OFFICIAL Fight Night Round 4 Thread: New Controller scheme for you cheaters!... for free

Finally Get To Beat Up People On A Clear Record.. Since I Get No More Fights On Round 3.. 1000-100 Record

Get At me if You Play Fight Night Round 3 On Xbox Live. Gamertag is UnkDunk TX
Originally Posted by iGotSneakerz

Finally Get To Beat Up People On A Clear Record.. Since I Get No More Fights On Round 3.. 1000-100 Record

Get At me if You Play Fight Night Round 3 On Xbox Live. Gamertag is UnkDunk TX

Son is a BEAST in Fight Night.

Played the demo, you can dl it and burn to a DVD-r for around for it. Very dissapointing, seeing the gameplay, I thought this was gonna blow everyother fighting game out the water including my beloved ufc... Graphics are great tho. Was looking forward to copping to play as Chavez but not after playingthat demo.
Originally Posted by His diabolical Majesty

Played the demo, you can dl it and burn to a DVD-r for around for it. Very dissapointing, seeing the gameplay, I thought this was gonna blow every other fighting game out the water including my beloved ufc... Graphics are great tho. Was looking forward to copping to play as Chavez but not after playing that demo.
Guess I gotta wait for the demo on the 28th (don't have a DVD burner).

Anybody know if its set in stone that they'll be no other button configurations (never was a fan of total punch control).

As for the game, I always thought the graphics were too cartoony (UFC game looked much better). They shoulda kept the FNR3 player models. Then focused onadding more details and improved on the fighters facial features.
This demo was real disappointing to me, fight night 3 was so fluid and fast someone said, u don't get the sense that punches have any impactunless they're haymakers or counter shots....seems like the whole game is based on just timing and counter-punching :/

oh yea, btw...maybe my version is messed up, but is Jorge Arce a 91 in any of your demos?...i saw that and just -_- ...had to think it was a glitch
^^if you think FNR3 was fluid and realistic, you know absolutely nothing about boxing. this is coming from a boxing fanatic, who has been training in the sportfor years. i was ranked as high as 15 overall and number 3 in light heavyweight, so I also played that FNR3 like there was no tomorrow. as far as realism goes,FNR4 is leaps and bounds past that game. Im glad they took out button mashing because it eliminated the true skill of the game. It was unfair that combos couldbe put together faster when you use the buttons, as opposed to the stick.

but i do agree with you some of the rating are way off... theres no way Foreman is an 84 and Frazier is an 87 imo. Pavlik being rated higher than Pacquaio islaughable.
Reading the reponses on here, I see that FNR4 isn't like R3 which is a plus for me..... I never liked how with any fighter on the game you could punch yourway to a victory. R3 was never fluid or realistic imo, to me it was just punching.
The best graphics i've ever seen on any demo.

The first time I played i just went into instant replay and kept watching over and over again in slow mo. Amazing.
Originally Posted by Sorkoram

finally got around to playing it, been playing all morning

Damn I'm hate'n, I called gamestop around my way they said they'd get their shipment by noon but I gotta work at 1
... shudda just went towal-mart last night
[h3]Reviews[/h3]Not only have EA matched the quality of the original title, in many ways they have exceeded it.

By David Ellis 06/23/2009
> Reviewer's Blog > Review Crew Profile

I guess I was destined to become a boxing fan. You see, my father was a member of the Naval boxing team during the mid-60s, and from an early age I sat in wonder of his countless stories about experiences in the ring. But Fight Night Round 3 was the first boxing videogame that made him stop and look at it, because at first glance he thought it was real. It's been 3 1/2 years since then, and although several high profile boxing titles have hit the market, none have come close to matching what the team at EA Chicago accomplished. Developed by an all-new team and re-built from the ground up Fight Night Round 4 is in good hands with the team at EA Canada; not only have they matched the quality of the original title, but in many ways they dramatically exceeded it.

Personally I think Fight Night Round 3 was overrated simply because it looked so good. The analog control was awkward, the career mode was almost non-existent, and the fighters suffered from the uncanny valley due to their occasionally goofy animations. Thankfully, these problems have been fixed in this iteration. The fighting engine is now physics-based, fighters make physical contact when they box. Glancing blows no longer cause awkward clipping, but instead deflect off bodies and cause less damage. Besides looking fantastic the game also runs at a silky smooth (and far too uncommon this generation) 60 frames per second. This has the added benefit of speeding up the pace of fights.,0,47,0 height=397 width=624 classid=clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000>​
Arguably the area of Fight Night that needed the most work was it's career mode. The new Legacy mode has replaced the featureless single-player experience of the last game. Instead of just fighting a series of boxers to make your way up the ranks, you're now given a number of challenges (win several fights in a row, maintain a high winning percentage, or win a fight on TV) with the ultimate goal of not only becoming champion but also leaving a lasting legacy on the sport. Not only do you have to concentrate on your business in the ring, but you also act as your own manager (When's a struggling fighter supposed to sleep?) by scheduling all your training sessions on fights. Occasionally you'll receive Clubber Lang-like challenges from hungry new fighters. By accepting, you risk your ranking, but if you keep dodging fighters, your popularity will wane.

Be careful not to move up the ranks too quickly, otherwise you won't have enough experience to level up high enough to compete against high-rated top tier fighters. In my case I had to grind on lesser opponents before I was ready to compete for the title. Despite its in-the-ring problems I still think Don King's Prizefighter has a better career mode because of it's strong narrative focus, but the Round 4's Legacy mode is far better than the offerings in the previous Fight Night.

One major exclusion from round 3 are the button punch controls. Instead of allowing you to use the face buttons to throw punches, the right analog stick's now the only way to throw your jabs, hooks and uppercuts. The analog control is more responsive and a vast improvement over Round 3, but it still doesn't allow for the speed and accuracy of digital button control.

Click the image above to check out all Fight Night Round 4 screens.

To round out the package, if you get tired of facing the AI you can go toe to toe against a human opponent in either offline or online multiplayer. Early on in the Legacy mode you can get away with spamming a lot punches against the computer, but if you try your "flailing arms" technique against a human you will absolutely get counter-punched right out of the ring. That's one of my favorite things about this game in both single and multiplayer: It forces you to fight strategically. If you have a reach advantage against an opponent you will get punished if you settle for fighting on the inside. You can also never let your guard down because you can be knocked down at any time. And if you're fighting incorrectly the repetitive announcers will constantly remind you how much you suck.

Being a boxing fan, this game is clearly made for me. But if you're not a fan of the sweet science then this game will probably not turn you around. The team at EA Canada have completed a very difficult task: Fight Night Round 4 not only matches its predecessor, but improves upon it and has reclaimed it's title as the best boxing game in the world.
I'll wait till I make the move in to my own new place next weekend and then pick this up along with DVDs I haven't had a chance to cop yet.
I copped the game today, I played it for maybe 5 mins...I was Tyson and Foreman knocked me out in the 2nd round. Getting hit by one of his uppercuts is likebeing hit by a truck.
Downloaded the demo and liked it, I think I'm gonna pull the trigger and nab it.
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