Who ends up sitting on the Iron Throne?

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Cersei was making idiot moves but since she's blown up the Sept(which was a brilliant move itself) she's batting 1.000

It would be wild for the bittersweet ending to be Cersei saving humanity and ruling

cersei makes power moves when she's in a position of power, like with ned.. but it all boils down to her willing to go where reasonable people wont

the difference is other people play with some semblance of rules, she doesnt.. she the farce of a trail with tyrion

if cersei was in control, tyrion would be dead.. but tywin was really in control, so they had to give the appearance of legitimacy (even though it was a farce)

or again, look at what went down with the tyrells.. other more reasonable family members were in charge, so she jumped to empowering the faith militant
Cersei is Barry Horowitz. She's just there to put peeps over when the time comes. Enjoy these minor W's while she can...:pimp:
Danny about to blow a 3 dragon to 0 lead. That's why Oleana is a G. Told her straight up to be a dragon and stop being soft. I said it last week.....people gon die regardless.

The snowman didn't bend the knee. Danny better recognize da King of Da Norf.

Eurone might catch widow wail to the throat if he keeps taunting Jaime about Cerci. Son said he will put a finger in her booty..haha
I'm leaning towards Dany catching a violent L to her life at some point. Used to think she'll end up on the throne but nah, she's not built for it.
I've always rocked with Cercei because she always did what needed to be done and went the extra mile... whatever it was she needed to get done she found a way.

You guys can chalk up her wins as luck all you want, but since the beginning she has been plotting and scheming. She's been lowkey winning since the beginning and took an L with the religious cult people. Cercei, LF, and Vary's know that when all is said and done... the main thing is to survive to enjoy your spoils.

Plotting and scheming and winning from the beginning, eh.
- Get's caught smashing her brother. L.
- She poisoned her husband, son became King, couldn't handle his recklessness. L.
- Tyrion became hand, won Blackwater. Assassination attempt by Cersei. L.
- Tywin took over, forced to marry Cersei ot Loras. Cries like a baby. L.
- Joffrey dies, blames Tyrion and puts him in trial. Tyrion lives, father dies. L.
- Marcella dies. L.
- Tries to get the faith to arrest Loras so she doesn't have to marry him, then gets herself arrested. L.
- Blows up the Sept. Last son dies. L.

Then 'succeeds' by becoming Queen form an unexpected tragedy. She hasn't won a thing and hasn't been low key winning since the beginning, she's kept trying and taking a loss every time finally until now. And finally, we see other Cersei fans. No one has talked about her until this season. She's been taking just as many Ls as anyone else except LF and Varys. It's paying off now because Dany sucks and is out of her element.

Cercei has her finger in both opposing forces with LF, and Vary's all she has to do is send word that if they remain loyal to her or become double agents all will be forgiven once she wins the war and they get celebrated and become lord, king or whatever of some part of the map.

LF and Varys are 10x smarter and more cunning than Cersei. No one is playing this game smarter than those two. LF and Varys are the ones ultimately pulling the strings in the entire series. That's not going to change just because Cersei has the Greyjoys and the crown. She might a finger on most of the houses, but not those two.

Cercei outchea looking bossed up and you guys keep with this... oh she's lucky. However she's getting it she's getting it and all good leaders surround themselves with good people that are good at different things... excect Dany. Friendzone and some other guy were her top strategists and now they're gone.

Not sure about everyone else, but I stated in my previous post that Dany is ALSO pretty lucky to be where she's at. Even arriving at Dragonstone, she couldn't do without Yara. Most of the adversity she faced since day 1, was saved by Jorah, Ser Barrensten or Daario. And no one would take her seriously without the dragons.

The only real ones out here now are Bran, Jon and the Night King, with LF and Varys the wildcards. Just waiting for these two female chess pieces to be removed.

Euron deserves to have a blind guitarist strapped to the front of his ship that shoots fire from the guitar as he shreds.

LOL. Dude's entrance when his ship arrived was hilarious and epic at the same time. That dude looks crazy.

Enjoyed last night's episode even though majority was exposition. It was needed.

Glad Jon didn't bend the knee and that he got the approval to mine for Dragon Glass.

I thought Bran was going to stay at the wall. Had no idea he was just passing through to get to Winterfell. Which got me more excited knowing that Arya will be showing up real soon.

