Official FIFA Soccer 14 Thread

You want to try running again? Hopefully the connection is better.

That pk they called on you was some BS. I shanked the hell out of that pk on purpose for you :lol:

dude, the connection was horrible.

I'm down for another day since my ps4 is at my parents house because they have good internet, but I guess that isn't the case anymore.

You know you felt the heat, though.


yea the minute I see a team for Andorra or the Marshall Islands, then I'll be like, obscure teams that nobody has heard of yay!

but those two?

c'mon b

bob marley 420 blazeit

As footballing nations they are very obscure. Jamaica is ranked 82nd right now, has qualified for 1 world cup in their history (1998). I know a lot about the game and I can name 1 Jamaican player. Ever. Jermaine Beckford played for Everton for about 1 season before he went back to Division 2.

Cuba is even more obscure. They haven't qualified for the World Cup since 1938.

These kind of teams will never be in a yearly FIFA game. They will be in next years World Cup game. So will Andorra. The Marshall Islands don't have a team, but literally every team that is a full member of FIFA, down to the Cayman Islands and San Marino will be in the World Cup game.
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You want to try running again? Hopefully the connection is better.

That pk they called on you was some BS. I shanked the hell out of that pk on purpose for you :lol:

dude, the connection was horrible.

I'm down for another day since my ps4 is at my parents house because they have good internet, but I guess that isn't the case anymore.

You know you felt the heat, though.

Send the invite when youre ready :smokin
PS4 right here! Message me if any wants a game


Also, is anyone having trouble defending corner kicks? I am literally giving up a goal a game solely off corners. I still have not found a way to stop this.


I hate any time of corner or cross on this game!

I will literally use the computer to guard the guy outside the box while I control someone blocking the people inside the box and then the cross comes, WITH ME STANDING INFRONT OF THE FRIGGIN OPONENT, and bam header goes in!

I just sit there shaking my head. Like, sometimes I will be sandwhiching the guy and they still score. I don't get it. In the previos fifa I would block a lot of the corners and crosses by using that tactic up there.

There are a few times where you goof up by pressin L1 to switch again, even though you're already the main defender blocking the guy who is gonna head the ball, but thats besides the point.

Got me ruslted when I was playing for the cup. I make it to the finals and on stoppage time the guys crosses it and Im blocking his striker and the striker still manages to head it in.

rustled x billionare boys club/will cop again

I realized that the heading was stupid in this game when Aguero scored one on me when I was defending him with Mertesacker :stoneface:
Any sites recommended for FUT? Trying to understand all the market talk, team of the week, etc. Tried it back for FIFA 12 and could never get enough coins to get the players/teams I wanted to build w/o buying coins. Just started my bronze squad on ps4 a couple days ago.
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Don't think it's on the ps4 version. If anyone knows let us know! I've looked a couple times and haven't been able to find it

it's GONE.|I On Next-Gen
So is tournament mode,unranked 2 v 2
EA takes features/modes out of FIFA with ease. With zero heads-up :x

For the FUTheads

View media item 665844

triplebeamin is the GT on Xbox One
down for online friendlies 8)
Any sites recommended for FUT? Trying to understand all the market talk, team of the week, etc. Tried it back for FIFA 12 and could never get enough coins to get the players/teams I wanted to build w/o buying coins. Just started my bronze squad on ps4 a couple days ago.

Use futhead for prices and squad building
I've played 6 season games and have yet to win one, smh.. Defense is OK but can't seem to score.
Try a different formation.I couldn't score with my default formation so I changed to a more offensive formation. Started scoring more. Changed back to the default and I started attacking more with it than before
@TomDiginson & @cs02132 - I use the team's default formation. I have used Brazil, Spain, Manchester U, and last night I used Paris.

I have a few bad habits I'm working on, pressing turbo too much and for some stupid reason I tend to hit L1 then Circle.

Another issue I have is holding onto the ball. I get into a panic mode whenever a defender gets close and I'll pass instead of using skills to fake him out.

Are you guys on PS4?
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