Who ends up sitting on the Iron Throne?

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Idk why y'all praising cersei. This was another shortsighted move by her just like giving power to the Seven. Tyrells were about to fight with Lannister and now they're gonna fight against them. They have no allies left.
So who is Dany going to marry?

Is there another dragon inside the Wall?

Will Bran be the savior of the Great War?
A lot of people are hoping that Jon marries her, which means he'll marry his aunt, yikes.

I wonder if Carcetti Fingers will try to wife her up to get back at the Starks.
The point wasn't doubting that she wanted to protect him. She's made it clear that she would do anything for her children. The point was did she want him to see it as a punishment. He lost is wife, religious counsel, and the ruling small counsel at once. That's some tough love if that was indeed part of her reasoning. I don't think she knew he would off himself though.
Idk why y'all praising cersei. This was another shortsighted move by her just like giving power to the Seven. Tyrells were about to fight with Lannister and now they're gonna fight against them. They have no allies left.
It's a foregone conclusion that Cersei will be holding the L at some point. At least she had this moment. This is Cersei/Lena's finest hour. Cherish it my *****.
I wonder if Cerci will try and take out Jaime

To prevent the prophecy from happening

Then again Tyrion might do it if he makes it to KL
The point wasn't doubting that she wanted to protect him. She's made it clear that she would do anything for her children. The point was did she want him to see it as a punishment. He lost is wife, religious counsel, and the ruling small counsel at once. That's some tough love if that was indeed part of her reasoning. I don't think she knew he would off himself though.
I don't think she set out to teach him a lesson specifically. The Faith were going to more than likely harshly punish her (if not kill her) and the Tyrells either left King's Landing or were going along with The Faith. That was empowering the Tyrells. Cersei needed to get rid of The Faith and the Tyrells and she did it in one fell swoop. Punishing Tommen was probably the last thing she was concerned about. Whether Tommen witnessed it or not, either way he was going to lose his wife and religious advisers.
cersei flat out made everyone put respek on her name.

you cant even be mad

it was impressive. 
the heel turn is complete


S/o to #TeamSnow. You guys should be proud

Lady Mormont is this seasons MVP. Not up for debate
Lady Mormont's speech is up there with some of the best this show has ever seen. She got me hyped.
Lady Mormont basically legitimized Jon right then and there.. Didn't even have 10 minutes of screentime but is definitely the MVP :pimp:
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I'd nominate her to be the Queen of the North. I'd fight for her house before anyone else besides Jon.
So is Jon's final form going to be The Warrior of Light equipped with Lightbringer as he faces The Night King 1 v 1?
Since Danny is on the way to Westeros with ships, and will have the support of Dorne and High Garden. What purpose does Euron have anymore? He has a hand full of men left and his 1,000 ships won't really get him anything now.
Assuming he doesn't have dragon binder since the show hasn't hinted at all that he has it.
Can someone give me the rundown on Benjen? I'm going to re-watch, but I feel like I missed the explanation as far as what happened to him.
Can someone give me the rundown on Benjen? I'm going to re-watch, but I feel like I missed the explanation as far as what happened to him.
he was almost taken alive by white walkers and he was about to turn into one, but the children saved him half way. So he's half white walker and thats why he can't pass the tree that he left Bran at. 
he was almost taken alive by white walkers and he was about to turn into one, but the children saved him half way. So he's half white walker and thats why he can't pass the tree that he left Bran at. 

Ok, that's what I thought. How exactly did they save him though? Dragonglass?
I was stoked about the Arya scene. It seems folks are split on it.

The show like the book doesnt work on a pefectt linear path. That would be impossible. There is time that passes from scene to scene and they also overlap. GRRM even comments on that in the beginning of book 4 or 5 if memory serves.

If you look at the GOT map it is easily conceivable that Varys meets up with Dany on the way to Kings Landing with the Martell and Tyrell ships when he bounced out of Dorne. 
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