Who ends up sitting on the Iron Throne?

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Stannis has dry humor in the books that kind of gets lost in the show. The actor did a great job but the writing wasn't that great for the character. I think some of his jokes in the books should have been incorporated into the show.
A friend of mine and his gf took a trip to Ireland, just left the filming lot.

Tour guide said they film 70% of the show in that location. They saw the Many Faces prop and 3ER's tree. Pretty cool.
^^ You're boy LF has done some pretty horrible things indirectly :lol:
Yeah I know but he's clearly a bad guy. I'm down with LF and he doesn't 2nd guess himself or make his goals out to be about justice or divine right

Stannis took the stance that he's the rightful king then started doing awful **** to get it. Makes it close to impossible to want to see a guy like that win. Especially on this religious tip.

Imagine if Ned just burned Arya to keep the wights on the other side of the wall.

Like Ramsey was a straight up bad guy. I understand some ppl wanting to root for the bad guy but if Ramsey was on some this is what's best for all ppl, what we're doing is right, etc. that **** wouldn't mesh.
Your killing me and obviously don't know the real stannis. Just the bad written tried to make him a bad guy representation the show discredited him with.
Yall come at me like i Cape for show stannis. I am a fan of show stannis as well but the love came from book stannis. Book readers will know why
Robb died cuz he's selfish and foolish.

Renly died because hes a usurper and insulted a king which is a crime.

Which were both given the opportunity by him to help as long as they didnt call themselves Kings (which they werent rightfully)

No one said anything about robert whoring and not doing his kingly duties...yall let that slide

You let joffery beat sansa. Kill hookers and command people be put to death...yall stayed silent.

Yall had fucboi tommen let his wife and mom get put in jail and be controlled ...silent.

Yall follow turncloack jon snow like he a gawd. Man put his own men to death 3 times. Ran away from the watch 3 times.
Broke his vows.
Started a war he wasnt suppose to be apart of. And got resurrected by the very magic you hate stannis for....

But heaven forbid the rightful king claim his rightful throne. And rightfully crush his opposition. After amicably offering them to bend the knee and join him.

Again maybe not the leader you want. But the leader you need

And not one mention on the GOAT...
He already has everyone beat...

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It's easy to show up when the season is over and most aren't in the thread.
Funny thing is i literally still responded in here weekly.

Not my fault the show only lames in here were giggling and acting like a bunch of stupid frat dbags that are amused by purposefully making up stupid nicknames for the charachters every week.
Sorry my post got lost in the 8 pages an hour of .."salsa is stupid" or "area is amazing" or "bernie sparrow blah blah"....
Yea i went ghost with that every week amd stilldiscussed the show in the book thread
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I don't remember you being in here alot. At least not as much as you used to.
I wasnt. But when i was in here last time the bulk of my activity was off season. People hust remember me from all the off season talk. But during all 5 seasons so far ive typically stuck with the book thread during the episodes because the show thread went by so fast
Your killing me and obviously don't know the real stannis. Just the bad written tried to make him a bad guy representation the show discredited him with.
Yall come at me like i Cape for show stannis. I am a fan of show stannis as well but the love came from book stannis. Book readers will know why
I'm just talking about show Stannis not the books. I know he's different in the books.

When I'm in this thread I tend to stick to show facts. Too confusing if I referenced the books.

It is a shame that he isn't a bit more like his book version but to me even in the books it doesn't seem like GRRM has positioned him to be the hero or even king by the end of this.
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I apologize zik. Im not coming at you specifically (or aNy book readers or book thread people who know my stance on stannis)

I'll stick to show stannis

People mad at stannis for killing his brother....
Ok he was only told by mel she could give him sons. He didnt know that entailed the shadow baby....was also given permission to take the yambs from his wife since she could never give him sons.
He showed remorse for renly dying in the manner that he did and would have never taken good life. Just forcibly make him bend the knee

Yall can't be serious to thinking he had an actual hand whether dark magic or not. Killing robb joffery or I won't address their own un doings.

Burning shireen....(let me just reiterate...never happened in the book!)
The reason he released Davos from prison was to not have to burn Gendry. He doesnt exactly approve of the burnings. But after seeing joffrey robb and balon (not dead yet but technically dead in the same time line)
He couldnt disprove the power of rhollor. And again the burning of 1 for the prosperity of the many. He didnt have davos there in his ear...hos wife initially approved. The soldiers who believe in rhollor approved.
Melisandre was basically Damien to stannis DMX. All this good stuff happens for him in order to prosper. And this was the ONE time. This didnt work.

Always for me is going to come back to the age old question. Do you save the one you love from being hit by the train or save the many that are about to be hit.

He is a leader he made a leader non selfish decision.
He chose (what he thought at the time) the choice to save the realm. Which started with taking back the north.
He was even going to make honest people out the wildlings.
Save sansa and theon. Take back the north.
Make yall boy jon snow the lord of winterfell.
Finally have the people and numbers to take his throne.

