Who ends up sitting on the Iron Throne?

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The best thing about last season was you ran away and everyone could D ride snow blower in peace

LOL I posted every week tho...
Y'all were in here 8,pages deep before midnight fangirling over Jon.
Let's also not forget about them lame *** names y'all gave Every character and thought it was just the funniest thing on earth.
That's why I didn't post much in here.
No point of going through damn near 20pages by Tuesday of messing up names and Jon snow worshipping. I was able to still chat it up and on this board without this particular thread
They weren't, I'm also not the only one who felt that way.
The honest mistake ones were like oh hahaha. He messed up, but when people were going out of their to be funny about it, it got way too OD.
I'll admit all the Jon snow ones were entertaining (hate aside)
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You think your constant complaining, whining and policing of over people was entertaining b.

No one could say **** with you riding in on your high horse talking about the books this the books that.

When your *** was finally marginalized, things were finally fun.
find me 3 times I actually did that in here.....ill wait.
Unlike other people I have always kept book discussion in the book thread. And not once did I come in here with any spoilers.
Of course I was in here having fun with jon being dead, but we all knew he was coming back.
Anytime someone mention the show being different my advice was always deter to the books to get the full story.
Less people would be upset about how this story was ran if they did stick to some source material and that's fact. Dorne would have been 100%better had they stuck to the source. Even if they stuck to the fan service of sending bron and Jamie.
Miss me with that I ruined this thread for you trash your talking.
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find me 3 times I actually did that in here.....ill wait.
Unlike other people I have always kept book discussion in the book thread. And not once did I come in here with any spoilers.
Of course I was in here having fun with jon being dead, but we all knew he was coming back.
Anytime someone mention the show being different my advice was always deter to the books to get the full story.
Less people would be upset about how this story was ran if they did stick to some source material and that's fact. Dorne would have been 100%better had they stuck to the source. Even if they stuck to the fan service of sending bron and Jamie.
Miss me with that I ruined this thread for you trash your talking.

For the life of me I can't figure out why you still come in this thread.
Dude go read the argument in here about Sansa's rape scene. To see how much you were on you high horse acting like people had no right to feel any kinda way about it.

My nickname for you caught on because it fit your behavior.

Btw, You forgot the have a search feature pa. And I I still tons of pages I didn't look at. # was the minimum right?

I just read through 15 pages of tears and crying, and I couldn't be happier. hahaha

Let's get a few things straight...

Well first and foremost, the thirst for you people finally trying to get to the books....YOU'VE BEEN TOLD TO READ THEM!!!!
yes and no this has caught up to the books, there is so much more details missed out but yes it's pretty close...

stop trying to resurrect your boy Snow. he GONE .... and remember Melisandre doesn't have the power to ressurrect. (if you remember her saying that to Thoros back in season 3)
all you only death can pay for life... lol that's not the philosophy behind her religion so just stop....
Ninjas stretching with the blood in the snow supposed to look like a wolf....

Dany and the Khalisar, that was all Drogo's old crew... they're not really pleased to see her. they think she's the reason drogo died in the first place.

Stannis that hurt, but I serve the Lord of light so Stannis is gone, but im still with the red priestess,

they didn't really do Melisandre's background well at all, book wise shes much more followed than what we believe in the show. those men aren't really Baratheon men majority are her puppets.

you people that are googling answer and looking at wiki's trying to figure out this and that... you realize none of that stuff is confirmed fact right???

what a glorious day, I gladly spent the 20 mins reading through all those pages to see these reactions... I wish I was still on facebook so I can share some of these memes I've collected.

had to rep the



It is... People is sensitive... People can deal with... Thanks for posting them....

Lol i personally dont care. Im a book reader. Ill PM you all the spoilers if you can handle it

Brah what the is your problem. Like really? :lol:

I clearly state it is a theory. Second you don't even know what I sent them

You hustling harder than Little Finger to be crown Warden of this Thread

Relax B


Again it's not you... (or just you)
Its all you google/ew/vanityfair/ word of cousins baby daddys mothers on their dads side read the book and she said.......

Then come in spitting it as fact and never read the book and/or misinterpret things from the show because you get your info from people who are guessing / havent read the books at all.


Nothing against you personally rustle.....even though ive told u before im not worried about ya.

I applaud all ye book readers who did not spoil what happened in the finale. You guys are getting better at this.

lol the real book readers been respecting this thread since season 2.

it's all them google and wiki readers y;all had to worry about

^Don't know, just throwing out one of the many theories out there.

Maybe Ned had no choice but to have her killed.

Really ninja......... there is no theory that even comes to a conclusion like that. Show watchers cant be google theorist either....

Same with jon snow type stuff. There is no signs that point to that strictly with the show...


Here's the problem with some of you show watchers.

yall are going to wikis and other sites reading theories trying to find a little more detail but still not trying to spoil.....and take it as fact....then come in here with some of your asinine predictions..
Yall want to know so bad, the books..

im not going on a purist tyrant
I just don't see why yall are trying to figure out answers that A. don't really matter and B. without knowing full story and bits of details from chapters not represented in the show. yall won't get everything... and doing a wiki short cut has you believing anything...

Not to be a d bag, but where all the Keyboard warriors that was in here rioting with sansa and other scenes that were "disgusting and too hard to watch."

We must have gotten every single "ism" "ist" and "stations" this modern world has named this episode. and no one bats an eye....all in the name of snow.

always can use this pic.
see you guys next season
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So I'm salty because I believed they had the right to do the scene the way they wanted to do. Which was less harsh than the books?
And you were mad because you brought your new age concerns to a fictional medieval setting show???
Dude please with your rewriting of events. :lol:

And I love how after I tell you you always bring up the books to be condescending, you deny it, and your next post you bring up the books to be condescending.

