**official DEXTER thread** Season 6 starts oct 2nd on showtime** TONIGHT**1 HOUR 30 MINS**

Originally Posted by youngin33

Think this season ends on a cliffhanger where Louis is revealed as a huge threat to Dexter in Season 7...

I think so as well.

Something is definitely going on with him.

There was something else Dex did this past ep where he could get caught or have some things lead back to him but I forget.

I think it was the whole sending a video to Travis which could be found or something risky like that.

Yeah man that really irked me as well.

Why would Dezter take such as huge risk like this. Suppose someone from the police department confiscates Travis' phone and that video is still on there? Maybe Louis?

I definitely think that will come back to bite Dexter in the $++ next season.
Originally Posted by Bozo7000

Isn't Dexter using Louis's search engine?
I believe he said it was his friend's search engine.  But, none the less, I have been thinking that it will have something to do with how Louis gets his info on Dex.
Originally Posted by CP1708

Bozo7000 wrote:

Isn't Dexter using Louis's search engine?
  Damn, I never even thought of this.  Anyone else know if he's right on this? 

Damn, that would explain a damn ton.  And would make him awfully dangerous to Dex. 

And Jay, I could see that being something to flash forward too, I could see it.  In the end though, I think Deb is gonna have to be the one to take him down.  I assume that in season 6, we'll start to see someone from the main core go.  Batista, LaGuerta, Deb, Quinn, Masuka, one of these will have to go at some point, maybe even 2 or 3. 

Hymen, to me Trinity season was all just the finale.  GREAT GREAT finish, no question, but maaaaaaan, episodes 2-9 were some old dude actin weird and bangin his hammer. 
  Dude couldn't even kill hisself properly.  Serial killer that tries to off himself and fails = pathetic.  Nut up serial killer, you killed 50 easy targets, you're 60 years old and cryin about your momma still, come on man, cut your leg in the bathtub or something. 
  I was so eh about it up until the final two shows.  That's when it got good.  People just lost their mind when they seen Rita and all of a sudden it became a "great" season.  I don't agree, it just had the best finish of all the seasons is all. 


I agree. Season 4 was good, but I still put 2 and 1 before it. Season 4 was all about the last 5 min of the season.
They could go so many ways with this, I doubt Dex's son dies though.

That would be awful not not surprising
I don't know how I feel about this season. Just feels like they're throwing $@%% at the wall and seeing what sticks.
Originally Posted by HarlemToTheBronx

I don't know how I feel about this season. Just feels like they're throwing $@%% at the wall and seeing what sticks.
They've opened so many doors. This season has no continuity or flow, just a lot of random stuff.

If the search engine comes back to haunt Dexter.... Then what about all the other technological stuff, etc the show neglects, that Dexter uses.
Originally Posted by Mez 0ne

They could go so many ways with this, I doubt Dex's son dies though.

That would be awful not not surprising

See, this may sound real doucheish, but I hope lil man does get it. 

When Rita fell, Dex wasn't even all that off about it.  She was his way to fit in, appear normal, etc.  Not that he didn't love her, but she wasn't the reason for his life, etc etc like some men are towards their wives.  Harrison IS.  THAT is in Dexter's soul.  Take Harrison away, and we might see the Dexter we all been wanting, unleashed Dexter.  Don't give a @#$% Dexter.  No more God damn babysitter needing Dexter.  It would be serial kill everybody Dexter, and that is what I want the last 2 seasons.  Look at him funny, you die.  Sneeze next to Deb, die.  Yawn in church, ditched in a swamp.  That's the Dexter I want to finish the show off with.  Take Harrison out, that's what we get. 

Now, will that happen?  No.  They ain't tryna kill no little kid on the show.  They don't have the balls for that.  But in the true sense of what we all want from Dexter, and how we want to see him go out, yeah, I'd be all for that. 

The other thing, if we are all right, and Louis is the pawn for next season, this will be another first.  This will be the first season where the killer is introduced prior too.  I like that angle if they go with it. Especially given that the other killer would be across the hall, in the homicide division of the police dept. 
I think that would be so awesome. But my twist on it would be that Louis kills bad guys, just like dexter. So in a way they are gonna be competeing to see who puts the bad guys under the knife first! kinda like it would of been with ITK if he didnt put deb on the table
Yeah, I'm still waiting for the scene when he drops his blood slides.
Originally Posted by Bozo7000

Isn't Dexter using Louis's search engine?

I also believe that Louis is thoroughly monitoring what Dexter is searching at work.  Still think he becomes an eventual threat after Deb takes care of business with La Guerta(I really think she is smart enough to have recorded the dialogue with La Guerta to eventually screw her).
Or they can have Dex off Louis and Travis both tomorrow to get rid of both of them( seems to be the way the show has worked thus far).  Any threat to Dex is killed almost immediately.

Season 6 Finale will be 
just caught up.. my dudes that don't have show time, where can i watch this the quickest after its over?
Originally Posted by Grimey

just caught up.. my dudes that don't have show time, where can i watch this the quickest after its over?

tvlinks.eu usually has it up pretty quickly with multiple links!!

Glad they finally went this route with Dexter. If it wasn't for the twist at the end this would've been another typical, formulaic Dexter season finale.

Having Deb finally learn about Dexter's true nature should give the show a shot in the arm it needs for the final two seasons.

Overall this season of Dexter was okay but I'm looking forward to the possibilities for the upcoming seasons.
YOOOOO..that was epic...great #%@%$!@ ending...i started thinking it was gonna be a dud....but damn...my heart is still racing
DAMN. I thought it was going to be Luis who was walking in. I'm still pacing back and forth .
OH MY GOOOOOOOOOOOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOW.....simply did not see that coming. Last year we knew she was going to show up on scene, this time she was with the therapist and 30 seconds left in the season, BOOOOM. Wow. I LOVE that the final words of the season were Oh God.
Wow, just a great finish. Season 7 needs to get here like tomorrow.
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