Who ends up sitting on the Iron Throne?

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That's like putting a ounce of week in front of Snoop or an 8-ball infront of Lindsey Laohan and hoping for the best :lol:
About #3, I was thinking about that and I too thought what if Dany get's pissed at him and orders to dragons to attack him and they don't... she, as well as others, will be like WTF :lol:

Also, any person that is a Trgaryen is immune to fire? Is he not half so not sure if he would be immune to fire, or partially immune to fire.
Nah Viseyron got that mean melted gold fire death. So not every Targ.

Also, I swear if Jaime gets captured Tyrion better throw his life on the line for him.

I would hate to see Jaime get killed off he's a character that deserves something good coming for him for all the people he's helped and he has a good heart.

That one little mishap with Bran should not be held over his head for all the good he's done... he's more than redeemed himself.
**** Jamie Lannister.
I don't get why people would want it spoiled, especially if you haven't read the books.

For me atleast , reading the spoilers is like reading a book. I read it and the scenes play out in my head how I imagine it to be. And then watching it is just an extra bonus to see how close your imagination is to the real scenes..
Foolish you said my good sir ?

See the thing About Jon is , he just got some new profound respect from Daenerys . He's not like the other pushovers who automatically get on their knees & beg her for mercy . Jon has a back bone . Just for that she's contemplating on letting my man leave the Snow in her .

Touché sir, touché. By him not bending the knee I gained even more respect for him. It's a wrap for Dany btw, there's no way she defeats Cersei for the Iron Throne now. The unsullied are assed out at Casterly Rock and though we have seen what looks to be the obliteration of the Lannister troops by dragon fire in the trailer, the writers will have some twist that give Dany yet another L.
People say LF started all this but isn't it Jamie by pushing bran ?

LF and Lyssa conspired to murder Jon Arryn. The Baratheons (and Lannisters) wouldn't need to be in Winterfell, otherwise to convince Ned to be hand. LF planted the seed in Ned's head to start thinking about the Barratheon children being bastards. Bran was icing on the cake.
He has redeemed himself for a lot of the wrong he's done though. He saved the knight chick Briene from rape, saved Tyrion from death, multiple times, put on Bron to the luxury life, gave granny O the easy way out, sparred that guy who was captive last season and made him go into his castle at I think castly rock to surrender on a peaceful note.

I understand the thing was a mistake with god mode Bran, but he's done many goods since then and shouldn't be held to that forever. The thing with his sister... he nor she is hurting anyone with what they are doing it's just not normal or excepted :sick:, but they aren't hurting anyone.
No. All of those things are what a good person are suppose to do.

You don't get credit for that. Theyre not makeup points for past evil acts.

Not to mention ya boy just poisoned an old woman, threatened to have Edmure's kid killed, etc. Son aint change.
People say LF started all this but isn't it Jamie by pushing bran ?
Rewatch season 1. The ONLY reason Jamie was in Winterfell is cuz LF had Arryn killed forcing Robert to make Ned his hand.

Pushing Bran out the window didn't start the war. It wasn't even what made the North seceed from Westeros. Even after Cat thought it was Tyrion who tried to kill him.

That was a small thing in Robert's eyes he felt would be resolved.
People say LF started all this but isn't it Jamie by pushing bran ?

But Bran didn't snitch and went mute I think I don't remember a lot, but everyone thought it was an accident. The hell he was climbing all about like that though in the first place to begin with.

LF played Ned Stark when the previous ruler left all power to him and Cercei got upset and had him beheaded or was that Joffrey Joffer... not sure, but I'm sure the all powerful Cercei the ever living was behind it.

That's what started to storyline and the Stark vs Lanister thing came to be.
Wonder how Jaime and Tyrion's next encounter will play out now that he knows that it was Lady Tyrell who murdered Geoffrey. Perhaps there's some empathy for him murdering Tywin :nerd:
Wonder how Jaime and Tyrion's next encounter will play out now that he knows that it was Lady Tyrell who murdered Geoffrey. Perhaps there's some empathy for him murdering Tywin :nerd:

I don't think they meet up this season or possibly anymore.

The scenes from this season that people posted and they had it frozen for each clip it looks like Jaime gets killed as fire is around him or something, but he looks to be in a battle.

It's kind of confusing though because right now Jaime and Cercei won and Dany has her back against the wall so why would Jaime be in a battle if they've won them all?
Whichever ones that were being discussed a pg or 2 ago.

Although, I do need to be reminded of what the synopsis leak entailed.
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