Who ends up sitting on the Iron Throne?

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so for season 8 plotlines:

- WW have breached the wall, they will come south with the WW, wights, and blue-eyed dragon and face the combined armies of the north, dothraki, unsullied, 2 dragons, and maybe the Lannister army.

- Urine is going to retrieve the mercenaries while Reek goes after him to retrieve his sister

That's about all. It's completely unclear what will happen at winterfell, how the war with the WW with play out, and what the post-war world will look like. Two of the running threads will be Cersei's child and Dany's child. But the universe has really shrunk down from past seasons. GoT used to feel like this never-ending unknown universe. Now it's pretty much just KL and Winterfell.

I imagine some of these religious themes will play out in season 8. The Lord of Light, the Many-Faced God, etc.
Wanna know what 1 handed Jamie think he going do on his own

And how the hell they going wrap up cersei and the NK in 1 season
I'm intrigued by Jaime's decision to ride North. And if he's gonna have a reunion with Bran

Although Bran ain't really Bran anymore, idc.

Jaime has to have one of the best character turnarounds in television history.
raisin brans powers kinda shaky. he could see the past but didnt know that jon was a targ and not sand? i wonder if any of his other visions are cluttered?

tyrion finally had a redeeming episode. dude has taken Ls all season. he byke. i think danny gets pregnant and knowing his sister and danny are pregnant, it will cause him to make a tough choice. would suprise me if he crosses danny.

bronn is still that dude. that pod x bronn x tyrion reunion was great.

hound low key one of the best characters.

dis dude eurone is killing it with the fall 2017 gear.

i think jamie somehow gets his hand back on some magic steeze. he hurt that cersei is still playing for monopoly pieces when the night king is playing for keeps.

r. i. p. lf. wished they kept him until next season to meet up again with varys.

jon finally got them moist yambs.

someone mentioned cersei becoming the night queen. that would be nuts.

blue eyes wight dragon though.

would like to see area in battle. really hope with see jacq byke.

tormund isnt dead. they are not killing him like that. dude will be byke.

my predictions, somone sacrifices themselves to destroy the night king or someone sacrifices themselves to become the night king (jon, cersei or bran). i think both dragons die and become blue eyes wight dragons and the night king fuses them together. this real life yugioh tbh.

still think its bs that we have to wait until 2019.
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So how is the Night King gonna use the Dragon in war when he wants to grow his army?

That dragon doesn't make sense
Just need to burn the right ppl to death; Jon, Tyrion, Sansa, Jamie, etc.

Anyone who can be a leader or is smart enough to know how run an army.

I know NK wants to turn Dany. Easier As from there.
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