Official Game 3: 05/08 Los Angeles @ Houston Rockets 8:30PM CST ESPN

ron artest even said, they only called it a flagrant 2 becaue the game was basically OVER and the res didnt wanna deal with anything else happening. they aregonna downgrade it to a flagrant 1.

and shuges, if that was not a flagrant 1, then what is? looking at the 2nd picture you posted, you can see he has both forearms on gasols body pushing him....
Originally Posted by franchise3

I was out tonight catching the game at a friend's house and turned it off with like a minute left. From the sound of it, the foul wasn't that bad? I gotta peep the replay.

Bottomline, the Rockets couldn't get their offense going, everything looked out of sync. Lakers played great D and moved the ball around well getting good looks at the basket.

Rockets are gonna have to play much better game 4 if they want to win. Win and they have a shot still. Lose and its a wrap. Lakers in 5. SMHx10
This. And they're going to have to show some intensity, I mean they came out flat and just played like crap from the start. I think the Lakerswon this game with the way they came out
on 6-0 run and just like they wanted this game more.
That wasn't even a flagrant. Everybody can relax. Just a hard foul.

Ya'll better be in here apologizing to Farmar. Kid took a lotta hate this year, give him some love. Wit them ears, I'm sure he can hear us.

Kobe shot like crap again, but he hit some timely buckets I guess. I like the 3 blocks, 2 steals more then anything.

Hope Yao is alright. I want a full quad out there from both teams for game 4.

Why is this thread only 44 pages? Did Yuku shut down last night or something?

I'm out, see ya'll on Monday.
Why is this thread only 44 pages? Did Yuku shut down last night or something?
No. The Lakers just won.

at Ron getting ejected for that. Good the league that Charmin?
After game 3 the Rockets better start looking in the mirror and think about what just happened. You stole home court advantage in game 1, played okay in game 2and came out like a bunch of losers in game 3. Sure the refs were at it again but you can never put a performance like this on the refs.

The Rockets:

-TURNOVERS( DAMN TURNOVERS), those always lead to easy buckets. And some are just really stupid turnovers. Especially some of Ron's.
-Bad FT shooting, you have to make them. Easiest points you're going to get..
-Overdribbling( That means you AB and Ron)
-At times there is no ball movement/ body movement
-We out rebounded them.19 offensive rebounds and we didn't capitalize.
-Horrible shots taken
-No passion what so ever. They came out like some straight bums. The crowd was cheering their !%@ off from the start and you can't feed off that.Please.
-I'm starting to dislike some of Rick Adleman's substitution patterns, let Von stay in the game a bit more. It seems as though evertime IB hits a shotor two and
starts feeling good about himself Rick takes him out. Give the guy more time.
- The way the 2nd quarter ended was just ridiculous. L.A. was cold and we should of taken advantage by 5-10
-The third was really what killed us L.A. wasn't playing great and we were right there, we just couldn't ever take control of the game. Everytime wecrept closer
they would hit a timely shot or got to the line.
- Their D was pretty good, They lakers only shot 43%. Kobe took too many shots again and got his.
- What a joke that flagrant was on Artest. My man was about his rep. It's sad realization how NBA refs take those things into account.

Things that the Lakers did well:

-They shot 11-20 from three and some of those were @%+!$%! open. Put a hand up or close out.
- They took care of the ball,17 for Houston to 6 for L.A.
- They hit timely shots or got to the line when they were struggling to score
- They have Kobe
- They capitalized on our turnovers
- They played pretty good D

Other than they didn't outplay us to a large degree. They did what they had to do at times. But the Rockets just flat out lost this game. It was theres forthe taking and they just never broke through. We're not outmatched, not by one bit, we were just didn't come out to play tonight.I know some of youwill give the Lakers credit, I give them credit for winning the game. But it wasn't their play that determined this game. It was our complete lack ofintensity. It was our inablilty to score when they Lakers were cold as can be. And it was our dumb and horrible shooting that really killed us. Score the damnball and continue to play the defense you've been playing and you'll be alright. I have full confidence we'll come out with more intensity and playbetter. But if the Rockets don't take care of that damn ball and execute their offense we'll be in the game but that'll be it.
Didn't get a chance to post last night. Went to a friends then out afterwards.

