Who ends up sitting on the Iron Throne?

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Only season 1

You get a pass.

I watched season 2 before season 1 so I dont know the feeling of season 2 being a let down.

Really enjoyed it.

.....not yet...:lol:


Watch season 2 first.
dude did his work.. he could sit back and watch the chaos play out

as soon as you give up an asset, sansa, to a family you know you cant trust for shhh (red wedding) even if he had zero clue how crazy ramsey is/was on top of it.. dude was taking Ls

there is a reason he's doing exactly what i said in the books.. in the books he still has sansa and more importantly is still alive with his feet kicked up
Dont try to reference the books when the show has clearly moved past those events :rofl: That's ridiculous. Everybody still waiting on Winds of Winter.

Like damn, I could say LF waited and saw the chaos unfold while he was Lord of the Vale and had Sansa with him posing as someone else.

Hell there's a reason he said its time the Vale joined the fray when they went to go save the Starks. How much time you think has been passing on the show?
Just like putting Arya with tywin, there was zero practical reason for it to happen other than for the show and to get 2 characters together while storylines are being cut

You can't have Sansa and littlefinger just sitting up in the vale chilling while you run the jeyne poole/"arya stark" storyline

Given everything that was already happening, what practically could littlefinger have done that he already didn't do?

Dany with her dragons were the only legit threat as long as they remained in vale and obviously they were focused on other things.. while the vale has an army that army is comparable to the dornish.. and littlefinger is far from a fighter or general

Littlefinger was essentially a sports team locked into their playoff seed and decide they'll risk their starters on an otherwise meaningless game, only to get some hurt

He literally risked his neck and a legit asset to help Sansa finally grow up and get a backbone
He wanted to be king of the north bro.

And giving Sansa to the boltons does that how?

And if they did promise something, why trust em when at the very least you're well aware of what they did to the Starks?
And giving Sansa to the boltons does that how?

And if they did promise something, why trust em when at the very least you're well aware of what they did to the Starks?

Would be easier with Bolton and try to convence him to come out of some property. But Ramsey a psychppath.

Do we know what Sansa was traded for? I don't remember what was in exchange. They forced her into marriage
Would be easier with Bolton and try to convence him to come out of some property. But Ramsey a psychppath.

Do we know what Sansa was traded for? I don't remember what was in exchange. They forced her into marriage

Even if littlefinger has zero clue how crazy ramsay is.. they're still the boltons, with the whole skinning people thing

And then you, as everyone should, remember that they broke their oath and betrayed the starks with everything that went down at the red wedding

Plus the whole “guest right” thing
This little argument about varys and little finger got me wondering, how many times in the show or the book was Varys in danger of being killed? Whether directly threatened or implied? When he was on the run with Tyrion yes. But did cercei ever threaten him? LF try to put a hit on him? I can’t remember. It seems like he’s skated pretty smooth through the seasons but I know I’m forgetting a lot of stuff. LF was threatened on the daily :lol:
Considering littlefinger literally got grabbed by the throat by people.. and cersei legit gave him the pump fake when he was trying explain power the bar is set high

I guess when the red witch tells him he has to die in that land when Jon arrives in dragonstone.. and then dany questions him by saying he served her father and then the guy who usurped her father.. but other than those when he was a kid and lost his sword and stones
LF also talks slick right in your face.
Varys dont.
So LF being mad flagrant and still alive is credit all in itself
From the people he was talking slick to. Im not talking about these putz who claiming hes alive now
And stayed alive up until arya. Slinging balls of steel around to talk trash to all those people and keep his head
I hate LF but he is the GOAT finesser of the 7 kingdoms...the exchange between him and Varys was one of my favorite scenes of the whole series
LF is best finesser and manipulator. Also 1 of the top coming up from the bottom stories along with Bronn
Surprised people let fingerlittle run his mouth so much. In Westeros they kill you for any reason.
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