::[OFFICIAL] FIFA World Cup Brazil 2014 Thread:::

right, but exactly who is this an issue for? whose point of view are you speaking on behalf of?

the usa soccer federation? fifa? fans of the sport here in the usa?

football's populatrity has existed and thrived with or without the usa's support and will continue to do so

fifa and the notion of the sport simply expanding as a whole.

the stigma in America and throughout the world ABOUT Americans and soccer is that "we" hate it. Most sports fans don't like soccer, don't watch soccer or know anything about it. The World Cup is when a few poke their heads in the proverbial room to see what's going on.

That's the big picture and what is being aimed for
messi !!! putting it on as soon as i get home 

I'm in love. Her and the Korean girl gif who saw she was bring filmed and smiled. Someone post those 2 gifs together. Got it. Will stare at it forever.

Nice goal Nigeria.. Shout out my Nigerian fam..

But the chick didn't have me until she smiled, but the second.. It was love at first sight.. Not too big on social networking, but just might create a twitter to follow her ..[emoji]128525[/emoji][emoji]128536[/emoji][emoji]128536[/emoji][emoji]128525[/emoji][emoji]128536[/emoji][emoji]128525[/emoji][emoji]128526[/emoji][emoji]128076[/emoji]
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