Nah it def wasn't 10 tries but it took me several.

I just kept attacking attacking and it didn't work for obvious reasons.
Where are you guys up to? My brother is already on disc 3. I was surprised but he said most of the game is on disc 3.
Finals week man, freakin A had the game on reserve but I'm about to play during spring break
any recommendations on paths for each character? at least to invest cp in at the start

lightning - commander
vanille - saboteur
sazh - synergist?
hope - medic?
snow - ravage
Lightning (COM) and Vanille (SAB) are a MUST!

The rest you can go either way, I have Hope as a MED/SYN , Sazh SYN/RAV, and Snow as a RAV.
Originally Posted by presequel

any recommendations on paths for each character? at least to invest cp in at the start

lightning - commander
vanille - saboteur
sazh - synergist?
hope - medic?
snow - ravage

I'm on Chapter 11, so I have all roles unlocked. This is how I have my set-up.

I only play with 4 characters and use 2 as just tanks.

Lightning - Ravagers as primary, commando as secondary, medic with leftover points (She is by far the most well rounded, so any path is probably a good one. I balance magic and strength)

Hope - Ravager as primary, Medic as a CLOSE secondary, and synergiest with leftover points (His magic stats are huge so ravager and medic make sense)

Fang - Commando as Primary, Sentinel as seconday, and sabotuer with leftover. (Fang's strength is rediculous, so she works well as a commando as soon as she learns Launch)

Snow - Sentinel as primary. (His health is so high it makes sense)

Sazh - Synergeist as primary (Sazh I don't use, but I will train as synergeist until he maxes it out, may come in handy down the road)

Vanilee  - Saboteur as primary (Same as Sazh)

I only use Lightning, Hope, and a combo of either Fang or Snow. I am sure down the road this will change as I do side missions, but thats the most well rounded crew I could come up with. Only battle I have had an issue with was from Chapter 9.

Spoiler [+]
Cid Raines.... but once I learned his pattern it was easy

How are you all doing with upgrading weapons?
I forgot to add, with the characters where I only put one role, I save their CP after they have maxed out that role to where the story allows it.

No sense in wasting the points until later.
I wanna get this game but I'm not trying to pay 60$ for a movie. Yeah it has a good combat system, and that's pretty much it from what I'm hearing from the reviews. This is the first Final Fantasy game to not even crack 90/100 on gamerankings. It barely passed 80...Now I'm not one that lives and dies from reviews but that's a pretty big drop on what is supposed to be the BIGGEST and most CRITICALLY ACCLAIMED JRPG to come out of Japan.
Originally Posted by millionuppercuts

I wanna get this game but I'm not trying to pay 60$ for a movie. Yeah it has a good combat system, and that's pretty much it from what I'm hearing from the reviews. This is the first Final Fantasy game to not even crack 90/100 on gamerankings. It barely passed 80...Now I'm not one that lives and dies from reviews but that's a pretty big drop on what is supposed to be the BIGGEST and most CRITICALLY ACCLAIMED JRPG to come out of Japan.
just cop mass effect 2 (2010 GOTY)
Originally Posted by presequel

any recommendations on paths for each character? at least to invest cp in at the start

lightning - commander
vanille - saboteur
sazh - synergist?
hope - medic?
snow - ravage
The guide book says:

Lightning - Ravager or Commando
Sazh - Synergist
Snow - Sentinel
Hope - Medic or Ravager
Vanille - Saboteur or Medic
Fang - Commando

-The Juice
Originally Posted by knightngale

Originally Posted by millionuppercuts

I wanna get this game but I'm not trying to pay 60$ for a movie. Yeah it has a good combat system, and that's pretty much it from what I'm hearing from the reviews. This is the first Final Fantasy game to not even crack 90/100 on gamerankings. It barely passed 80...Now I'm not one that lives and dies from reviews but that's a pretty big drop on what is supposed to be the BIGGEST and most CRITICALLY ACCLAIMED JRPG to come out of Japan.
just cop mass effect 2 (2010 GOTY)

   JRPGs > Western RPGs

I have never played Mass Effect 1 or 2 (I dont own a 360), and I am not arguing the fact that they are good games, but why come in here to specifically post this?

Western RPG's have historically been WAYYYYYY to easy.

And reviews mean nothing. At all. Independent reviews maybe, but I will never trust anyone who is paid for their opinion.
I'm loving this game so far, the characters actually capture my interest. I think this is the first time since VIII. (I hated the voice acting in X, making it hard for me to like the characters).
What are you guys using to upgrade your weapons/accessories? Its always best to save then experiment, but you know money is hard to come by. I'm only up to Chapter 7 so I'm holding off till later anyways, but from what I've read:

An efficient way to build the multiplier is to go to the Creature Comforts store and buy Vibrant
Ooze. Apply 36 of those to your weapon and you will have a 3x multiplier (multiplies exp points by 3). Then you can apply
Perfect Conductor for 2577 EXP. Problem is you'd have to spend much more than 50K of gil per "Perfect Conductor".