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Uhh, I don't think he'll be wanting to bone his aunt. He likes redheads anyway.
Read somewhere Jon might get with Sansa when they realize they are cousins. She has red hair. But Jon strikes me as a dude who likes foreigns so he may try and kick it to Dany on some royals ish. She his aunt so either way its gonna be a family affair
Uhh, I don't think he'll be wanting to bone his aunt. He likes redheads anyway.
Read somewhere Jon might get with Sansa when they realize they are cousins. She has red hair. But Jon strikes me as a dude who likes foreigns so he may try and kick it to Dany on some royals ish. She his aunt so either way its gonna be a family affair
:x :lol: :rofl:
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They weren't, I'm also not the only one who felt that way.
The honest mistake ones were like oh hahaha. He messed up, but when people were going out of their to be funny about it, it got way too OD.
I'll admit all the Jon snow ones were entertaining (hate aside)
Do you hate Jon in the books as well?
I always found Tdogg to be a funny and at times informative poster in here way back. Its why I wrote the NTGoT entry :lol: The team ****/who you support was always just jokes to me and could go anywhere given how this show gets down with handing out Ls. Never found his book reader talk to be too overbearing and figured some of it was an act since it too brought lulz and the show doesn't always live up to the story's greatness but then again I've read some books myself.

Yall taking it a bit far talking about the thread is better off without some body.

But who am I to say anything. I know dudes claim to be annoyed when I **** on scumbag Steve supporters in the MCU thread.
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Dude please with your rewriting of events. :lol:

And I love how after I tell you you always bring up the books to be condescending, you deny it, and your next post you bring up the books to be condescending.


So people come in here after reading wikis, YouTube bids, podcast, websites, others theories.....
And I'm wrong for saying just go read the books???
Get the **** out of here. Only time books were mentioned from me was when something was mentioned from the books from someone else via another source.

People have been interpretating this book their own way since its release. So yes if someone comes with some outside theory from a source other than the book. My answer was and will always be go read it for yourself.
How is that acting high and mighty???
I also don't know if you're joking about Martin not bothering finishing the books (which you've said in the book thread as well) either way lame statement.

But yet I'm wrong.....

Do you hate Jon in the books as well?
Short answer: yes
His time with the wildlings was about the only exciting thing for me.
Learning about North of the Wall was cool. Tormund was great in the book

Edit: pretty much what Zik just said. I know it was/is all jokes in here (regardless if I like the alternate names or not)
Didn't know rustys Jimmy is so rustled in here. Man is after my neck.

LOL refer back to episode 1 season 6 page in this thread.
The feels were funny, memes and gifs were great and most pointing towards m
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Dude please with your rewriting of events. :lol:

And I love how after I tell you you always bring up the books to be condescending, you deny it, and your next post you bring up the books to be condescending.


So people come in here after reading wikis, YouTube bids, podcast, websites, others theories.....
And I'm wrong for saying just go read the books???
Get the **** out of here. Only time books were mentioned from me was when something was mentioned from the books from someone else via another source.

People have been interpretating this book their own way since its release. So yes if someone comes with some outside theory from a source other than the book. My answer was and will always be go read it for yourself.
How is that acting high and mighty???
I also don't know if you're joking about Martin not bothering finishing the books (which you've said in the book thread as well) either way lame statement.

But yet I'm wrong.....

Do you hate Jon in the books as well?
Short answer: yes
His time with the wildlings was about the only exciting thing for me.
Learning about North of the Wall was cool. Tormund was great in the book

Dude please read you comments, look at your tone. You were so confident that you were a saint in here so there is no way I could find anything, now you wanna move the goal post.

Just sit you salty *** down b. You aren't the police in here.
tdogg2k tdogg2k I feel like his character growth isnt complete yet and after his assasination, if prophecies are correct, he will be reborn as a bad ***. But more pwer to you for being a fan of a book series and show whos main character you hate.
This is a fictional show/book series and ya'll in here going at each other harder than I see guys in the NBA thread do it :lol:

It's not that srs
Dude please read you comments, look at your tone. You were so confident that you were a saint in here so there is no way I could find anything, now you wanna move the goal post.
Just sit you salty *** down b. You aren't the police in here.
My tone? From typed words on the internet.... :rofl: :rofl: lol if you dont get your ole sensitive self away from me with that...
lol you provided examples of everything I said. no goal post moving.

tdogg2k tdogg2k I feel like his character growth isnt complete yet and after his assasination, if prophecies are correct, he will be reborn as a bad ***. But more pwer to you for being a fan of a book series and show whos main character you hate.
We been in the book thread together discussing this.
He's a co character, I wouldn't say The Main character book wise. The show has moved him that way but as far as the book each character is there to show the whole setting, plot and side characters. he's the only in the north. same as Catelyn was the only one in robs war showing us those places.
Outside of this thread, there is a good amount of people who don't really mess with him like that. Even our book thread isn't really full of Snow lovers.
The co character comment is kinda off really.

You can make an argument for Tyrion but i don't think there really is a main character in the books.
My tone? From typed words on the internet....
lol if you dont get your ole sensitive self away from me with that...
lol you provided examples of everything I said. no goal post moving.
We been in the book thread together discussing this.
He's a co character, I wouldn't say The Main character book wise. The show has moved him that way but as far as the book each character is there to show the whole setting, plot and side characters. he's the only in the north. same as Catelyn was the only one in robs war showing us those places.
Outside of this thread, there is a good amount of people who don't really mess with him like that. Even our book thread isn't really full of Snow lovers.
Honestly I can't tell how much of the Jon love is 100% for real. I though it was all in retaliation to the Stannis support.
Jon Snow was a lowly bastard, and now he could be king.

If you don't see why people would be drawn to a character like that, then idk what to tell you.
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