Official FIFA Soccer 14 Thread

on a 3 match L streak on seasons.  I'm forever stuck in Division 3. :smh:
Must be nice

Took me forever just to get passed Div. 6
Lol try winning only 10% of your total games played

How's the goal scoring progress going?
anybody else cant play on for several days in a row... connection to opoonent lost during match making. Its happening with madden some too but i legit havent been able to play.

Wired Connection.

Pissin Me off
Yeah it takes forever to find a match and 50% of the time you get an error message that your squads aren't up to date.
on a 3 match L streak on seasons.  I'm forever stuck in Division 3. :smh:

Was on one earlier too :smh:

Switched up my formation to 4-3-3 attack. Been running dudes out :smokin . Just feels like my players are in better positions to make a play and make way better runs. The last formation I was running I felt like I was always waiting for my players to make a move
You should start a career on the semi pro or professional difficulty.. youll be much better after a few seasons i bet
Im not even good and i had to put in hours to get where im at

I really wanted to get good so I went hard :lol: .. the game gets 100000000x better when youre good at it
You should start a career on the semi pro or professional difficulty.. youll be much better after a few seasons i bet

Yep it's how I started playing the game, got up to playing and winning matches on world class and now I go into every match online expecting to win, and I usually do.
I been real busy with school but after next week I'm going IN.

You'll get there :pimp:

Playing online and mimicing better players helped me...and from there I could start to create my own style

I went from trash to average, hopefully I can take the next step :lol:

Jumanji Jumanji dont know what happened earlier on the connection, My wifi was probably at fault
elpablo21 elpablo21 I don't know what happened the first game. My bad on the 2nd try, I thought I messaged you saying I had to go but I messaged someone else :lol:
I also need to work on finishing to. I waste too many chances

Probably the biggest flaw in my game. I get too excited and too much of a sense of satisfaction from just creating a chance, and I also expect to create plenty of more throughout the match. I also sometimes try too hard to create the perfect chance and pass up on good shots.
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@Elpablo21 I don't know what happened the first game. My bad on the 2nd try, I thought I messaged you saying I had to go but I messaged someone else
All good

I also need to work on finishing to. I waste too many chances
Probably the biggest flaw in my game. I get too excited and too much of a sense of satisfaction from just creating a chance, and I also expect to create plenty of more throughout the match. I also sometimes try too hard to create the perfect chance and pass up on good shots.
Yeah I'm pretty mediocre
, I try to power everything in. No finesse and better aim

I blow too many 1 one 1 chances 
Probably the biggest flaw in my game. I get too excited and too much of a sense of satisfaction from just creating a chance, and I also expect to create plenty of more throughout the match. I also sometimes try too hard to create the perfect chance and pass up on good shots.
I use to do this alot

Sorry guys was looking at this thread and the football one at the same time :lol: :lol:
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^^ to be fair, dudes playing in division 10 and there's no way in telling where most of his possession is, I'm guessing a very low amount is spent in the attacking 3rd and playing passes there, otherwise dudes W/L ratio wouldn't be that bad and he'd win more than 1 corner a game. I'm not on point with my tackle stats, but seems like dude doesn't know which button is used to tackle or how to do it. I'd recommend a YT tutorial vid on that cuz .76 tackles per game is definitely too low.

I'm not ******** on dude btw, it's cool to see NTers pick up the game. Just think playing seasons isn't a smart way to hone your skills. Playing against the CPU and watching the occasional match on tv imo is much better.
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