**official DEXTER thread** Season 6 starts oct 2nd on showtime** TONIGHT**1 HOUR 30 MINS**

Originally Posted by megatron

Nah i definitely caught the preview last night and i just rewatched it again. It looked nothing like a kiss lean in, but that's just me.
The way it was filmed, her lookin at his mouth or some @#$%, they were face to face, I ain't never get that damn close to my sister man. 
  I dunno, my wife and I both said it at the same time, "what the @#$% were they doin lookin at each other like that"? 

And obviously some others saw the same thing from in here.  So it ain't just in our heads man. 

I think Lewis has to know. As obsessed as he is with Dexter, he seems to know a lot about him. Why would you show a guy who's wife was murdered by a famous serial killer, and brother was a famous serial killer, a game where you play as the serial killer?
Originally Posted by DaG311

Originally Posted by Bozo7000

Good episode. If Dex didn't call the cops at the end, I would have been disappointed.

The writers clearly didn't know what to do with Quinn this season, and it looks like they want us to hate him after tonights episode.

I wonder if Luis knows about Dex, or if it's just coincidence.

I understand him calling the cops.. I know it is a tv show, but even though he didn't want to leave his name, can't they still trace the number?
Most of you pay no attention to the beginning credits do you?

Dexter is still based on the character written by Jeff Lindsey, Dexter has little regard for technology esp cellphones, throughout the seasons he would answer the phone very nonchalantly before or after a kill or a dumping.............he just isnt worried about cell tracking like that.
These therapy sessions with Deb are doing a nice job of showing how important Dexter is to her.
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[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Yes, its setting something big up between them, i think she finds out about dexter catches him in the act.[/font]

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[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]also lewis is going to be a big part of this, i think he also knows about dexter.....why did he want dexter to see his game about serial killers so bad? didnt it make more sense to have deb take a look at it, also dexter lost his wife to a serial killer wouldnt he if he thought dex was normal be smart enough to not show him a game that you can be a serial killer.  this dude might be a friend of dexters brother, half bro? [/font]
Think this season ends on a cliffhanger where Louis is revealed as a huge threat to Dexter in Season 7...
Originally Posted by youngin33

Think this season ends on a cliffhanger where Louis is revealed as a huge threat to Dexter in Season 7...
Yeah dude is wylin. Trying to lure Dex to his house or some spot to "impress" him.

Okay ep. To the dude who didn't see it told you'd there were implications of incest. Surprised Deb didn't have sex with Dex in her dream.

Quinn needs to be fired already. Thought shhh would've hit the fan when it got to Deb.

As much as I wanna smash, LaGuerta is a real !+*!#

Originally Posted by Je Ne Sais Quoi

Either Deb and Dex will kiss and/or bang next episode or it's the residual Boardwalk Empire reaction that's clouding my brain.
Dudes are trolling with that damn dream sequence, just let her rape him because you know Dex ain't with it.
Its not really incest since they're not related

plus them being married in real life the chemistry has always been there

Man how did travis go from being a lil !%$%$ when the professor was still "alive"/before dexter went into the church. and now son is a boss??

also you guys know how travis did the painting of dexter? I thought my eyes were +$$%@@ with me LAST week, but when the police went into the church and saw everything they had left, WAS I THE ONLY PERSON WHO SAW THE PAINTING OF DEXTER ALREADY THERE??? must have been a  plot hole. 
Originally Posted by cartune

Its not really incest since they're not related

plus them being married in real life the chemistry has always been there

they were married in real life. 
Louis is creepy af. I think he is going to be a big part of the last two seasons. 
am i the only one that likes louis? He's a smart guy and before the whole 'hand' thing, he just seemed like a regular guy. wonder what the drawings he did to the hand actually mean...
I liked this episode. Only a few things were

1. Not sure I like the route they are going with Deb having feelings for Dex.

2. The scene with Travis blowing up the boat with Dex in it. Because they would really kill the main character before the finale and with 2 more seasons to go...