We played like some punks out there. Too much Kobe and such little offense. Tomorrow is a must win for us (obviously).
Other than they didn't outplay us to a large degree. They did what they had to do at times. But the Rockets just flat out lost this game. It was theres for the taking and they just never broke through. We're not outmatched, not by one bit, we were just didn't come out to play tonight.I know some of you will give the Lakers credit, I give them credit for winning the game. But it wasn't their play that determined this game. It was our complete lack of intensity. It was our inablilty to score when they Lakers were cold as can be. And it was our dumb and horrible shooting that really killed us. Score the damn ball and continue to play the defense you've been playing and you'll be alright. I have full confidence we'll come out with more intensity and play better. But if the Rockets don't take care of that damn ball and execute their offense we'll be in the game but that'll be it.

Come on dogg...

Our D was great. It caused a lot of the turnovers that you guys had. The fronting of Yao played a big roll.

When we ran the ball it wouldn't allow you guys to get set in the half court d. We played a great game. Anytime we needed a basket we got it.

You guys didn't play all that well but don't act like you guys just lost the game. We came in there and took it.
Originally Posted by tupac003

Other than they didn't outplay us to a large degree. They did what they had to do at times. But the Rockets just flat out lost this game. It was theres for the taking and they just never broke through. We're not outmatched, not by one bit, we were just didn't come out to play tonight.I know some of you will give the Lakers credit, I give them credit for winning the game. But it wasn't their play that determined this game. It was our complete lack of intensity. It was our inablilty to score when they Lakers were cold as can be. And it was our dumb and horrible shooting that really killed us. Score the damn ball and continue to play the defense you've been playing and you'll be alright. I have full confidence we'll come out with more intensity and play better. But if the Rockets don't take care of that damn ball and execute their offense we'll be in the game but that'll be it.

Come on dogg...

Our D was great. It caused a lot of the turnovers that you guys had. The fronting of Yao played a big roll.

When we ran the ball it wouldn't allow you guys to get set in the half court d. We played a great game. Anytime we needed a basket we got it.

You guys didn't play all that well but don't act like you guys just lost the game. We came in there and took it.
I acknowledged that they played d but the way Rockets came out there last night was pitiful, I'm too hard pressed to say that they didn'tlose that game. That's just the way I feel. If the lakers came out and played with absolutely no energy and seemed to give what was a lackluster effortand lost then you'd say the same thing. Then again I'm bias towards the Rockets.I'm still pretty pissed at my team.
--regarding artest, flagrant or not.. The lakers still would have won.
--lets take game 4, go home and send these clowns fishing.
Originally Posted by DARTH DNZY

--regarding artest, flagrant or not.. The lakers still would have won.
--lets take game 4, go home and send these clowns dudes fishing.
Originally Posted by FrenchBlue23

This thread easily could have reach 100.... IF the Lakers would have lost.

Well, the Lakers won Game 2 but that @+! went over 100...

The Lakers really showed their depth in Game 3 with a lot of players stepping up and hitting open shots. Especially those 3's. The Rockets will need tocontinue to make Kobe take tough shots and also work on reducing turnovers and getting some more offensive help from the bench. Double or not double teamingGasol will be something the Rockets have to think about. Personally, the Rockets should not help on Gasol more than they help on Kobe. If Gasol wants to playone on one against Yao the whole game, let him. Yao needs to respond by posting on Gasol though and make him use more energy on defense. However, both centerswill get tired from using their advantages on each other.

Maybe the return of Derek Fisher will help the Rockets?
Originally Posted by shatterkneesinc

its just sad and demoralizing when a man has done no wrong gets ejected 2 games in a row
Yes. I don't even get that mad/pissed when watching sports but I did watching last night's game. Throwing Ron out of the game was just theicing on the cake.
Originally Posted by westcoastsfinest

Originally Posted by purpleRElGN

this thread = ghost town

thats what happens in a thread where it involves the Lakers...the haters are nonexistent

yup, i'm shocked at a 40ish page thread......[just HOU fans huh, no haters]

i figured they would be out crying EVEN MORE about the ref's and whatnot. [ bad call we know]

Originally Posted by Roc Boy Jada

Originally Posted by MisterP0315

Why is this thread only 44 pages? Did Yuku shut down last night or something?
No. The Lakers just won.
Didn't they win game 2?

The game 2 thread went over 100 pages.

Game 2 had 5 technical fouls and 2 ejections.
I have a feeling that knee to knee bump between Kobe and Yao in Game 1, had a bigger impact on Yao's knee than we thought.
Yeah game 2 had a lot of extra curicular activities. And Kobe was scorching.

Game 1 Houston won and it was only 60-70 pages.

Plus last night's game was on a Friday.

In other news, obviously game 4 is a must win for Houston to have any chance, and Ron will be playing. His flagrant 2 was downgraded to a flagrant 1
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