected to Jordan Chase or had something to do with Rita. I'm just convinced Rita didn't fit Trinity's profile and finding out that Chase or Elliot did it would also resolve the timeline issues with the murder being done by Trinity.
Originally Posted by Storm2006

Last night confirmed my suspicions that Jordan Chase definitely knows about Dexter. That convo at the end
. I would even go as far to say that Chase was in on Rita's murder. As mentioned before, his comments during the his conference but also, the way he's talking to Dexter. His comments to Lumen also definitely indicate that he's put his relationship with Lumen together awhile ago.

I think Dexter met his match in the sense that being a blood splatter analyst + being a father + handling his dark passenger + handling Lumen is too much for him and for once his adversaries (Jordan Chase and Stan Liddy) are a step ahead of him and he's just now finding out about Chase and Liddy has been a season long thing.

I am incredibly excited for the rest of the season. With Chase knowing about Dexter + Lumen knowing + Liddy on the verge of finding out (The previews with what he saw on his spycam
) + Quinn having a good idea = An EXPLOSIVE last 3 episodes with either a lot of people ending up on tables and/or a lot of people getting exposed.

One last note: Did Elliot seem a little off to anyone else last night? I wouldn't be surprised if we find out later dude is connected to Jordan Chase or had something to do with Rita. I'm just convinced Rita didn't fit Trinity's profile and finding out that Chase or Elliot did it would also resolve the timeline issues with the murder being done by Trinity.

I don't think Rita and Chase are connected at all. Trinity did it because of found out about Dex.

But last night was def the best episode of the season.
Storm2006, are you watching the same show as us?  you're trying to make connections between characters when there aren't any.
i want to know how jordan found out the connection between dexter and lumen.
maybe cole left him a message or something when he spotted lumen at the hotel?

then jordan checked cole's room and found out dexter was in the adjacent room with the kicked in door.  figured dexter had a connection to cole's disappearance and dex messing with his necklace confirmed it a 100%.
last nights episode was crazy!!

and was the 'voice' sound off for anyone?
like the music was playing but when the characters talked, there was no sound?
i had to wait for the next showing....

anyways, j. chase at the end

the PI and the kid

and has done anything that would get him killed, or does he just have dirt on dex?

i just found out that michael c hall (dexter) and jennifer carpenter (debra) are going out?
must be awkward....
Originally Posted by arrjae2

last nights episode was crazy!!

and was the 'voice' sound off for anyone?
like the music was playing but when the characters talked, there was no sound?
i had to wait for the next showing....

anyways, j. chase at the end

the PI and the kid

and has done anything that would get him killed, or does he just have dirt on dex?

i just found out that michael c hall (dexter) and jennifer carpenter (debra) are going out?
must be awkward....

They're actually married
 going out. 

What're they in Junior High? 
  Naw man, they married about a year ago or so.  But they started dating like around season 2 I think, maybe sooner. 
I mean Dexter isn't just the type of show where the twists and turns are things that you get from thinking inside the box. It was well documented in Season 4 that Trinity, like Dexter, was very precise and followed a specific pattern (or code in Dexters case). While he might have wanted to get back at Dexter, that doesn't necessarily mean he would kill Rita in one his ritualistic patterns (ex: see how disposed of the real Kyle Butler). I don't think its unreasonable to believe that it could've been a copycat killing.

Also, I don't see how my notion that Chase and Liddy are a step ahead of Dexter is at all far-fetched. Dexter has no idea about Liddy and from what we've seen already and what was in the previews, it appears as if Liddy is deep into Dexters world. He's so consumed with Lumen and Chase that it's possible the only way Liddy would be handled is if Quinn gives Dex a heads up or Quinn does it himself. As for Chase, theres so much about him and his entourage that Dexter doesn't know and is uncertain about yet Jordan knows his sons name, tried trapping him with prints at the suite, knows his address and phone number, knows that he's been murdering/setting up his boys, etc. IMO, this season will be toughest for him to safely make it without getting exposed because so many people are finding out about who he is.

I'm not saying that anything I'm posting is fact, just giving my opinion based on what I've seen.
If they somehow link Chase to season 4 i'll %!@+ myself. I doubt it will happen.

That last convo at the end of the show, i was thinking Chase would maybe recognize Lumens voice, or did he find out that she was already there?

The previews for next week look crazy. Quinn cut ties with Liddy so i take it Liddy is stalking cause he's interested? I think we will see Quinn helping out with Dexter on something BIG within these next three episodes.

Funny how everyones asking Dexter 21 questions about Lumen if they're dating. I think they will in the last episode. They definitley have a connection.

