Official DragonBall Z Thread. R.I.P Akira Toriyama. You will be missed

I don't see how SSB vegito isn't stronger than Beerus

Didn't Beerus put out 70% of his power against SSG Goku already?

And even the other gods of destruction got shook when Goku busted out the SSB during the exhibition match

Goku alone is probably on par with Beerus at this point
there has never been anything established by Super that allows you to compare beerus' power to anyone weaker than him. that 70% number was thrown around Pre-super during the battle of gods release, and at the end of the super arc beerus and whis confirmed that beerus lied about how much power he was using (holding back). Also keep in mind that after fighting SSB goku, golden freiza noticed beerus and still got shook. gokus stronger now for sure but that says something major about beerus's strength because after achieving all that power freiza was still scared.

in my opinion the other gods werent shook at how strong goku was, clearly toppo proves that there are strong people even in the universes with weaker mortality levels, they were shook for the same reason zamasu and black were. that a mortal achieved the power of the gods. they can sense it. 
Beerus is probably never going to fight again so the point is moot

He's "guy who hangs out at Capsule Corp for comic relief" now
I was watching some older episode last night of Super and I caught some subliminal from it like;

Whis saying that if Vegeta fights more freely instead of over thinking with his pride and ego, he can be even stronger and better than Goku. 

Goku, while laughing at that statement from Whis to Vegeta, Whis mentioned that Goku's attitude is his downfall. 

Whis mentioned that if Goku and Vegeta learn how to work as a team together and fight to their potential as mentioned, them two can be GREAT and we could possibly see TWO 'God of Destruction'.  Which made me think about them two doing just that, they can be pretty damn powerful, and with their form of Veggito. 
As indifferent as I am towards Gohan, it was nice seeing his Mystic form again.

And oh boy does that next episode look like it's gonna be entertaining. :lol:
I waited far to long for this episode
When the memes came out I doubted him
When he said he would train again I believed again

Through the countless Ls and slander I remained silent knowing one day the Goat would return

Piccolo was a true Father this episode
He dropped that knowledge that Goku couldn't
He pushed my boy to the edge

When the episode first started and it was raining
I knew this would be great


And Califuia i guess that's a play on cauliflower

She a savage!
waifu material
Watched an episode of Dragon Ball Z Kai: The Final Chapters on Toonami and whoever did the music for it did pretty good. Not Bruce Faulconer good though.
I waited far to long for this episode
When the memes came out I doubted him
When he said he would train again I believed again

Through the countless Ls and slander I remained silent knowing one day the Goat would return

Piccolo was a true Father this episode
He dropped that knowledge that Goku couldn't
He pushed my boy to the edge

When the episode first started and it was raining
I knew this would be great


And Califuia i guess that's a play on cauliflower

She a savage!
waifu material

cauliflower... a vegetable that resembles...

broccoli. (aka broly)
Still just dropping Mystic in there with no consistency :smh:. Why can't he just go SSJ on top of Mystic cause it was never a transformation.
Still just dropping Mystic in there with no consistency :smh:. Why can't he just go SSJ on top of Mystic cause it was never a transformation.

Assuming mystic was his base form because his hair didn't change is where you went wrong. If you think of gohan's potential power as a pool, his base form lets him for the sake of argument access maybe 20% of that pool of power, ssj1 40%, and ssj2 60%. His mystic form allows him to access all of his available power all at once. Which is why mystic is stronger than ssj2.
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All I need now is an explanation on how he was able to even go mystic at this point. The way they portrayed it was as if it's a transformation on top of SSJ2. Like was it him realizing that he needs to let that arrogance go in order to achieve it or was it that he could've always done but it body was too weak to support it.
Piccolo didn't do anything that made him look stronger to me. He's clearly a better fighter though.
'Mystic'-unlocked Gohan with an easy flick chopped off Piccolo's arm...
Ultimate Gohan is easily more powerful than Piccolo. However, Piccolo is clearly
smarter, wittier, and doesn't let his guard down. Piccolo will be training Gohan to
get his fighting sense back now. The power is unlocked, now it's about the technique
and strategy.

By the way,

after the whole Tien & Roshi stuff, the spoilers reveal that Goku will be training with Gohan right before they enter the tournament
'Mystic'-unlocked Gohan with an easy flick chopped off Piccolo's arm...
Ultimate Gohan is easily more powerful than Piccolo. However, Piccolo is clearly
smarter, wittier, and doesn't let his guard down. Piccolo will be training Gohan to
get his fighting sense back now. The power is unlocked, now it's about the technique
and strategy.

By the way,

after the whole Tien & Roshi stuff, the spoilers reveal that Goku will be training with Gohan right before they enter the tournament
Also don't forget that piccolo says clearly and plainly gohan can get much stronger. It's more than just getting his old power back and working on strategy.

All I need now is an explanation on how he was able to even go mystic at this point. The way they portrayed it was as if it's a transformation on top of SSJ2. Like was it him realizing that he needs to let that arrogance go in order to achieve it or was it that he could've always done but it body was too weak to support it.

When gohan first transformed and got his mystic form he didn't transform from SSJ2 straight to mystic. Elder Kai says going mystic is similar in process of turning supersaiyan but going super Saiyan is the wrong way of doing things. Implying they're separate "forms". The manga goes like this

Chapter: 496 (DBZ 302), P4.1-2
Gohan: “Ho-how can I turn into this mightiest of warriors!?”
Elder Kaioshin: “You transform into that Super whatever-it-is a lot, right? You’ll be fine if you just get the gist of that, and throw in a kiai.”
Gohan: “The gist of Super Saiyan…I-I got it…!”

Chapter: 496 (DBZ 302), P7.2-3
Context: after Gohan transforms into the ‘mightiest of warriors’
Goku: “It re-really is incredible…It’s super-duper…! Absolutely unbelievable…Your appearance has hardly changed…And you ain’t even a Super Saiyan…Yet you’ve been taken to su-such an extreme…”
Elder Kaioshin: “Hmph, transforming isn’t good. That Super whatever-its-called is the wrong way [of doing things]…”
frenchbreadbuilds frenchbreadbuilds I get that. Now if he powered down to base BEFORE going mystic, I'd understand. But since he went SSJ2 -> Mystic, idk if the writers completely forgot how it happened in Z or plan on explaining the plot hole
frenchbreadbuilds frenchbreadbuilds I get that. Now if he powered down to base BEFORE going mystic, I'd understand. But since he went SSJ2 -> Mystic, idk if the writers completely forgot how it happened in Z or plan on explaining the plot hole
Well we know from z that gohan goes from base straight to mystic. As far as this episode goes sequence of transformation Doesn't really mean anything. Same way goku ca. Go from base straight to ssj3 or go from SSJ to SSB. Gohan was in ssj2 to begin with because he was powering up the traditional way until piccolo pushed him to go further and remember how to tap into his mystic form
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