Who ends up sitting on the Iron Throne?

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How are they not gonna tell us if Tormond and Beric are dead?

Also, does anyone else get pissed off by how D.B. Weiss pronounces Cersei? He's a ******* writer and he can't even pronounce her name correctly.
When Cersei told Jamie that he's the most stupidest Lannister of all, Jamie looked broken
It would've been cool if he we finally heard the Night King's voice and he said Dracarys while on Viseyron.
So how is the Night King gonna use the Dragon in war when he wants to grow his army?

That dragon doesn't make sense

i dont think nk purpose is to grow the army. we dont know his purpose. im still wondering that episode when they picked the baby up and made it a white walker. but they were like in an ice home. wonder if they will expand on that.
Winterfell story line was butts. Sansa could have accused him of all those things without all the runaround with Arya. Big drawn out story for no reason while other things were being rushed. I thought Balish was here to serve a higher purpose and they made him cry lol.
LOL of course i come in here and people are hating.

How y'all hating on the name choice of Aegon? Id almost guarantee thats from George RR himself, no way it would make sense for him to allow a different name for the most important character in the whole story.

yeah, it's the Targaryen name to have but it's still a wack *** name
Just finished...
Cersei was sawft. Allowed Tyrion to live and Jamie to get away with treason
Jon doing it for the culture. ol inbred Targ
Theon growing a set of balls :lol:

DWight dragon :pimp:
Tormund survive or nah?
Graphics were kinda weak when they had the Night King riding
Yeah the Winterfell storyline was a bit much but Sansa is a slow learner like she said. She didn't realize LF was scheming against her until Ayra came into the picture. So it wouldn't make sense for Sansa to accuse him of all that upfront




NK stylin, making Viserion flourish.
This show deserves better writing. The second to last season shouldn't have big dips in quality. d&d screwing over the fans with not giving us the usual 10 episodes a season. We don't wanna hear that stupid budget excuse. The biggest show in the world that sells a ton of merchandise and gets big ratings shouldn't have budget concerns.
Amazing episode. Speechless.
Man I agree.
I can look....let me stop, I'm about as critical as they come with Television in regard to what I expect and how I think showrunners should be giving it.....
......and while there is plenty room for critique and negs, man I just can't do it because I understand the caps or lack of time or just am plain okay with a soft serve portion as it winds down.

I want it to end where everyone, all show watchers can grasp what happened, not just us snobs.
I don't need Shakespeare here, Shel Silverstein slash Dr. Suess is plenty satisfying for me, but that's just me and my concession...I can understand complaints...especially the genuine ones.
This show deserves better writing. The second to last season shouldn't have big dips in quality. d&d screwing over the fans with not giving us the usual 10 episodes a season. We don't wanna hear that stupid budget excuse. The biggest show in the world that sells a ton of merchandise and gets big ratings shouldn't have budget concerns.
Show becoming bastardized but at least it hasn't reached Walking Dead status yet

I'm really hoping the White Walker storyline doesn't get dull. Can't wait to see the Golden Company
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