Who ends up sitting on the Iron Throne?

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My bad if y'all already touched on this.

Let's say Bran does tell Jon the truth (which I'm sure he'll have trouble believing himself) how do they get others to believe it ? What proof is there to share?

Jon just can't say "My crippled little cousin touches creepy trees and can see things"

Well, when Dany's dragon shows up and Jon somehow can communicate with them. Maybe they'll believe him then
why would Bran be so eager to spill that secret to everyone anyway. He saw that Lyanna and Ned both promised to keep it a secret and a secret that Ned kept all those years. Unless I'm underestimating Bran and he's Mr. Blabber Mouth 
Jon doesn't even need Howland, he just has to tame one of Danys Dragons with his signature icy stares then everybody will believe
Maybe that's a bad angle. She kinda looks like what a less attractive sister of Rachel Weisz would look like.
why would Bran be so eager to spill that secret to everyone anyway. He saw that Lyanna and Ned both promised to keep it a secret and a secret that Ned kept all those years. Unless I'm underestimating Bran and he's Mr. Blabber Mouth 
Jon deserves to know at least. As for telling anyone else besides Dany, I guess it wouldn't be important.
why would Bran be so eager to spill that secret to everyone anyway. He saw that Lyanna and Ned both promised to keep it a secret and a secret that Ned kept all those years. Unless I'm underestimating Bran and he's Mr. Blabber Mouth 

Because there's no longer a need to keep it a secret. Robert is dead.

Also, I'm sure the truth of Jon's birth is either widely known or speculated in most circles. If Little Finger knows, you have to assume that someone like Varys would also.

I'm still trying to figure out why y'all think LF knows anything other than that Rhager and Lyanna prob ran away together. It wouldn't be much of a stretch to say that a good amount of people would come to that conclusion
I'm still trying to figure out why y'all think LF knows anything other than that Rhager and Lyanna prob ran away together. It wouldn't be much of a stretch to say that a good amount of people would come to that conclusion
Honestly, I think a few people would've known. Jaime, Tyrian, maybe Cersei LF. There are like no secrets in westeros.
Jon doesn't reach a month old if all of them people know he's Targaryen
He was under the protection of the Starks. Plus just because people know doesn't mean they really care to run around telling. Like tons of people likely knew that Jaime and Cersei were banging and had kids and Roberts true heirs were bastards. But nobody really brought it up to him cause why.

The Starks and the north wouldn't have let anything happen to Jon
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