Who ends up sitting on the Iron Throne?

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I doubt it.. I gave up after book 2 cause when book 6 never came like 2 years ago or whatever when it was originally suppose to drop

I mean I know what goes down cause I read a ton of info.. but I don't wanna get that invested just to get screwed by not getting the final 2 books

You should at least read book 3. That’s the best one damnit. Feel free to stop after that :lol:
I've definitely read the first 2.. can't remember where I got in 3.. but I know the details of all.. whenever the show would start back up, I just gave up and didn't go back since I knew another book was suppose to drop and didn't want to binge 5 books and have to wait

Still disappointed they deviated earlier than they had to thou.. I get cutting characters and storylines.. also wasn't a huge fan of some of the changes to get certain characters together just for the sake of the show
Yea once you don't get caught up in the amount of characters early on, you're gucci
Book 4 and 5 was harder to get through but on my 3rd read through it shines so much light on a lot of things. Danys chapters were the hardest to get through. Theres ebook out there that puts them both together in the chronological order it needs to be in. Much more enjoyable to read.
Theres only 1 thing in the show that i thought made more sense than in the book but its the sansa stuff getting out the vale. Its not better persay but it makes sense
Sittimg on your *** and waiting things out after creating chaos so you could come up and become king is the dumbest thing ive heard in regards to what LF should've done.

IATT IATT has to be trolling you tdogg2k tdogg2k
dude did his work.. he could sit back and watch the chaos play out

as soon as you give up an asset, sansa, to a family you know you cant trust for shhh (red wedding) even if he had zero clue how crazy ramsey is/was on top of it.. dude was taking Ls

there is a reason he's doing exactly what i said in the books.. in the books he still has sansa and more importantly is still alive with his feet kicked up
:rofl: I'm so behind. Guarantee I drop hella old info in here in the next few months that I'm just now learning hahaha.

Like what has been stopping you from watching until now?

I feel like the people who haven't watched by now are never going to watch.

Like me and the Sopranos
Like what has been stopping you from watching until now?

I feel like the people who haven't watched by now are never going to watch.

Like me and the Sopranos
Bro...I dead *** just started sopranos on Sunday after people gassed the anniversary :lol:

Bro tbh I was just like 3-4 yrs late even hearing about it in the very beginning so I was already behind on the first few seasons. I be late on most shows man, Dexter, breaking bad, wire, oz, everything watched when they were all done hahaha. Plus I like instant gratification. I hate the week to week, season to season wait. Most of the goat shows I've missed completely til they completed lol. GOT was on my timeline for yrs and I had hella friends tryna put me on, but outside of shoes I rarely buy into hype lol. Finally was bored one day last yr and started it. It was good but i still had a hard time fully getting into and relating to it. Got to season 4 and then stopped watching for like 8 months loll. Picked it back up like 2.5 weeks ago and shot through 3 seasons in those 2 weeks lol. Now im bugging til April lol.
Bro...I dead *** just started sopranos on Sunday after people gassed the anniversary :lol:

Bro tbh I was just like 3-4 yrs late even hearing about it in the very beginning so I was already behind on the first few seasons. I be late on most shows man, Dexter, breaking bad, wire, oz, everything watched when they were all done hahaha. Plus I like instant gratification. I hate the week to week, season to season wait. Most of the goat shows I've missed completely til they completed lol. GOT was on my timeline for yrs and I had hella friends tryna put me on, but outside of shoes I rarely buy into hype lol. Finally was bored one day last yr and started it. It was good but i still had a hard time fully getting into and relating to it. Got to season 4 and then stopped watching for like 8 months loll. Picked it back up like 2.5 weeks ago and shot through 3 seasons in those 2 weeks lol. Now im bugging til April lol.

But have you watched True Detectives?
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