3. Travis paints a huge picture with Dexter face on it, and Dexter sends Travis a video message on his phone. Sloppy.

I know shows like Dexter requires the viewer to suspend some belief, but I'm not buying the whole Travis going from some nerdy wimp to full blown mastermind serial killer in 1 day.
Originally Posted by megatron

Man how did travis go from being a lil !%$%$ when the professor was still "alive"/before dexter went into the church. and now son is a boss??

also you guys know how travis did the painting of dexter? I thought my eyes were +$$%@@ with me LAST week, but when the police went into the church and saw everything they had left, WAS I THE ONLY PERSON WHO SAW THE PAINTING OF DEXTER ALREADY THERE??? must have been a  plot hole. 
The painting was already there but it wasn't changed to Dexter's face. Could also be he has more than one of that same painting.
Originally Posted by Bozo7000

I liked this episode. Only a few things were

1. Not sure I like the route they are going with Deb having feelings for Dex.

2. The scene with Travis blowing up the boat with Dex in it. Because they would really kill the main character before the finale and with 2 more seasons to go...

3. Travis paints a huge picture with Dexter face on it, and Dexter sends Travis a video message on his phone. Sloppy.

I know shows like Dexter requires the viewer to suspend some belief, but I'm not buying the whole Travis going from some nerdy wimp to full blown mastermind serial killer in 1 day.

He killed Gellar and his parents no?
Originally Posted by Bozo7000

I know shows like Dexter requires the viewer to suspend some belief, but I'm not buying the whole Travis going from some nerdy wimp to full blown mastermind serial killer in 1 day.

Um, he was always the mastermind serial killer.
Yeah, dude was hiding it all along. He sorta has multiple personalities. Probably killed what's left of the good in him when he killed his sister.
Originally Posted by awwsome

Originally Posted by Bozo7000

I know shows like Dexter requires the viewer to suspend some belief, but I'm not buying the whole Travis going from some nerdy wimp to full blown mastermind serial killer in 1 day.

Um, he was always the mastermind serial killer.

I know.

I'm just not buying the split personality thing, or the fact that he was able to put together all these traps for his victims by himself (unless someone is revealed helping him in the finale). I guess he just never seemed that skillful or smart to me from what we were shown.

I wonder how different Colin Hanks would have portrayed Travis if they told him Gellar wasn't real from the beginning.
GREAT episode, other than that whole uncomfortable Deb/Dex scene. 
  I know they aren't even really brother and sister, but for 6 seasons they have pushed that on us, and it's just plain awkward now. 

Louis man.......the hell is that guy up too?  He mails the hand back to Dex..., why?  We don't have time for this in one last episode, are they really setting him up for next season? 

Quinn needs to just catch a bullet. 

I am lovin the more focused, aggressive Travis.  Shoulda went this route the whole time instead of trying to fake us with softie and Gellar. 

The preview for next week 

The whole dead hook case is annoying.  Why screw around with Mathews, make him fall back so Laguerta can move up, piss off Deb, etc etc.  It's a waste of time. 

Deb was great in the episode last night, I like her character more and more every week. 

Masuka  "maybe the knife was his severance package" 

So, I was wrong on the lesbian front, instead they went with Dexter, but did anyone else notice that when they evacuated the station, and Deb was out there talkin to Dex and the EMT, you could spot the therapist in the background? 
  Again, ala Louis, she keeps showing up at random times, why?  She didn't have no reason to be out there.  Why have her in the background?  I wonder if they pull her in for next season as well. 

