Who ends up sitting on the Iron Throne?

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Just remembered Jamie is heading North. We better get a Jon & Jamie vs. White Walkers scene this season.
I don't know if you guys have ever discussed it, but Jamie is the character who has gone thru the most change, is that correct?

Cersei has been a c word from jump, still is.
Jon been honorable from jump, still is.
Arya was always a little bad ***, still is.
Sansa has simply matured/aged.
Bronn always been Bronn.
Brienne always been the same.
Hound has always been the same.
Tyrion has changed a little bit.
Danerys always been the same, just growing/aging.
Baelish always gonna Baelish.

But Jamie, he came out the gate cocky as ****, talkin trash to Ned. Arrogant, douchy, spoiled, runnin with the pub from killing the mad King from behind, like his sister.

But then he's captured, and loses his hand, he starts to chill. He is cool to Brienne. Saves her. He saves his brother. Now he wants to help the North fight the White Walkers, despite Cersei saying no. I loathed him early, but then noticed he was cool a couple times I didn't expect, then got a little cocky again, then totally turned and made me actually like his character quite a bit more. I don't remember swinging back and forth on any other characters like that. I came around on some characters, like grew to like them a little more, but with Jamie, I swung back and forth from scene to scene seemingly.

Am I way off based?
Hound and Jamie changed bro.

both humbled and more understanding.

Especially the hound. Dude was terrible at one point. Remember he killed that little girls dad for some pocket change.

Brienne humbled that boy.
Daenerys changed for the worse. She went from asking people to join her if they believed in her, to threatening to use her dragons on anyone that doesn't bend the knee (regardless of whether they did anything wrong or not)
Am I the only one lightweight crushing on Cersei tho?? Idk...she got that short cut, started wearing all black and became queen and is so cold hearted....wood.
I don’t know if he’s really changed all that much. He did everything in support of his family first and foremost. He came off as a **** because he would go against Ned and other characters we cared about, but if you look at it from his perspective then he’s always gonna put the lion first.

I do agree with you that the hand off did humble him, but if he didn’t have the hand in season 1 I think his character would have still been the same.

But I think he is the most complex character of the show since he has ties to characters we both love and hate.
Reek been through it too.

Seems as though he's changed his selfish, cowardly ways. At least it was portrayed as though he turned the page on his past f**kery.
Am I the only one lightweight crushing on Cersei tho?? Idk...she got that short cut, started wearing all black and became queen and is so cold hearted....wood.

I wouldn't say crushing, but I joined her side when she decided to take out those religious freaks and Sand Snakes (who were some of the WOAT characters ever put on TV).

Blowing up the Sept and unleashing the Mountain on Septa Unella :pimp:

Her punishment for Ellaria and Tyene :wow: No one deserved it more than them.

The only issue I have with her is that she's too stubborn to put @#$@ aside to fight the White Walkers, but I honestly want them to win anyway.
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once jaime lost his hand, that was a wrap real quick for that ego.. dude was basically boobie miles

does bran stark count? or what about the mountain?

i dont know if i'd include the hound cause he always seemed reluctant when doing shhh for joffrey/the crown

tyrion, was basically a party boy when we first saw him.. and once he was provided with an opportunity he showed his value.. ditto at the battle of blackwater, where we saw dude running for cover early on in the season
Daenerys changed for the worse. She went from asking people to join her if they believed in her, to threatening to use her dragons on anyone that doesn't bend the knee (regardless of whether they did anything wrong or not)
What’s she suppose to do tho when she’s coming for the Throne? Ask nicely?

From her perspective the throne is hers by right, so she’s going to come off as aggressive since it was taken away from her family.
What’s she suppose to do tho when she’s coming for the Throne? Ask nicely?

From her perspective the throne is hers by right, so she’s going to come off as aggressive since it was taken away from her family.

All I'm saying is that the show made a point in the first few seasons about how she can't win over the people by force. Since she freed the Unsullied, she has shown absolutely nothing that would make her a good queen, and now she bypasses earning respect from the people with just threatening to burn everyone to death.

That's fine, but it just makes her like any other power hungry king/queen rather than someone I actively root for.
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Dae Dae def changed. I'm not mad though. Started off as this sweet innocent girl. But she's gone through some ****. Experienced some ****. Had to make tough decisions and consider all the consequences. Plus her pops the mad king, so you know she got some bi-polar in there lol.
All I'm saying is that the show made a point in the first few seasons about how she can't win over the people by force. Since she freed the Unsullied, she has shown absolutely nothing that would make her a good queen, and now she bypasses earning respect with just threatening to burn everyone to death.
I’m sure raping has minimized against Dothraki women. But that’s all I can think of right now :lol:

But her actually agreeing to meet with Cersi for the better of Westeros after saving Jon Snow should not go unnoticed. She could have easily just brought the dragons to Kings Landing and murked all them foo’s and took the throne right then and there and then help Jon save Westeros.
Started my rewatch of the entire series last week. Just finished EP 9 last night when they captured Jaimie and going to finish season 1 tonight.

I didn't read any of the books so seeing Ned get the axe back then and now still trips me out on how they really killed the main character :lol:
Started my rewatch of the entire series last week. Just finished EP 9 last night when they captured Jaimie and going to finish season 1 tonight.

I didn't read any of the books so seeing Ned get the axe back then and now still trips me out on how they really killed the main character :lol:

the main character, in season 1. that is still trippy to me too bro. was that from the book, does anyone know? Sean Bean piss off R.R. Martin or something lol
I’m sure raping has minimized against Dothraki women. But that’s all I can think of right now :lol:

But her actually agreeing to meet with Cersi for the better of Westeros after saving Jon Snow should not go unnoticed. She could have easily just brought the dragons to Kings Landing and murked all them foo’s and took the throne right then and there and then help Jon save Westeros.

True. I was just expecting her to story to show how people in Westeros were hearing about all the great things she was doing across the sea, and how the Westeros common people would welcome someone like that to rule, instead of the tyrants and drunks they've had to deal with (which even her advisors were heavily emphasizing in the first few seasons).

What they've shown us so far is that no one in Westeros knows anything about her beliefs, policies, plans to help the common folk, etc.; they just know she has dragons and demands to be queen by right. What happened to her plan of "breaking the wheel" (her own words)

I was happy that Jon was telling her to @#$@ off with that "bend the knee" nonsense, until the end of last season where he does a complete 180 and calls her his queen.
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