Loved that Tyrell still got the final "F-You" to the Lannisters. Sucks for Jamie, but hey that's what happens.
Bruh he pushed an 8 year old out a window with no dambs, and a few seasons later smashed his sister in a church next to his dead sons body

He has redeemed himself for a lot of the wrong he's done though. He saved the knight chick Briene from rape, saved Tyrion from death, multiple times, put on Bron to the luxury life, gave granny O the easy way out, sparred that guy who was captive last season and made him go into his castle at I think castly rock to surrender on a peaceful note.

I understand the thing was a mistake with god mode Bran, but he's done many goods since then and shouldn't be held to that forever. The thing with his sister... he nor she is hurting anyone with what they are doing it's just not normal or excepted :sick:, but they aren't hurting anyone.
bronn got on that luxury life when dude was tyrion's champion in the vale.. ever since he got good with tyrion he was set

his fam just jumped to give bronn something when they were trying screw over tyrion at his second trail by combat
Plotting and scheming and winning from the beginning, eh.
- Get's caught smashing her brother. L.
- She poisoned her husband, son became King, couldn't handle his recklessness. L.
- Tyrion became hand, won Blackwater. Assassination attempt by Cersei. L.
- Tywin took over, forced to marry Cersei ot Loras. Cries like a baby. L.
- Joffrey dies, blames Tyrion and puts him in trial. Tyrion lives, father dies. L.
- Marcella dies. L.
- Tries to get the faith to arrest Loras so she doesn't have to marry him, then gets herself arrested. L.
- Blows up the Sept. Last son dies. L.

Then 'succeeds' by becoming Queen form an unexpected tragedy. She hasn't won a thing and hasn't been low key winning since the beginning, she's kept trying and taking a loss every time finally until now. And finally, we see other Cersei fans. No one has talked about her until this season. She's been taking just as many Ls as anyone else except LF and Varys. It's paying off now because Dany sucks and is out of her element.

LF and Varys are 10x smarter and more cunning than Cersei. No one is playing this game smarter than those two. LF and Varys are the ones ultimately pulling the strings in the entire series. That's not going to change just because Cersei has the Greyjoys and the crown. She might a finger on most of the houses, but not those two.

Not sure about everyone else, but I stated in my previous post that Dany is ALSO pretty lucky to be where she's at. Even arriving at Dragonstone, she couldn't do without Yara. Most of the adversity she faced since day 1, was saved by Jorah, Ser Barrensten or Daario. And no one would take her seriously without the dragons.

The only real ones out here now are Bran, Jon and the Night King, with LF and Varys the wildcards. Just waiting for these two female chess pieces to be removed.

Clearly Cersei bias hatred is clear...

A lot of those things you posted are not L's, just mishaps, and I've been a said Cercei was a force to be reckoned with since years ago in this same thread.

I don't think this show will end how most people want it too with a nice ending, but it's so funny growing up I know most people rooted for the bad guy to win and now that one might we want her to fail :lol:
1. I could definitely see this happening.
2. Completely do not believe and theory about Tyrion switching sides.
3. I think the way we find out that Jon is a targaryen is, one of the dragons will try to murk him, but he'll be unaffected by that dragon breath.

3. would be dope.
Clearly Cersei bias hatred is clear...

A lot of those things you posted are not L's, just mishaps, and I've been a said Cercei was a force to be reckoned with since years ago in this same thread.

I don't think this show will end how most people want it too with a nice ending, but it's so funny growing up I know most people rooted for the bad guy to win and now that one might we want her to fail :lol:

What bias is there? I don't hate Cersei. I hate LF more than Cersei, but he's clearly the better player in this game. I'm just stating the facts. My first and last point were mishaps, but it doesn't mean 'winning'. Bran just happened to see her with Jaime and Tommen was weak. The others are not mishaps. They were moves made by players trying to play the same game. Seeing them as 'mishaps' is more biased than I wrote. lol

I don't have a horse in this race. So anything I say isn't and can't be biased. I don't care who is on the throne at the end. If I had to pick, I'd pick Tyrion, but he's doing so poorly, it almost seems like he's sabotaging Dany. :lol:
although the dragons are a huge advantage, they are not invincible. imagine that army that jamie took to get grandma all with arrows possibly dipped in poison. if the dragon is to fly too low no way he dodges all arrows. reminds me of 300. all those arrows they use to block out the sun. they dont really need that huge spear shown in the last episode. those dragons are not as big an advantage although they are an advantage.
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