::[OFFICIAL] FIFA World Cup Brazil 2014 Thread:::


Can it be justified that Luis Suarez should not only be banned for 2 games like the "maximum mandate" states, but banned for life from the World Cup? I understand he is a star player and it's important for soccer to have it's stars on display, but when something like this happens it hurts the image or a sport that is struggling to cross over into new markets.

This isn't a first incident, that's why I feel a lifetime ban is feasible. Three times, that's absurd.

How can you say these are accidents or "competitive spirit" kicking in. And then what's worse is Suarez tries to defend his actions by saying oh it's just the heat of the battle and a lot of things happen on the pitch. Give me a break. There may be something mentally wrong with the guy.

We vilified Mike Tyson for his actions with Holyfield and that was a one-time thing. Suarez has done it now 3 times, and now on the biggest stage of all. 2 games isn't enough, get rid of this psycho for life and send a real message.

Soccer is suppose to be the beautiful game, preserve it by condemning this type of behavior.
Can it be justified that Luis Suarez should not only be banned for 2 games like the "maximum mandate" states, but banned for life from the World Cup? I understand he is a star player and it's important for soccer to have it's stars on display, but when something like this happens it hurts the image or a sport that is struggling to cross over into new markets.

This isn't a first incident, that's why I feel a lifetime ban is feasible. Three times, that's absurd.

How can you say these are accidents or "competitive spirit" kicking in. And then what's worse is Suarez tries to defend his actions by saying oh it's just the heat of the battle and a lot of things happen on the pitch. Give me a break. There may be something mentally wrong with the guy.

We vilified Mike Tyson for his actions with Holyfield and that was a one-time thing. Suarez has done it now 3 times, and now on the biggest stage of all. 2 games isn't enough, get rid of this psycho for life and send a real message.

Soccer is suppose to be the beautiful game, preserve it by condemning this type of behavior.

You are correct correct, Suarez is filth. Pure scum. Talking to a liverpool boy yesterday who is also disgusted with him. Repeat offender bang him like cantona got banged. FIFA should put the year ban on him. Let's not forget the racist side of him too!!!!!

the world cup is probably the highest rated sporting event in the world..

soccer is really only struggling to cross over into the US
the world cup is probably the highest rated sporting event in the world..

soccer is really only struggling to cross over into the US
i wouldn't say this year's world cup is struggling in this country (the us/portugal game got like 25 million viewers compared to the last spurs championship game of 12 million)

everywhere you go there's establishments showing the games

on a national level MLS has a lot to be desired, but it's not struggling
Dont think shes Japanese. Looks nothing like a Japanese woman. Maybe a mix but looks more like a South American wearing the jersey.

That Korean though. Wow
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the world cup is probably the highest rated sporting event in the world..

soccer is really only struggling to cross over into the US
i wouldn't say this year's world cup is struggling in this country (the us/portugal game got like 25 million viewers compared to the last spurs championship game of 12 million)

everywhere you go there's establishments showing the games

on a national level MLS has a lot to be desired, but it's not struggling
 I'm with you.. but I just read through that response and wanted to clarify that point..

soccer growing in the US goes ALOT further than just whatever happens with saurez.. if the men's team does well (advances to elimination stage and maybe win a game) and continues to do well, it would be a huge step.. and build towards 2018 (as is the plan)
The issue is not the world cup guys, it's sustaining popularity after the world cup.
still big throughout the rest of the world..

but their are a couple of issues the US face when it comes to soccer..

-quality, the best teams/players in the world don't play in the US (la liga, premier league etc).. the European guys treat MLS like a retirement tour

- consistency and performance with the national program (which is starting to change).. the majority of americans aren't going be overly interested in something that they aren't the best in the world at

- then you have the market share problem.. only got soo much time to dedicate to sports.. and you got football and basketball stateside.. which isn't a problem elsewhere in a world (where soccer is unquestionably no. 1 for them)

but their is a huge opportunity, with parents becoming more aware of the health risk that come with putting their kids into football.. soccer has a huge opportunity for growth.. plus it's wayyyyyyy less expensive than football
The issue is not the world cup guys, it's sustaining popularity after the world cup.
right, but exactly who is this an issue for? whose point of view are you speaking on behalf of?

the usa soccer federation? fifa? fans of the sport here in the usa?

football's populatrity has existed and thrived with or without the usa's support and will continue to do so
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Respect for the African champs.

They are playing well and not just defending like Iran and Bosnia.

This is a good game so far. Back and Forth.
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