Who ends up sitting on the Iron Throne?

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Need the GIF of Sansa giving Littlefinger the rejection when he swooped in for the kiss!
I don't know if it's a better story if they were married. Besides rape is expected from GRRM. I wouldn't have flinched if he had raped her is a reveal.

Could just be despite being a pretty boy he is a serial rapist. That likes to lure women who actually like him in to abusive sex or he coulda got that early onset Tart madness and raped her.

Sure he could've risked it all for love and wanting to have so ething away from the conflict of Robert and his crazy dad but c'mon look at Lyanna's face :rolleyes Would you bet money homey fell in love?

And then he risked secretly marrying her? Like what happens if Lyanna doesn't die? Run off with her and Jon? Robert would chase her forever. The marry part just seems like a reach to try have a backdoor to legitimize Jon so he can sit on the too. Throne which I don't think is his ending at all.

After all that he's happened he's still the brooding no personality noble do the right thing kind of dude.

Besides if yourengonna go with the North ignoring rules and **** to make him king in da North what does it matter down the line for being king of Westeros? Robert took it by force so could jon (even though I know he doesn't want that).

:lol: dammnit she just gave birth
Y'all I'm hyped as **** for the Starks.

They coming back strong..............................
..............................................................................and that means that one of them will die. :smh: :smh: :smh: :rofl:
Another thing, y'all really believe it's Littlefinger's dream to sit on the iron throne with Sansa by his side :lol:

I mean I get y'all want to go with the liar's word and believe he just shifted his love for Cat on to Sansa but c'mon :lol: While I can concede he might like her I know if she didn't have a rightful claim to be wardness of the North he'd push Sansa out the moon door just the same.

He has the East and with the North he knows he could take Westeros which is why he didn't try to link up with a Martell or somebody in Dorne.

Just allied with the Martells to kill Joffrey which is a fall back alliance.

Ain't that a coinkydink? 2 biggest villains on the show dead because of Littlefinger. It's a Reynolds for Cersi.
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Another thing, y'all really believe it's Littlefinger's dream to sit on the iron throne with Sansa by his side :lol:

I mean I get y'all want to go with the liar's word and believe he just shifted his love for Cat on to Sansa but c'mon :lol: While I can concede he might like her I know if she didn't have a rightful claim to be wardness of the North he'd push Sansa out the moon door just the same.

He has the East and with the North he knows he could take Westeros which is why he didn't try to link up with a Martell or somebody in Dorne.

Just allied with the Martells to kill Joffrey which is a fall back alliance.

Ain't that a coinkydink? 2 biggest villains on the show dead because of Littlefinger. It's a Reynolds for Cersi.
Thats probably how LF should/would operate

But u gotta remember these are the same writers that confirmed LF had no idea in the world how sick Ramsey Bolton was when he dropped Sansa off to him.. so u never know :lol:

Sidenote, my mind cant compute them finishing these storylines in two shortened seasons..cant do it
lf x melisandre 
It's gonna be a chopped up fast pace nding. If next season is really 7 eps by ep 4 a major villain will be dead or defeated and the eights will be across the wall. I'd like it to be Dany's army destroys the KL one and then either Jamie kills her when she tried to kill everybody or she flees to Kasterly Rock where LF has arranged it for Arya to be there and kill her. Cersi's basically sandwiched. Then final season is nothing but the war with the NK.

As for the writers, they've dropped hints with LF that he's still scheming and manipulating. I mean some saw a scene where he took a L when Sansa rejected him but I just happen to notice every time he professes his "love" for her or his "feelings" its a lie and the 2nd he's rejected he's ending the convo with Jon's a bastard that won't be supported, he's only your half brother, I've sent word to everybody that I am on your side, etc. That is pure manipulation. Only problem is he's trying to appeal to her ambitious stronger side and maybe even that happy ending fantasy she once had. He's probably not aware just how damaged Sansa is from her time in KL and how much she eventually learned from it.