So tell me.please....what did he do that was bad/evil (whatever adjective )
I could be wrong, but didn't he only decide to save the realm after Tyrion destroyed his fleet at Blackwater?
No need to apologize. I didn't take it as you coming at me and it should be made clear the differences between show Stannis and book Stannis

I could be wrong, but didn't he only decide to save the realm after Tyrion destroyed his fleet at Blackwater?
Well the Night's watch wasn't begging for help during that time.

I think Mel told him to anyway.
Tdogg - you are attributing way more noble motives to Stannis than is justified by anything depicted on the show. He was going after the throne because he thought he was the rightful heir and because Mel was in his ear telling him he should be king. He wasn't out to be some savior or particularly benevolent ruler. If he was willing to have his own Daughter burned alive just to get power, what would he do keep power? And your "for the greater good" justification for Stannis' actions is real hypocritical considering how you **** on Jon Snow for being a "turn cloak", etc. Jon's actions, at least in the last 3 Seasons, have been about giving people a chance against the White Wlakers and he hasn't done anything nearly as egregious as signing off on his own Brother and Daughter getting murdered. If you're going to give Stannis a pass for his actions using your "train" analogy, you definitely should be giving Jon one too.
Tdogg - you are attributing way more noble motives to Stannis than is justified by anything depicted on the show. He was going after the throne because he thought he was the rightful heir and because Mel was in his ear telling him he should be king. He wasn't out to be some savior or particularly benevolent ruler. If he was willing to have his own Daughter burned alive just to get power, what would he do keep power? And your "for the greater good" justification for Stannis' actions is real hypocritical considering how you **** on Jon Snow for being a "turn cloak", etc. Jon's actions, at least in the last 3 Seasons, have been about giving people a chance against the White Wlakers and he hasn't done anything nearly as egregious as signing off on his own Brother and Daughter getting murdered. If you're going to give Stannis a pass for his actions using your "train" analogy, you definitely should be giving Jon one too.

1. there is no thinking he is the rightful heir....he is the rightful heir. the lannister children are not Roberts. all of roberts bastards are not in the line of succession is Stannis; there is no denying that.

2. Stannis said (paraphrasing) I am what this realm needs to return to it's greatness. so yes he was purely doing it to be the savior of the 7 kingdoms, which had been in turmoil (but at peace) with Robert there.

3. My hate for jon isn't hate because of his actions. my hate for Jon comes from the fact yall praise him still for constantly ******* up.
1. runs to the nights watch because step mommy don't love him and he'll never be a stark.... yet ned loved him the same as the rest, he didnt get to eat at the table...why was he so upset??? because he always had aspirations of one day ruling winterfell
2. then runs away from the night watch (which is punishable as we saw ned slicing off a head) why. because he should have never went to the nights watch in the first place. now his "father" is dead and his brother is goign in to war.
3. he slips up with not killing ygrette, they have to go to plan B which is let him become turncloak. to get closer to the enemy. (that's fine) but then he falls in love with the chick. are the wildlings bad people.. no ofcourse not. but he turned away from his duties at the nights watch. and screwed over the wildlings. it was a double edged sword.
4. Sam is the one who found the Dragon glass in the show. and he's the one who was forced to study about it. so to say jon spent 3 seasons trying to give the people a chance against white walkers is a little false.
he was never particularly setting up war against them, just saw them and was preparing defense for them. ..

and Jon picked the one he loved. she just didn't pick him.

Chose her by not killing her at first.
chose her when she got wind of him about to make his move to leave the wildlings.
and chose her by trying to find her and not kill her. he only cared for her. .more so than the nights watch or the realm.
she just chose to be with the wildings.

he chose to involve himself with the 7 kingdoms which they're sworn not to do. was going to take the nights watch with him and the wildings. for his Sister (chose 1 over the many)

They're not comparable.

yet yall still super cape for himlike he's the best thing since the microwave. I dont get it.
1. there is no thinking he is the rightful heir....he is the rightful heir. the lannister children are not Roberts. all of roberts bastards are not in the line of succession is Stannis; there is no denying that.

2. Stannis said (paraphrasing) I am what this realm needs to return to it's greatness. so yes he was purely doing it to be the savior of the 7 kingdoms, which had been in turmoil (but at peace) with Robert there.

3. My hate for jon isn't hate because of his actions. my hate for Jon comes from the fact yall praise him still for constantly ******* up.
1. runs to the nights watch because step mommy don't love him and he'll never be a stark.... yet ned loved him the same as the rest, he didnt get to eat at the table...why was he so upset??? because he always had aspirations of one day ruling winterfell
2. then runs away from the night watch (which is punishable as we saw ned slicing off a head) why. because he should have never went to the nights watch in the first place. now his "father" is dead and his brother is goign in to war.
3. he slips up with not killing ygrette, they have to go to plan B which is let him become turncloak. to get closer to the enemy. (that's fine) but then he falls in love with the chick. are the wildlings bad people.. no ofcourse not. but he turned away from his duties at the nights watch. and screwed over the wildlings. it was a double edged sword.
4. Sam is the one who found the Dragon glass in the show. and he's the one who was forced to study about it. so to say jon spent 3 seasons trying to give the people a chance against white walkers is a little false.
he was never particularly setting up war against them, just saw them and was preparing defense for them. ..

and Jon picked the one he loved. she just didn't pick him.

