Official Game 3: 05/08 Los Angeles @ Houston Rockets 8:30PM CST ESPN

Jordan Farmer
The sad thing is that is a clean foul. And they are kicking Artest out? how is that play at the same level of fisher's foul?
This series is turning into a joke reffing wise


Keep your head up, Ron. The more you keep calmly walking off at bullcrap calls like this, the better your reputation will become.


He blocked the ball, followed through on an intentional foul on Pau... like Jeff and Mark are saying, that's just a hard, playoff foul. Nothing wrong withthat at all.

Not even.
Shouldn't have been a flagrant, BUT this game is over and with Artest's history better to not risk it escalating.
wow...that call makes me sick to my stomach...that is a normal foul...these refs all have a quick trigger on ron artest
All we had to do is defend our home court. Where's the fight, the desire, the will the win....I just didn't see it tonight from the Rockets. The fansseemed dead and things just went downhill for us. We can't buy a offense, turnovers killed us, and we couldn't defend the kick & roll.
As a Laker fan, that was not a flagrant 2 (nor a flagrant 1). No suspension.

I think that should have just been a regular foul.
So they are saying Fisher's foul= Artest's basketball move???

what has the league come too?
Calling that a flagrant 2 is the biggest joke ever, just goes to show how big of a joke this league has become
Man I'm sick of Artest gettin the bad rap all the time. It's completely unfair.

Someone needs to stand up for the dude (RICK ADELMAN)

No way should he have been kicked out. That wasn't right.

Sick of the selective %*#*@ NBA refs and rules
@*%%$%$# call, but Rocket fans don't try to act like this affected the outcome of the game. This game was clearly over.
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