Sansa basically has a bit more value than a lawn and LF is trying to sell her on a dream where she might be queen. After watching him kill her aunt and being thrown off/scared by that kiss she figured he might not be trustworthy, probably after she realized she was being manipulated by everybody since she left home even Margery back in KL. That time with Joffrey soured her on returning back to KL is all. Being sent to Ramsey probably hammered down LF can lead you to a horrible situation if you just obey blindly :lol:

I find it dumb he didn't know about Ramsey but I guess it was a calculated risk that had a worst case scenario he didn't think was likely. Cuz I feel like regardless, LF, knowing he can't trust the Boltons would eventually orchestrate a way to have them killed so he could "liberate" the North and then marry Sansa (as her savior) to again have control of 2/3s of the Westeros armies.

Sansa's attitude changed once she saw an unhappy LF so I expect he'll make moves next season to try and get out of this tough spot where he's firmly aligned with the North but has no room to take complete control to flip that in to a claim for the iron throne.
lf x melisandre :nerd:
I thought about this :lol: I feel like he's not a firm believer in that ****. I mean he's shown no concern for dragons and I'm sure he's aware Tyrion and Varys have linked up with Dany. Could be a cool twist if he is a believer or open to all this magic stuff.

Son should take another trip to the NW to get a look at what they're all really facing.
Almost forgot about Walder Cosby eating his kin before being offed. Arya is not playing games, Jamie better kill his sister before Arya does it in a far far worse way
This has surpassed Breaking Bad for me, my gawd what a ride.

This episode should be renamed "The L Train" they were being handed out everywhere.
Again, Women & Children flourishing are the main theme of Game of Thrones.

When the Maester in the Citadel says..."no women and children aloud"....its confirmation of the series intention. Never underestimate women and children. Which the "great men" continuously do. Robert was killed by his wife. Ned by Cersei. Arya got bodies. Joffrey by Olenna. Brienne defeated the hound. Sansa killed Ramsay. And Cersei wiping out the Faith and High Septon.

-Jon Snow is a kid
-Arya is a woman and a kid
-Lyanna Mornont is a kid and a queen
-Cersei is a woman and Queen
-Danaerys is a woman and a kid and a queen
-Sansa is a woman and a kid and a queen
-Yara is a woman and a queen
-Arya is a woman and a kid and a faceless man
-The people that killed Cyburn...and the birdies are kids
-Ellaria is a woman/queen and the sand snakes are women
-Ollenna is a woman
-Brienne is a woman and Knight
-Mera is a kid and a woman
-Gilly...with the last of Crasters babies....and Sam as her husband.
-Missandei as the most trusted advisor

Then the most powerful "men"...are men who wouldn't traditionally be seen as powerful men:

Varys with no ****
Theon with no ****
Tyrion an outcast dwarf
Jamie lost his strong hand

This is the theme of the show. It was a long con, but the women and children will prevail at the end of thrones.
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Again, Women & Children flourishing are the main theme of Game of Thrones.

When the Maester in the Citadel says..."no women and children aloud"....its confirmation of the series intention. Never underestimate women and children. Which the "great men" continuously do. Robert was killed by his wife. Ned by Cersei. Arya got bodies. Sansa killed Ramsay.

-Jon Snow is a kid
-Arya is a woman and a kid
-Lyanna Mornont is a kid and a queen
-Cersei is a woman and Queen
-Danaerys is a woman and a kid and a queen
-Sansa is a woman and a kid and a when
-Yara is a woman and a queen
-Arya is a woman and a kid and a faceless man
-The people that killed Cyburn...and the birdies are kids
-Ellaria is a woman/queen and the sand snakes are women
-Ollenna is a woman
-Brienne is a woman and Knight
-Mera is a kid and a woman
-Gilly...with the last of Crasters babies....and Sam as her husband.
-Missandei as the most trusted advisor

Then the most powerful "men"...are men who wouldn't traditionally be seen as powerful men:

Varys with no ****
Theon with no ****
Tyrion an outcast dwarf
Jamie lost his strong hand

This is the theme of the show. It was a long con, but the women and children will prevail at the end of thrones.

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Unless he prevails. :evil:
And now our wait (for s7) begins.

Y'all think that was the last we've seen of BenJen aka ColdHands?
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