Official DragonBall Z Thread. R.I.P Akira Toriyama. You will be missed

Beerus and Supreme Kai had an exchange after GP made his statement about the lowest mortal levels. Beerus blamed Supreme Kai for allowing mortals to grow at their own pace and the supreme kai told him he slept too much.

Also GP pointed out universe 9 as having the lowest mortal level as if was something so obvious.

Very confusing.
Gohan won that match b

Grand priest a hater smh

Yeah, to call that a tie is goofy to me. ___ clearly grand slammed dude into the ground and he never moved again. Even if it's regularly a "last man standing" affair, that fight seems like a clear "last man that stood" exception.

There wasn't even any point to Gohan getting back up if they were going to call it a tie.

Where was "pure" mentioned? They just mentioned numbers. Their total score must be so low because of all the weaklings that are around that Beerus didn't destroy. Must've brought the average down.

Was Zamasu right? :nerd:

I actually interpreted that mortal level stuff as meaning that Universes 7 and 9 probably had the least amount of planets with life on them. I could see the strength thing too though after reading through the thread. But it would make me question what an omnipresent being considers "strong" given his capabilities.

That purity stuff seems out of left field or like people were watching a bad translation or something.
Damn I'm confused as hell.
When Daishinkai / Grand Priest said,
"Universe 9 has the lowest rating... as you can probably tell"
while looking at Rho (U9 Kai)

and I thought he was trying to say that
U9 is the biggest scumbags
and has the average with the highest level of evil

tbh ima have to re-watch the episode tomorrow
to figure out how i concluded all this [emoji]128564[/emoji]
According to herms. The rating doesn't necessarily have to do with with strength of the strongest fighters. It's the quality of the universe. A universe of let's say all Majin buus would have a higher rating than a universe with 95% krillins and 5% gokus. Even though individually goku is stronger than Majin buu the overall quality is of the universes strength is lower because the universe has far more lower level beings. The universe with the lowest rating could still have one or two of the strongest fighters in all of the universes.
According to herms. The rating doesn't necessarily have to do with with strength of the strongest fighters. It's the quality of the universe. A universe of let's say all Majin buus would have a higher rating than a universe with 95% krillins and 5% gokus. Even though individually goku is stronger than Majin buu the overall quality is of the universes strength is lower because the universe has far more lower level beings. The universe with the lowest rating could still have one or two of the strongest fighters in all of the universes.

A universe full of Buu's vs a universe full of Krillain's sounds like strong vs weak to me :lol:

I like it being strength because then that can be developed into more plot holes...

Those exempt universes FULL of fighters stronger than Goku and co. (on average)

Guess it's up to our own interpretations for now.
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A universe full of Buu's vs a universe full of Krillain's sounds like strong vs weak to me :lol:

I like it being strength because then that can be developed into more plot holes...

Those exempt universes FULL of fighters stronger than Goku and co. (on average)

Guess it's up to our own interpretations for now.

The point is though is that krillins universe may have a few hundred goku strength level people. But because they represent such a small portion of the overall universe the rating is lower. U7 can be ranked one of the weakest in all of the universe but goku and vegeta could still potentially rank top 5 or top 10 in all of the universes

I've gotta rewatch though .
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Yeah idk. I don't like this whole quality thing :lol: it's too vague and open ended.

This is Dragonball so I'll stick with it referring to power for now. It'll probably be more thoroughly explained soon
To me its seems as if quality if just overall strength.

If they were all going to die anyways then Goku really saved one universe by holding this tournament.

Also hope they dive into the fact that 1&12 and 5&8 are twin universes, I'm sure that plays into the exemption
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Tournament of Power not tournament of kindness

Gohan saying he wasn't strong enough really had my hopes up that he'll get in the gym or throw in a session with Whis
Damn... Wow. I took the "qualty of mortals" as in
to mean they're high quality individuals..

but this high quality by strength **** makes sense...

I feel like crazy plot twists about to happen

Call me racist but I don't trust that Reptilian Shapeshifter U12 God of Destruction—
whose name is Gin/Gene

I feel like he's gonna try to steal the Super Dragonballs or something.. Wish to UnZeno the Zenos
then every universe is in shambles
Yeah, i'm sure there's a few things lost in translation, but I read it as power, not good/bad.  Also everyone watching on random sites, eps are up Youtube every Saturday.
I feel like a big plot twist is going to happen within the angels. I feel like they are not who they claim to be. I think they are evil. Look how long whis has by beerus side and did not give a damn about him getting erased. I think the grand priest is the real omni king behind closed doors.
Quality as in strength doesn't make any sense to me when there are people that can hide their energy. How does Omni-King know who is strong and how isn't? Might be a dumb questions since he's basically god, but Omni-King didn't know what fighting was.... Also why would "strength" of mortals matter to Omni-King over peace, kindness and all that boring ish? I think there's more to the mortal rating then just strength.
Quality as in strength doesn't make any sense to me when there are people that can hide their energy. How does Omni-King know who is strong and how isn't? Might be a dumb questions since he's basically god, but Omni-King didn't know what fighting was.... Also why would "strength" of mortals matter to Omni-King over peace, kindness and all that boring ish? I think there's more to the mortal rating then just strength.

From what it seems based on the mini argument supreme kai and beerus were having, how strong the average mortal is in any given universe is a direct representation of how far that universe has developed and how well the Kai and god of destruction are doing their jobs. Whether ki is being sensed or not not in sure the grand priest and omni King have some way of measuring a universes overall strength otherwise how would they develop a rating system?
From what it seems based on the mini argument supreme kai and beerus were having, how strong the average mortal is in any given universe is a direct representation of how far that universe has developed and how well the Kai and god of destruction are doing their jobs. Whether ki is being sensed or not not in sure the grand priest and omni King have some way of measuring a universes overall strength otherwise how would they develop a rating system?
Gotcha. I can rock with that I guess
Can we get over the troll gohan posts already?

Dude got blinded, poisoned, and fought a dude he had zero info on blind and Charizard seismic tossed him into submission. And with that he's pledging to get stronger. some off y'all are just trolling at this point
Can we get over the troll gohan posts already?

Dude got blinded, poisoned, and fought a dude he had zero info on blind and Charizard seismic tossed him into submission. And with that he's pledging to get stronger. some off y'all are just trolling at this point

Only people trolling are the writers getting ya'll hopes up.
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The Gohan optimism is hilarious. I thought it was the optimist that were trolling, but the fact you guys are serious makes it even funnier.
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