Took long enough for this season to really pick up. I doubt it will be better than season four. Who knows though, there's potential.
Last nights episode was 
, but the part that had me 
 the most is when he actually told Astor "I love you". Dex has come a long way. 
If I had lil Lumen sleepin in my house at night, I certainly would be spending more time there myself. 
  The hell with stayin in the house my sister sleeps in. 
Originally Posted by CP1708

If I had lil Lumen sleepin in my house at night, I certainly would be spending more time there myself. 
  The hell with stayin in the house my sister sleeps in. 

She's been stayin with Quinn tho
Originally Posted by washanobotit

Originally Posted by CP1708

If I had lil Lumen sleepin in my house at night, I certainly would be spending more time there myself. 
  The hell with stayin in the house my sister sleeps in. 

She's been stayin with Quinn tho

You're taking his comment too literally. He was basically saying Dexter should be smashing, thoughAlso.....are the writers throwing us a sign...ilLumenati? Watch them play a Hov song as she dies
Can someone post a link to the preview for next weeks show.. The "one" i watched didnt show this
Liddy doesn't care at at all about Quinn anymore, he is in it to expose Miami Metro like I menioned a couple weeks ago.  The leverage this guy is building up is

Last night's episode was very well written, and it was definitely one of the best of the season thus far.  There is so much more to come in the next 3 episodes, I feel like now it all has to come crashing down on Dexter. 

When Jordan Chase called and Lumen was obviously shook talking to him, I was waiting for his signature "tick, tick tick" line.  Gotta give him a
 for that. 

I don't think that Chase and Rita will be connected at all, but I also don't completely disagree with the shady take on Elliot.  The dude definitely had strong feelings for Rita and maybe when he realized he couldn't ever have her, he decided that Dexter shouldn't have her either.  It wouldn't be a complete shock if he ultimately ends up being Rita's murderer.  They have a chance to pull that off because they didn't show Trinity killing Rita, Trinity died before Dexter went home that night, and Trinity always killed the young girl in the bathtub because of his sister.  The mid 30's mom only came into play with them leaping to their deaths.  I'd keep an eye out of this one. 

Going to be another fantastic and most definitely frantic end to this season.

Also very much appreciated how they were able to manage killing off an important character and still come out with this quality. 
Best show on TV.

I'm just praying it doesn't end the way the Sopranos did. I want a real ending.

The end of last night's episode had me feeling salty though. I hate those last second cliffhangers that make it seem like next Sunday is a long #$@ time away.
I love this #%#+*$% show. I keep trying to count it out with the big new shows starting up like Boardwalk Empire and the Walking Dead, but Dexter always sneaks up on you and cuts deep.

Deb, Batista and Laguerta are all not annoying at the same time. That ain't happened in years. Great ep. #@@% is gonna be wild.
Originally Posted by youngin33

Liddy doesn't care at at all about Quinn anymore, he is in it to expose Miami Metro like I menioned a couple weeks ago.  The leverage this guy is building up is

Last night's episode was very well written, and it was definitely one of the best of the season thus far.  There is so much more to come in the next 3 episodes, I feel like now it all has to come crashing down on Dexter. 

When Jordan Chase called and Lumen was obviously shook talking to him, I was waiting for his signature "tick, tick tick" line.  Gotta give him a
 for that. 

I don't think that Chase and Rita will be connected at all, but I also don't completely disagree with the shady take on Elliot.  The dude definitely had strong feelings for Rita and maybe when he realized he couldn't ever have her, he decided that Dexter shouldn't have her either.  It wouldn't be a complete shock if he ultimately ends up being Rita's murderer.  They have a chance to pull that off because they didn't show Trinity killing Rita, Trinity died before Dexter went home that night, and Trinity always killed the young girl in the bathtub because of his sister.  The mid 30's mom only came into play with them leaping to their deaths.  I'd keep an eye out of this one. 

Going to be another fantastic and most definitely frantic end to this season.

Also very much appreciated how they were able to manage killing off an important character and still come out with this quality. 

Thank you. I know I wasn't reaching with thinking that it's possible for someone other than Trinity to have killed Rita. The only two people I think it could be, if that is the case,are Elliot or Chase. The reason why I even suspect Chase is because you know they have a thing for cute blondes (although the murder style obviously doesn't fit their MO). But also, at the suite when he invited Dexter up his tone was just....odd when asking about Trinity, as if he already knew Dexter killed him or what really happened to her. A longshot is that Elliot is one of the dudes in the picture with Boyd and them
. And as for Elliot being the candidate, you've already stated all the reasons. I'm gonna go CRAZY thinking about this show between now and Sunday
I dont think it was hard to make the connection between her and Dexter.

Luman (sp) was the last girl who escaped. Dudes who were involved in getting the chicks are disappearing. Chase finds out his guest (Dexter) the blood expert, got in his necklace.

I think Quinn might end up offing Liddy
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