Official FIFA Soccer 14 Thread

I've never played a more frustrating game than FIFA. 3 seasons in and I cant win a single game. :smh
just start off really small. Put it on the lowest difficulty, use a really good team(barca,madrid,juventus,etc..)and then just play like half star teams til you can win
I've never played a more frustrating game than FIFA. 3 seasons in and I cant win a single game. :smh
just start off really small. Put it on the lowest difficulty, use a really good team(barca,madrid,juventus,etc..)and then just play like half star teams til you can win

I've tried Man U, Chelsea, Arsenal, Barcelona, Real Madrid, Brazil, even decided to use an MLS team this morning.

I think my biggest issue is knowing nothing about the game. I have pretty good defense but it means nothing since I can't score. Ready to trade it in for NFS.
I've tried Man U, Chelsea, Arsenal, Barcelona, Real Madrid, Brazil, even decided to use an MLS team this morning.

I think my biggest issue is knowing nothing about the game. I have pretty good defense but it means nothing since I can't score. Ready to trade it in for NFS.
now when you say you don't know anything about the game, do you mean soccer in general? or just fifa?
I've tried Man U, Chelsea, Arsenal, Barcelona, Real Madrid, Brazil, even decided to use an MLS team this morning.

I think my biggest issue is knowing nothing about the game. I have pretty good defense but it means nothing since I can't score. Ready to trade it in for NFS.
now when you say you don't know anything about the game, do you mean soccer in general? or just fifa?

Soccer. I didn't know what offisides meant at first until I looked it up.

I stumbled on this site last night and I learned a lot about playing.
Soccer. I didn't know what offisides meant at first until I looked it up.

I stumbled on this site last night and I learned a lot about playing.
One good tip someone gave me for starting out is try to play without using sprint at all, unless you have a completely open lane
also I almost never use trick moves, idk if I'm just bad at them but they never seem to work :lol:
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It took me about 2 years to build the proper thumb coordination to do some of those skill moves smoothly :lol:

I still can't do them all. But like someone said, all you really need is 3 or 4 of them to be effective.

After a lottttt of practice, most of them just naturally come to you in the flow of the game. These days it's just natural instinct. Fake shots, spin moves, etc. It's nice to finally be able todo them when I want with no issues.

But it took me YEARS to get to that level and I'm still no where as good as some of my buddies.

Compared to my homies I still got struggle ball handling skills :lol:

Fifa, along with many other things, is one of those activities where no matter how good you think you're getting there's always someone out there that woops your *** and just completely kills your vibe :lol:

A good butt whooping in FIFA is needed tho to make you better.

My advice would be to NOT try to get better by playing the computer on easy. You might feel good racking up wins but no real person is that bad, so it's not helping you in the long run.

Play the comp at a hard level, take the L's and keep getting better. It's what worked for me.
Started off with Juventus for first time playing fifa, Tevez had like 30 goals :lol: now im with PSG. I love this game, and it has taught me so much about soccer and the players.
Need help scoring?

Play with PSG and kick a ton of crosses to Ibrahimovic. He's damn near automatic with the headers 
I've tried Man U, Chelsea, Arsenal, Barcelona, Real Madrid, Brazil, even decided to use an MLS team this morning.

I think my biggest issue is knowing nothing about the game. I have pretty good defense but it means nothing since I can't score. Ready to trade it in for NFS.
now when you say you don't know anything about the game, do you mean soccer in general? or just fifa?

Soccer. I didn't know what offisides meant at first until I looked it up.

I stumbled on this site last night and I learned a lot about playing.

Just keep playing. I was terrible when i started and i didnt know what offsides was either, and i played when I was younger. Completely forgot EVERYTHING about the game :lol:

Now, thanks to FIFA 06, 11, 13, and 14 I'm all in on soccer :pimp:
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Soccer. I didn't know what offisides meant at first until I looked it up.

I stumbled on this site last night and I learned a lot about playing.
One good tip someone gave me for starting out is try to play without using sprint at all, unless you have a completely open lane
also I almost never use trick moves, idk if I'm just bad at them but they never seem to work :lol:

The only moves I used on 13 were roulette, ball roll, body feint + cut inside and, fake shot/pass + cut inside/back.

Those were the only ones that worked consistently for me.
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Thanks for the advice everyone.

Need help scoring?

Play with PSG and kick a ton of crosses to Ibrahimovic. He's damn near automatic with the headers :lol:

Just played with PSG and got 22 shots off but only 5 on target. :lol:

I finally scored. Idk why I thought we'd got to overtime after tying up but score was 1-1 final.
I gotta learn to stop holding turbo down most of the time and slow my pace down a lot. I'm 4-2-5 online first FIFA game I've purchased. Passing is ok for me,I like to cross it a lot some times it works and sometime it doesn't
Thanks for the advice everyone.

Need help scoring?

Play with PSG and kick a ton of crosses to Ibrahimovic. He's damn near automatic with the headers :lol:

Just played with PSG and got 22 shots off but only 5 on target. :lol:

I finally scored. Idk why I thought we'd got to overtime after tying up but score was 1-1 final.

I try to get as deep as possible in the box for crosses so Im almost behind the GK..they'll get easier eventually...Im pretty average myself, I just pick up on what others do to me :lol:
Few things I've learned since yesterday:

-I need to switch defenders because I break up the defensive formation creating holes when I use one person the whole time.

-I learned how to do headers, crosses and corners.

-Use team contain for help.

Still got a lot of work to do.
Yeah def switch defenders often. Use manual switching. Also, learn when to use the sprint button and when to let go. More often than not, it just gets you in trouble on D.
Yea, on defense I tend to jockey now and make the player cut into the field where I can get help. I'll sprint if I need to catch up.
Soccer. I didn't know what offisides meant at first until I looked it up.

I stumbled on this site last night and I learned a lot about playing.
Yeah that's a pretty good site to read up on. A tip from me for people starting FIFA is that I had to get used to how soccer was played.

Turning over the ball isn't that big of a deal, recover and play defense to get the ball back.

I think the first aspect to learning offense is how to pass and when to pass. I used to try to dribble with midfielders like I was Ronaldinho but that led me nowhere quick. If you can start seeing patterns and runs you will pick up offense pretty quick in FIFA.

Another tip is trying something new every time you play. Look one thing up and remember how to do it in game with the players. Like maybe learn a simple dribble move or how to finesse shot. If you take on learning one new thing at a time you'll slowly start to have a wide variety of ways to approach running the offense.
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