Who ends up sitting on the Iron Throne?

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To be better looking than this:


I have to agree. In the books, there's a lot of attention paid to Lyanna Stark's looks. She's basically described as the hottest chick in Westeros or at the very least, Top 3. Show Lyanna isn't even Top 3 in Alabama. I'll let it slide, it's not the worst thing to happen on the show but A Man Doesn't Lie.

I think it's Tyrion. Him and Dany have really formed a strong bond this season and there seemed to be a little forshadowing when he told her that there would be other men to love her. Plus, she's already made him her Hand...

He also freed the dragons from their chains. Imagine the dragon flying and him hanging onto the tail. Lmao
My bad if y'all already touched on this.

Let's say Bran does tell Jon the truth (which I'm sure he'll have trouble believing himself) how do they get others to believe it ? What proof is there to share?

Jon just can't say "My crippled little cousin touches creepy trees and can see things"

Howland Reed could be the other witness

Did they ever say where he is in the show?
Low key, Cersei been lurking this thread. Saw how distracted we were with fukc boy Ramsey and had to come through and remind us whose been the real villain of the series since season one. Bravo
What's crazy is that Arya was plotting on Jamie the whole time. Kept giving him the eye but he just never took the bait. He won't ever know how close he came to getting got

Jaime has never been on Aryas crosshairs....if a girl wanted him dead, a girl would have killed him.
arya knew when jamie ambushed, stabbed and imprisoned ned and killed all their house loyalists right? 
Also I think Jaime will attempt to kill off Cersei, but he will fail and she will kill him instead.
I don't think she ever put him on her list. Probably intimidated to try and kill The Kingslayer anyway.
yup, she could do it out of self-preservation, just like how the children of the forrest created the white walkers in the first place.

all she has to do is find a way to help them breach the wall.

her hope would be that the Starks/Dany would severely weaken themselves fighting at the wall, allowing her to regroup and take over.
Only way I see that theory working is that she sacrifice herself to become a white walker. Then become Queen.

I think they'll breach the Wall because of Bran. If he's at the Wall, they're coming through.

Question is there's a dragon somewhere inside the wall? (book version ?)
Hating *** Little Finger probably making a pact with the Night King as we speak.
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Some of these theories :lol:

How would Cersei even get into contact with the NK though? Like she'll be able to just prance her way all the way North without a problem :rofl:

Also I think Jaime will attempt to kill off Cersei, but he will fail and she will kill him instead.

Naa could never see Cersei taking out the only person in the world she has left really,Jamie's probably the last part of her Valonqar prophecy she thought Tyrion was
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