OFFICIAL Fight Night Round 4 Thread: New Controller scheme for you cheaters!... for free

Originally Posted by RHYTHMentality

Originally Posted by Mister Negative

Im think more about the fact that all ou have to do is hold a button & joystick to throw a haymaker now... Coupled with the lack of parry & a block meter all you gonna get is haymaker spam until your block breaks... I feel what you sayin about the counter it was way too long on most punches but it could have been altered imo instead of omitted all together... I enjoy using the Philly Shell & counterin the %#@ outta bammas on Rd 3 but now its just gonna be straight offense...

& UFC's got like 25-30 dudes on it i believe but even if it was 10 the gameplay gonna be better than this arcadey joint here...
Is that how you defensively played FNR3, though? You used the parry system, but never truly counterpunched by ducking/dodging shots?

I guess I can understand where you're coming from if you favored the parry system over true counterpunching.

And UFC 2009 UNDISPUTED has 80 in the roster.

But I'm not lying to you when I say that you played 2/3 of the game if you played the demo (with 3 standing styles and 3 ground styles).

And between the FNR4 and UFC '09, FNR4 is far from a button-masher in comparison.
I used them both.. The i would useually parry while i was rollin the body so i could dodge but still counter if i moved too slow... & yea iwas playin UFC last night wit my dog & this n knocked me out like 12 times in a row wit Chuck..
Pissed me the hell off... Im countering, ground &pounding, kicks to the head... NONE of it mattered, all it took was a well placed superman punch & i was out cold

I hope they balance the styles more on there but i still think its gonna be better than this.. Even Tyson & Ali up there was movin like they was high onpixie sticks or somethin...

Yea my name is what it is so what? Maybe all the things you say are wrong with the game are the things that made it a boxing game... Not Tekken Tag in aring... & then they takin bout some legacy mode like it aint exactly the same as the pervious career mode...
Originally Posted by Mister Negative


Yea my name is what it is so what? Maybe all the things you say are wrong with the game are the things that made it a boxing game... Not Tekken Tag in a ring... & then they takin bout some legacy mode like it aint exactly the same as the pervious career mode...

Why are you upset? Honestly though from your post it sounds like you know nothing about the sport of boxing or the video game for that matter.
Originally Posted by BlackTh0ught

Originally Posted by Mister Negative


Yea my name is what it is so what? Maybe all the things you say are wrong with the game are the things that made it a boxing game... Not Tekken Tag in a ring... & then they takin bout some legacy mode like it aint exactly the same as the pervious career mode...

Why are you upset? Honestly though from your post it sounds like you know nothing about the sport of boxing or the video game for that matter.

Yea that's what it is...

Originally Posted by Mister Negative

I don't need your help fam fall back... If ain't address you step to the left...

That was cute.

And are you sure you never addressed me lil guy?
Originally Posted by Mister Negative


Yea my name is what it is so what? Maybe all the things you say are wrong with the game are the things that made it a boxing game... Not Tekken Tag in a ring... & then they takin bout some legacy mode like it aint exactly the same as the pervious career mode...
Yeah, FNR4's career mode (or "Legacy Mode") has been revamped.

You can create rivalries by continuously challenging the same dude, the training is no longer the same with actual training related to boxing,

And other features that have yet to be cleared for revealing to the media.

Don't tell me you liked the Career Mode in FNR3.
This actually looks promising
I think this'll be the first one I buy since Round 2
Hopefully this will be more realistin than the others
Demo should be available for the 360 to download later today if you preordered and got a redeemable code.

PS3 preorders already should have their demo available to download.
Did anyone else get the demo?

First time runnin' the demo, I was blown away.

Second time, still good.

Third time, not so hot.

Fourth time, wack.

I hope you guys will treasure your copies of FNR3.

FNR4 fights fairly different... not necessarily a good thing.
Is it a personal download code or is it a mass code? If it is a code for the masses... Please post it, you will be doing the thread a great service.
Don't be selfish!!
Originally Posted by cleansneaksonly21

Is it a personal download code or is it a mass code? If it is a code for the masses... Please post it, you will be doing the thread a great service.
Don't be selfish!!
Personal DL code. Sorry homey.

Are you familiar with the whole RE5 process?

How it leaked on the internet and people were able to burn it to disc and play it?

There's something to think about...
On the real, the more I play this demo, the more I'm disappointed.

Punches are comin' out 1 - 2 seconds later than my actual input on the controller.

The colors are a bit too flamboyant/vibrant.

Some punches don't even feel as devestating... And glancing blows appear more devestating than others.

EA Chicago would be ashamed.
Originally Posted by RHYTHMentality

Did anyone else get the demo?

First time runnin' the demo, I was blown away.

Second time, still good.

Third time, not so hot.

Fourth time, wack.

I hope you guys will treasure your copies of FNR3.

FNR4 fights fairly different... not necessarily a good thing.

Thats what i thought... Joit look weak as hell thanks for confirming
The UFC thread is ---> thataway homie...
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