----Official Forgetting Sarah Marshall Post----

this question sounds extremely suspect
but for those who saw it just warn us man
did dude really show his meat?
Saw this movie earlier today, laughed pretty hard throughout a lot of it. pretty funny, and for some reason, mila kunis got more attractive to me from this movie, lol
ive liked her since thats 70s show, but ill agree she looked even more attractive. tough decision between kristen bell and her but ill take mila.and im impressed that jason segel wrote the movie. i think hes hillarious on how i met your mother too.
Mila is def in my top 10 now, I kinda slept on her when she was on "That 70's show"
Originally Posted by Crank Lucas

this question sounds extremely suspect
but for those who saw it just warn us man
did dude really show his meat?

You are warned.

And Mila was looking good, I totally slept on her before
Yeah I was just sitting there not even expecting that. I didn't think it could be shown in a rated R film. Overall I liked the movie, but didn't thinkit was that funny. It was still good, and I would recommend it. Aldous was the character that made the movie for me.
yeah mila kunis is def.
in this movie, she stepped her cuteness game up10 fold...however macaulay culkin pulled that is beyond me
Movie was dope as hell. It's a good date movie if your girl is into raunchy humor and stuff like that. It was more of a good movie and a LOL funny movie. Imean it's funny as hell at parts, but it's not on a grounbreaking level.

Def recommend.
I saw penis a total of three times. Crazy nasty. Especially when he was doing the swing and you heard the flapping. Good Movie overall
If Mila Kunis and Kristen Bell weren't in the movie I would've walked out after 30 minutes. The movie was wack as hell, a HUGE disappointment, and Iusually overrate every movie I see. It just wasn't funny.

I do not recommend it at all.
Originally Posted by daheadbanda

Originally Posted by Craftsy21

By the way - Mila Kunis is hot as hell.. i think i'd take her over Bell, personally.. But i did a little research and apparently she does not get topless in this film, i guess it's photoshopped?

ya, its been confirmed that it's photoshopped, sadly..but, my mind doesnt think so, lol
. Saw this movie earlier today, laughed pretty hard throughout a lot of it. pretty funny, and for some reason, mila kunis got more attractive to me from this movie, lol

Yea I figured it was photoshopped, good movie, pretty funny, don't know why dude needed to show his meat so many times
Funny movie. Not as good as Knocked Up or Superbad but still very funny nonetheless. Mila definitely looked a lot better in this movie. I gotta hear thatDracula song again.

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