Who ends up sitting on the Iron Throne?

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Jon should have Melisandre bae keep bringing back ramsay so they can keep killing him. He no longer has a face.
we never do see Ramsay dead on screen. imagine he is brought back with half a face and half-eaten flesh. that would be amazing. the ultimate villain. he'd roam around with his pack of dogs. half the time they'd feed off his flesh, the other half off his enemies. he could roll with the white walkers.
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I'm still SMH at only 14 episodes left in the entire series [emoji]129300[/emoji][emoji]128545[/emoji]
Damn with how much they're being paid I can see why they shortening seasons :lol:

Keep in mind this is a tv show not a movie.
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I honestly feel like they should wrap it up in 7 seasons. 8 seasons is a lot, even if shortened. They don't have any book material to draw from. I would hate to see more filler episodes. They need to just wrap that **** up, B. The show has been around 5 years already. That's a lifetime for a TV show nowadays.
To me, if they were adapting most of the **** from the books we could get 10 full seasons of 10 eps each.

You just gotta get the pacing right. Problem is with stuff like Dany they can't help but keep checking in with her and so her journey to Westeros seems like it takes years. If they were depicting time more accurately they'd frame it so why she was dealing with say taking over Mereen **** would be progressing beyond the wall and in KL so ppl would understand it's happening simultaneously. Also probably give her one or 2 more real threats.

It'd be no big thing if she didn't show up for most of a season or 2.
To me, if they were adapting most of the **** from the books we could get 10 full seasons of 10 eps each.

You just gotta get the pacing right. Problem is with stuff like Dany they can't help but keep checking in with her and so her journey to Westeros seems like it takes years. If they were depicting time more accurately they'd frame it so why she was dealing with say taking over Mereen **** would be progressing beyond the wall and in KL so ppl would understand it's happening simultaneously. Also probably give her one or 2 more real threats.

It'd be no big thing if she didn't show up for most of a season or 2.
Agreed. Honestly I don't need to see Danny until she is knocking on the door to westeroos 
So basically, 13 episodes to put my mans Juan Snow on the Iron Throne.

Make it happen 

Much as Juan Nieve is my boy, I don't see that happening. He's more a general than a king. He's going to hold off the WW, which is going to help someone else take the throne.

Dude better not pull a Ned.

I think what will happen with Jon will be that he just rides off into the sunset, finding a spot to live the rest of his life, prolly with Ghost.
no way there's happy endings with people running off to retirement.

it's going to end open ended. might end with dany taking Kings landing but another force scheming to take power (varys vs littlefinger?) or we may end with a hint at the next generation of key players who will be involved in playing this game. although are any of the starks, lannisters, or targaeryeans having kids? what if all those bloodlines dry up.
Nah, it needs a definitive ending. A story this long and epic needs it. It endinf on a cliffhanger would leave me more heated than Melisandre bae's cooch.
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