Or you can always use "Fusion Reactor" which costs 50K (gives you 150exp w/ 3x xp bonus using vibrant ooze).

Info on another item known as Dark Matter for upgrades:


When you finish these missions, the Turtles (the ones that stand still)
at the area (near where the Jumbo Cactuar cutscene takes place) will transform into Xiao Long Guis; blue-looking
 turtles. Each of these turtles have 10.8 million of HP and thus considered to be the strongest turtles ever
existing in the world of XIII.

Xiao Long Gui drops a rare drop, which is called Dark Matter (??????). Dark Matter is used for converting
a certain item to its latest tier. For example, using Dark Matter on a Power Glove * will transform into a
Kaizanakkuru? (????????) which then can be leveled to 300atk. You can also make a Super Ribbon by using a
Dark Matter on your Ribbon.

Alternatively, you can purchase one Dark Matter at the shop for 800,000 gil.

...and if you are near the end of the game and needs some Gil for upgrades (this is translated):

King Adamantoises (make sure you have high HP and earth resistant equip)

They drop a rare item called Trapezohedron, sells for 160K a pop (and necessary for Ultima Weapon upgrading). Make sure you have Best Choice equipped (increases the chances of rare item drop).

Prep work
·An optima with 3 Jammers if possible, but atleast 2
·Vanille needs to have leader with the Jammer role and you need Death ?? (lv9 Crystarium
·TP gauge at 3 (To summon)

?Items you should bring?
·Marborol Wand ??????? for Vanille, (Upgraded from her Lv21 Belladonna wand with an uraninite

·ATB up items like Dance shoes, Swift Scarf ??????·??????? (Preferably, equip all 3 on Vanille, it will give her
ATB up by 20% combining all 3 acessories) Note, the guide doesn't mention it but you can upgrade
Swift scarf into Flashy scarf ??????? with a Rhondosite ??????

·Item drop+ items like Get Choice, Best choice????????(Drop rate up 10 to 20%) You can buy Get Choice
at the accessory shop for 100k and upgrade it to Best choice with a Munalle stone ?????

·TP/Drive up items: Energy sash ????????, Easy choice, ????????, Axel Sash, ????????, Champion's belt ?????
·Fang should have Fatal Scissors ?????????( Upgraded from Punisher ??????) for fast TP gain

1.Start the battle by summoning Hectankeil on Vanille
2.Get him to fall over then go all out
3.Send Hectankeil back during driving mode (? button)
4.Spam Death

When upgrading your weapon (usually by level 25-27) you will reach the * level, you can upgrade to a Teir two weapon. To get the ultimate weapon for a character, you have to max out a tier 2 weapon and then use a トラペゾヘドロン(Trapezohedron) on it.

Oh, and if anyone knows where to find Lightning's Apocalypse sword let me know, I'm holding off on upgrades till I get that (more well rounded weapon).
Originally Posted by theprocessofbelief

Originally Posted by knightngale

Originally Posted by millionuppercuts

I wanna get this game but I'm not trying to pay 60$ for a movie. Yeah it has a good combat system, and that's pretty much it from what I'm hearing from the reviews. This is the first Final Fantasy game to not even crack 90/100 on gamerankings. It barely passed 80...Now I'm not one that lives and dies from reviews but that's a pretty big drop on what is supposed to be the BIGGEST and most CRITICALLY ACCLAIMED JRPG to come out of Japan.
just cop mass effect 2 (2010 GOTY)

   JRPGs > Western RPGs

I have never played Mass Effect 1 or 2 (I dont own a 360), and I am not arguing the fact that they are good games, but why come in here to specifically post this?

Western RPG's have historically been WAYYYYYY to easy.

And reviews mean nothing. At all. Independent reviews maybe, but I will never trust anyone who is paid for their opinion.
but but but but ....sales! sales!! *pulls up xbox 360 fanboy sales numbers*
Im only in Chapter 2 right but got 2 questions for those of you who are further in the game.

1. At what point can you control the other characters in battle? Im not really feeling them having a mind of their own. In the previous FF games I pretty much had roles for my characters (attacker, medic, magic user, etc...)

2. At what point do start gaining experience points? Out of all these battles im getting in they seem kinda pointless
You never have control of other characters. You can just switch their Paradigms.

The Crystalin points are for leveling stats. I think that occurs in chapter 3. Just be patient with this. It's similar to the sphere grid in FF10.
Wow that really sucks I can see why this one didnt get as many positive reviews as the others then...
^ Trust me I hated it, and it still bothers me a bit, but I'm already up to Ch. 7-8 and I'm loving this new system.

Its something new and speeds up the fighting a lot, and its def a lot more tactical.

You'll learn to appreciate it for what it is eventually, the beginning of the game is boring imo.
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