::[OFFICIAL] FIFA World Cup Brazil 2014 Thread:::

*quote name="SFC415" url="/t/590583/official-fifa-world-cup-brazil-2014-thread/5580#post_20958009"]The people at the bar I was at were going OD hard at Ronaldo. Dude is Satan to them for some reason[/quote]

Same here at ESPN Zone lol... i love Ronaldo but im for USA and korea.
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Ending had me sick bruhs. Had the same feels watching Iran the other day. JUST CLEAR IT OUT!

F a tie lets play to win and FINISH against Germany.
As disappointing as it seemed, it was a lot better to see the US come back than to perhaps lose 0-1.  Tough one, but disappointment like this just make the team better in the long run.  It's not like they eliminated.  They rallied to come back.  ONTO GERMANY!

Nuff said about hindsight.
Every 4 years like a true American. 
Bradley is trash. I understand getting bossed up in the midfield by Ghana but **** Portugal too? No wonder he left Roma. His conditioning seems suspect too. Bob would've benched his *** long time ago if he was still here (not srs).
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The people at the bar I was at were going OD hard at Ronaldo. Dude is Satan to them for some reason
He's a like a fusion of Lebron, A-Rod, and Kim Kardashian.

Dude unveiled a museum in his own honor.

Hard to like him.
He's a like a fusion of Lebron, A-Rod, and Kim Kardashian.

Dude unveiled a museum in his own honor.

Hard to like him.
and Kim Kardashian.
I dont like him but don't dislike him either.... Unlike lebron, he actually plays through injuries cause we all know he wasn't 100% today yet he played all game until he got one. Lebron is a bi*** and a rod is a scum cheater...Kim kardiashian is a bucket so she doesn't belong here.
Its funny how yall blame Bradley, he had just received the ball around 4 guys and there wasn't a teammate open for a pass. There was one but he just stood there. Besides him doesn't seem like there was anybody around
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if landon was on the team, he wouldve scored that goal that michael bradley missed. I still cant believe that
Ronaldo showing that class, even with an injury. The cross couldn't have been placed much better. 

Costa's goal-line save was pivotal. 
Its funny how yall blame Bradley, he had just received the ball around 4 guys and there wasn't a teammate open for a pass. There was one but he just stood there. Besides him doesn't seem like there was anybody around
it's not just that one play though.
dude has been playing like trash this whole tournament.
it's not just that one play though.
dude has been playing like trash this whole tournament.

So many uncharacteristic mental lapses. Something has to be up with him.

They just did a highlight reel on the game. I just wanted to press stop on the dvr after dempseys goal and pretend the end never happened :frown:
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What if Germany does to us what we did to Panama in WCQ?

I guess this turned out to be the real group of death. No one is eliminated or in yet.
Few hours later and I'm still salty about the draw...I'm confident we could at least draw vs Germany and move on
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