Chose her by not killing her at first.
chose her when she got wind of him about to make his move to leave the wildlings.
and chose her by trying to find her and not kill her. he only cared for her. .more so than the nights watch or the realm.
she just chose to be with the wildings.

he chose to involve himself with the 7 kingdoms which they're sworn not to do. was going to take the nights watch with him and the wildings. for his Sister (chose 1 over the many)

They're not comparable.

yet yall still super cape for himlike he's the best thing since the microwave. I dont get it.

Basically, you just don't like Jon because everyone else does. That's cool. Some people are like that. Because, really, you're nitpicking. But at the same time want to give Stannis a blanket excuse for everything because he made some vague statement about "returning the 7 kingdoms to greatness." Robb thought he would do the same. So did Renley.

Also, whether Stannis was the rightful heir is a matter of perspective. That's only if you except that Robert Baratheon was rightfully on the throne. Considering he got there through a rebellion, with the Mad King getting stabbed in the back by Jamie, it's actually debatable. Dany has a legitimate argument that she should be on the throne.

But we could do this all night, so agree to disagree. Plus, Stannis is dead. Jon isn't, so its all kind of moot anyway.
Basically, you just don't like Jon because everyone else does. That's cool. Some people are like that. Because, really, you're nitpicking. But at the same time want to give Stannis a blanket excuse for everything because he made some vague statement about "returning the 7 kingdoms to greatness." Robb thought he would do the same. So did Renley.

you got it wrong, I dont like the character of Jon because i dont like the character. my annoyance (hate)comes from people praising his actions yall judge other characters for. but it's understandable that you do that for your favorite character and you're going to press on. so be it.
you guys straight crap on stannis like he is truly a bad person. I merely defend him because i see it a different way and know the real way he is. I honestly dont know what yall have against him other than the writers didn't write him to be an exciting character yet he got a good amount of screen time.

My Favorite character in the book/show is Jamie Lannister. always has been. But I know Stannis story is a good one as well. and has a lot of admirable qualities.

Robb did not want to unite the 7 kingdoms he was trying to separate the north.

Renly just simply wanted to be king to be king. because the people loved him but he made no talk of unifying or making the place better.

the only thing you people have against stannis is the shireen thing. and as i said earlier you can't truly blame him for the Renly thing.
I'm sorry but no to that last part

Dany has no legitmate claim to the throne. Rebellions, revolutions, coups, hostile regime changes are all legit ways to rightfully gain the throne in a monarchy where right of succession is the only other way the crown changes leadership.

That's not show or book facts but historical fact.

Mad king was killing ppl and about to burn the ppl of the city. He was tripping on all the other realms. They were all eventually gonna overthrow him.

Danny was not planning on coming to KL and just say the throne is rightfully mine, get up. She was gonna take it by force and she could do all that without being a Targ.

That's how it goes down in monarchies.

So yeah only Stannis is the rightful heir to the iron throne.
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you got it wrong, I dont like the character of Jon because i dont like the character. my annoyance (hate)comes from people praising his actions yall judge other characters for. but it's understandable that you do that for your favorite character and you're going to press on. so be it.
you guys straight crap on stannis like he is truly a bad person. I merely defend him because i see it a different way and know the real way he is. I honestly dont know what yall have against him other than the writers didn't write him to be an exciting character yet he got a good amount of screen time.

My Favorite character in the book/show is Jamie Lannister. always has been. But I know Stannis story is a good one as well. and has a lot of admirable qualities.

Robb did not want to unite the 7 kingdoms he was trying to separate the north.

Renly just simply wanted to be king to be king. because the people loved him but he made no talk of unifying or making the place better.

the only thing you people have against stannis is the shireen thing. and as i said earlier you can't truly blame him for the Renly thing.

Fair enough. But along the lines of why Jon annoys you, I think you have yourself to blame a little for how a lot of people on here comment on Stannis. You spent a lot of time gassing up when he never really did anything in the show all that impressive or compelling, which made people react to him stronger than they otherwise would have. I mean, I personally probably wouldn't have given the guy much thought had I not read all those "he's the king you need" posts.

And, for the record, I wouldn't say my fororite character is Jon. It's Tyrion. Also, although I like Jon, I definitely recognize he's not perfect and has made some mistakes - in the early Seasons mostly; few in the last three Seasons. Nobody in this show is infallible, Jonny Snow included. And, hell, the way they throw turns at us in GOT, Jon could do something in Season 7 to make us all turn on him. You never know.
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