Right now, depending on how the finale is, I have the seasons in terms of best:

Season 1  Rudy, ITK
Season 2  Doakes, BHB
Season 5  Jordan Chase
Season 4  Trinity
Season 6  DDK
Season 3  Jimmy Smits
Love this season so far, it's a wild ride. I HATE the BS between Dex and Deb, mad awkward and disgusting. Travis is great, he's such an awkward weird individual that it's believable. Mad that this season is probably gonna end with a cliffhanger and set up for Louis next season
Nother one of those episodes that just play with my emotions.
Deb and Dexter kissing was killin me with awkwardness. At the same time I was thinking about how they were really married in real life. Do you guys think there are any messages being sent with their relationship in the show and in real life? When Deb told the therapist she loves her brother shes not in love with her brother, it made me think I wonder if they had a good divorce like they're still really good friends and love eachother, just not meant for eachother. And Michael C Hall is the producer, idk just me thinking outside the box. It couldnt have been an ugly divorce between the two because they're doing amazing onset with eachother coming off of that. You think it'd be mad awkward.

Louis is defnitely gonna be for next season. The finales gonna end with him doing something. I dont get why Dexter is such a **** to him though 
 Dexters always been a nice guy to everyone but he just shoots this dude down every time, even to talk for 5 seconds. Idk if its cause Dex has alot on his plate but I dont think ive ever seen him be such a **** to anyone. Louis will be a problem though, Dexter hasnt had to deal with anyone who is a computer genius. Dexter himself is a genius but its gonna be real hard for him to keep up with someone when it comes to computers. I kept thinking Louis was gonna find out that Dexter posted that false alarm message on Gellars blog and Louis was gonna track where the message came from or something. Which I think was from Dexters house? Or his lab, whereever he posted it from. 

LaGuerttas a betch. Debs gonna do work. And I agree CP. I REALLY like Debs character this season. Alot of people always hated her in past seasons, but her acting this season is really good.

Going by next weeks previews I have a pretty big theory on how all the whole series is gonna end. Just throwing it out there.

In the previews it shows Dexters kid getting pretty involved which means he's gonna be seeing some things no ordinary toddler sees...like Dexter did when he was a kid.

I think the whole thing is gonna end with a flash forward of Dexters kid being older and being a serial killer himself. Possibly Dexter will die in front of him, and Dex will be his dark passenger.

But what would be even crazier is if Dexters kid dies this upcoming episode. They have been focusing alot on Dexter wondering if its safe for him to be Harrisons father given his lifestyle. 

Cant wait.
Originally Posted by Bozo7000

Isn't Dexter using Louis's search engine?
  Damn, I never even thought of this.  Anyone else know if he's right on this? 

Damn, that would explain a damn ton.  And would make him awfully dangerous to Dex. 

And Jay, I could see that being something to flash forward too, I could see it.  In the end though, I think Deb is gonna have to be the one to take him down.  I assume that in season 6, we'll start to see someone from the main core go.  Batista, LaGuerta, Deb, Quinn, Masuka, one of these will have to go at some point, maybe even 2 or 3. 

Hymen, to me Trinity season was all just the finale.  GREAT GREAT finish, no question, but maaaaaaan, episodes 2-9 were some old dude actin weird and bangin his hammer. 
  Dude couldn't even kill hisself properly.  Serial killer that tries to off himself and fails = pathetic.  Nut up serial killer, you killed 50 easy targets, you're 60 years old and cryin about your momma still, come on man, cut your leg in the bathtub or something. 
  I was so eh about it up until the final two shows.  That's when it got good.  People just lost their mind when they seen Rita and all of a sudden it became a "great" season.  I don't agree, it just had the best finish of all the seasons is all. 

There was something else Dex did this past ep where he could get caught or have some things lead back to him but I forget.

I think it was the whole sending a video to Travis which could be found or something risky like that.
did anyone else notice that when they evacuated the station, and Deb was out there talkin to Dex and the EMT, you could spot the therapist in the background? 
  Again, ala Louis, she keeps showing up at random times, why?
She is a cop therapist so I figured her office was in Miami Metro. Unless writers/directors are trying to pull something subtle. I didn't notice her at first though.
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